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    Empedoclean Nature: Nietzsche’s Critique of Teleology and the Organism through Goethe and Kant
    International Studies in Philosophy 31 (3): 111-122. 1999.
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    The Figure of (Self-)Sacrifice in Hegel's Naturphilosophie
    Philosophy Today 41 (Supplement): 41-48. 1997.
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    Introduction: Losing our heads -- Kristeva and Benjamin: melancholy and the allegorical imagination -- Kenotic art: negativity, iconoclasm, inscription -- To be and remain foreign: tarrying with l'inquietante etrangete alongside Arendt -- And Kafka -- Sublimating maman: experience, time, and the re-erotization of existence in -- Kristeva's reading of Marcel Proust -- The "Orestes Complex": thinking hatred, forgiveness, Greek tragedy, and the -- Cinema of the "thought specular" with Hegel, Freud,…Read more
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    Bodies and the Power of Vulnerability
    Philosophy Today 46 (Supplement): 102-112. 2002.
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    Kenosis, Economy, Inscription
    Journal of French and Francophone Philosophy 21 (1): 120-126. 2013.
    Part of a roundtable on Julia Kristeva's The Severed Head: Chapters Five and Six of Julia Kristeva’s The Severed Head
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    Echoes of Beauty: In Memory of Pleshette DeArmitt
    Journal of French and Francophone Philosophy 23 (2): 67-75. 2015.
    There is a special poignancy to the fact that Pleshette DeArmitt's essay "Sarah Kofman's Art of Affirmation" foregrounds Freud's essay "On Transience," in which he muses on the fact that beauty seems to be inextricably linked to a fleeting existence. As DeArmitt writes, "beauty, even in full flowering, foreshadows its own demise, causing what Freud describes as 'a foretaste of mourning.'" Such a transience, in Freud's mind, increases rather than decreases the worth of all that is beautiful. In h…Read more