•  44
    Liability and Just Cause
    Ethics and International Affairs 21 (2): 199-218. 2007.
    This paper is a response to Jeff McMahan's "Just Cause for War". It defends a more permissive, and more traditional view of just war liability against McMahan's claims.
  •  2
    In the mid twentieth century the philosopher Ludwig Wittgenstein famously asserted that games are indefinable; there are no common threads that link them all. "Nonsense," says the sensible Bernard Suits: "playing a game is a voluntary attempt to overcome unnecessary obstacles." The short book Suits wrote demonstrating precisely that is as playful as it is insightful, as stimulating as it is delightful. Suits not only argues that games can be meaningfully defined; he also suggests that playing ga…Read more
  • From the Editorial Board
    Canadian Journal of Philosophy 30 (2): 5-5. 2000.
  •  185
    Sidgwick on Consequentialism and Deontology: A Critique
    Utilitas 26 (2): 129-152. 2014.
    InThe Methods of EthicsHenry Sidgwick argued against deontology and for consequentialism. More specifically, he stated four conditions for self-evident moral truth and argued that, whereas no deontological principles satisfy all four conditions, the principles that generate consequentialism do. This article argues that both his critique of deontology and his defence of consequentialism fail, largely for the same reason: that he did not clearly grasp the concept W. D. Ross later introduced of a p…Read more
  •  93
    Rights and Capital Punishment
    Dialogue 21 (4): 647-660. 1982.
    Discussions of the morality of capital punishment, and indeed discussions of the morality of punishment in general, usually assume that there are two possible justifications of punishment, a deterrence justification associated with utilitarianism and other consequentialist moral theories, and a retributive justification associated with deontological moral theories. But now that rights-based theories are attracting the increasing attention of moral philosophers it is worth asking whether these th…Read more
  •  185
    Value theory
    In David Copp (ed.), The Oxford handbook of ethical theory, Oxford University Press. pp. 357--379. 2006.
    This chapter surveys a variety of views about which states of affairs are intrinsically good, that is, in themselves or apart from their consequences. It considers the claims to intrinsic value of such states of individuals as pleasure, the fulfillment of desire, knowledge, achievement, moral virtue, and personal relationships; the different ways such goods can be compared and aggregated both within and across individual lives; and the possibility, given a principle of “organic unities,” of good…Read more
  •  48
    Desert: Individualistic and holistic
    In Serena Olsaretti (ed.), Desert and justice, Oxford University Press. pp. 45--45. 2003.
    Serena Olsaretti brings together new essays by leading moral and political philosophers on the nature of desert and justice, their relations with each other and with other values.
  •  59
    I became interested in normative ethics in my last term as a philosophy undergraduate at the University of Toronto. Influenced by a traditional conception of the discipline, I’d till then studied mostly history of philosophy, with a special interest in, of all things, Hegel. But seeing the value of a balanced philosophy program, I enrolled in an ethics seminar in the winter of 1975. I’d studied the ethics of Plato, Leibniz, Hegel, and others in my history courses, but this was my first exposure …Read more
  •  68
    Underivative duty: British moral philosophers from Sidgwick to Ewing (edited book)
    Oxford University Press. 2011.
    These ten new essays by leading contemporary philosophers constitute the first collective study of a group of British moral philosophers active between the ...
  • Bart Schultz, ed., Essays on Henry Sidgwick (review)
    Philosophy in Review 12 356-359. 1992.
  •  191
    Moore in the middle
    Ethics 113 (3): 599-628. 2003.
    The rhetoric of Principia Ethica, as of not a few philosophy books, is that of the clean break. Moore claims that the vast majority of previous writing on ethics has been misguided and that an entirely new start is needed. In its time, however, the book’s claims to novelty were widely disputed. Reviews in Mind, Ethics, and The Journal of Philosophy applauded the clarity of Moore’s criticisms of Mill, Spencer, and others, but said they were “not altogether original,” had for the most part “alread…Read more
  •  125
    Two kinds of satisficing
    Philosophical Studies 59 (1). 1990.
    Michael Slote has defended a moral view that he calls "satisficing consequentialism." Less demanding than maximizing consequentialism, it requires only that agents bring about consequences that are "good enough." I argue that Slote's characterization of satisficing is ambiguous. His idea of consequences' being "good enough" admits of two interpretations, with different implications in (some) particular cases. One interpretation I call "absolute-level" satisficing, the other "comparative" satisfi…Read more
  •  96
  •  40
    The consequences of war
    In N. Ann Davis, Richard Keshen & Jeff McMahan (eds.), Ethics and humanity: themes from the philosophy of Jonathan Glover, Oxford University Press. 2010.
    to appear in N. Ann Davis, Richard Keshen, and Jeff McMahan, eds., Ethics and Humanity: Themes From the Writing of Jonathan Glover (New York: Oxford University Press).
  •  74
    Five questions about normative ethics
    In Jesper Ryberg & Thomas S. Peterson (eds.), Normative Ethics: Five Questions, Automatic Press/vip. 2007.
    in Thomas S. Petersen and Jesper Ryberg, eds., Normative Ethics: 5 Questions.
  •  286
    Why Value Autonomy?
    Social Theory and Practice 13 (3): 361-382. 1987.
  •  182
    Value and population size
    Ethics 93 (3): 496-507. 1982.
    Just because an angel is better than a stone, it does not follow that two angels are better than one angel and one stone. So said Aquinas (Summa contra Gentiles III, 71), and the sentiment was echoed by Leibniz. In section 118 of the Theodicy he wrote: "No substance is either absolutely precious or absolutely contemptible in the sight of God. It is certain that God attaches more importance to a man than to a lion, but I do not know that we can bc sure that he prefers one man to an entire species…Read more
  •  4
    Critical Notice
    Mind 97 (387). 1988.
  •  106
    Normative ethics: back to the future
    In Brian Leiter (ed.), The future for philosophy, Oxford University Press. 2004.
  •  114
    The Three Faces of Flourishing
    Social Philosophy and Policy 16 (1): 44. 1999.
    To my knowledge, the term “flourishing” was introduced into contemporary philosophy in Elizabeth Anscombe's 1958 article “Modern Moral Philosophy.” In this article and in much of the writing subsequent to it, the concept of flourishing seems to have three principal facets, or to be associated with three philosophical views
  •  10
    Book reviews (review)
    Mind 104 (413): 178-182. 1995.
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  •  63
    The Geometry of Desert, by Shelly Kagan
    Mind 125 (498): 598-604. 2016.
  •  32
    Though primarily focussed on philosophy of language, metaphysics, and epistemology, Scott Soames’s Philosophical Analysis in the Twentieth Century contains several discussions of ethics. Volume 1 contains two chapters on Moore’s ethics, one on the emotivism of Ayer and Stevenson, and one on Ross; Volume 2 adds a chapter on Hare’s prescriptivism. The bulk of the Moore chapters as well as the ones on emotivism and Hare concern metaethics, but there is also discussion of Moore’s normative views and…Read more
  •  24
    This volume contains selected essays in moral and political philosophy by Thomas Hurka. The essays address a wide variety of topics, from the well-rounded life and the value of playing games to proportionality in war and the ethics of nationalism. They also share a common aim: to illuminate the surprising richness and subtlety of our everyday moral thought by revealing its underlying structure, which they often do by representing that structure on graphs. More specifically, the essays all give w…Read more