•  102
    Douglas Joel Butler 1957-1991
    Proceedings and Addresses of the American Philosophical Association 65 (5). 1992.
    APA Memorial Minutes.
  •  1
    Rationality and Alienation
    Canadian Journal of Philosophy, Supplementary Volume 15 (n/a): 449-466. 1989.
    Two decades ago, problems of alienation and fetishism were the focus of most English speaking studies of Marx’s philosophy. More recent work on Marx and Marxist themes has tended to avoid these questions in favor of discussions of explanation, exploitation, distributive justice and problems of class formation and co-ordination. The latter set of problems seem more readily addressable, if not always more tractable, using contemporary tools drawn from the philosophy of science, as well as methods …Read more
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    Gauthier's Liberal Individual
    Dialogue 28 (1): 63-. 1989.
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    Equality, Luck, and Responsibility
    Philosophy and Public Affairs 23 (1): 3-23. 1994.
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    Thomas Scanlon, What We Owe to Each Other (review)
    Philosophy in Review 20 62-65. 2000.
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    Beyond the Harm Principle
    Philosophy and Public Affairs 34 (3): 215-245. 2006.
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    In A Theory of Justice, Rawls makes almost no mention of the issues of justice that animated philosophers in earlier centuries. There is no discussion of justice between persons, issues that Aristotle sought to explain under the idea of “corrective justice.” Nor is there discussion, except in passing, of punishment, another primary focus of the social contract approaches of Locke, Rousseau and Kant.1 My aim in this article is to argue that implicit in Rawls’s writing is a powerful and persuasive…Read more
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    Strictly Speaking—It Went Without Saying
    with Brian Langille
    Legal Theory 2 (1): 63-81. 1996.
    Herbert Simon once observed that watching an ant make its way across the uneven surface of a beach, one can easily be impressed—too impressed—with the foresight and complexity of the ant's internal map of the beach. Simon went on to point out that such an attribution of complexity to the ant makes a serious mistake. Most of the complexity is not in the ant but in the beach. The ant is just complex enough to use the features of the beach to find its way.
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    Law and disagreement
    Philosophical Review 110 (4): 611-614. 2001.
    Author Jeremy Waldron has thoroughly revised thirteen of his most recent essays in order to offer a comprehensive critique of the idea of the judicial review of legislation. He argues that a belief in rights is not the same as a commitment to a Bill of Rights. This book presents legislation by a representative assembly as a form of law making which is especially apt for a society whose members disagree with one another about fundamental issues of principle
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    Reclaiming Proportionality
    Journal of Applied Philosophy 33 (3). 2016.
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    Justice and Responsibility
    Canadian Journal of Law and Jurisprudence 17 (2): 361-386. 2004.
    I argue that institutions charged with giving justice must understand responsibility in terms of norms governing what people are entitled to expect of each other. On this conception, the sort of responsibility that is of interest to private law or distributive justice is not a relation between a person and the consequence, but rather a relation between persons with respect to consequences. As a result, nonrelational facts about a person’s actions and the circumstances in which she performs them …Read more
  • Phl 370s Issues in the Philosophy of Law
    Custom Publishing Service, University of Toronto Bookstores. 1999.
  •  80
    Form and Matter in Kantian Political Philosophy: A Reply
    European Journal of Philosophy 20 (3): 487-496. 2012.
    This paper responds briefly to four reviews of Force and Freedom. Valentini and Sangiovanni criticize what they see as the excessive formalism of the Kantian enterprise, contending that the Kantian project is circular, because it defines rights and freedom together, and that this circularity renders it unable to say anything determinate about appropriate restrictions and permissions. I show that the appearance of circularity arises from a misconstrual of the Kantian idea of a right. Properly und…Read more
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    Critical notice too much invested to quit
    Economics and Philosophy 20 (1): 185-208. 2004.
    Faculty of Law and Department of Philosophy, University of Toronto 1. INTRODUCTION The economic analysis of law has gone through a remarkable change in the past decade and a half. The founding articles of the discipline – such classic pieces as Ronald Coase’s “The problem of social cost” (1960), Richard Posner’s “A theory of negligence” (1972) and Guido Calabresi and Douglas Malamed’s “Property rules, liability rules, and inalienability: One view of the cathedral” (1972) – offered economic analy…Read more
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    The Ideal Libertarian
    Dialogue 29 (2): 285-. 1990.
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    Just War, Regular War, and Perpetual Peace
    Kant Studien 107 (1): 179-195. 2016.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Kant-Studien Jahrgang: 107 Heft: 1 Seiten: 179-195.
  •  27
    In Force and freedom: Kant's legal and political philosophy, Harvard University Press. pp. 389-399. 2009.
  •  3
    Equality, Responsibility, and the Law
    Cambridge University Press. 1998.
    This book examines responsibility and luck as these issues arise in tort law, criminal law, and distributive justice. The central question is: whose bad luck is a particular piece of misfortune? Arthur Ripstein argues that there is a general set of principles to be found that clarifies responsibility in those cases where luck is most obviously an issue: accidents, mistakes, emergencies, and failed attempts at crime. In revealing how the problems that arise in tort and criminal law as well as dis…Read more
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    Commodity Fetishism
    Canadian Journal of Philosophy 17 (4). 1987.
    Criticism and sarcasm are interspersed with description and analysis throughout Marx's work. Most of the criticism is aimed at one or another side of a single target: what Marx sees as capitalism's pretensions of freedom, equality, and prosperity in the face of exploitation and recurrent crises. But the remarks on commodity fetishism in the first volume of Capital seem to be directed at a different target. Here Marx tells us that a commodity is ‘a queer thing, abounding in metaphysical subtletie…Read more
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    Prohibition and preemption
    Legal Theory 5 (3): 235-263. 1999.
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    Three duties to rescue: Moral, civil, and criminal (review)
    Law and Philosophy 19 (6): 751-779. 2000.
    No Abstract