•  12
    Introduction: semiotricity
    with Pascal Bordes and Raúl Martínez-Santos
    Semiotica 2022 (248): 1-8. 2022.
    Résumé Considéré comme l’action individuelle par excellence, le dribble renvoie le plus souvent à l’exercice d’une maîtrise technique que seuls quelques protagonistes d’exceptions sont à même d’exécuter. Cette image purement descriptive, centrée sur le seul pratiquant, n’entretient qu’un lointain rapport avec la réalité de ce qui constitue la raison d’être profonde de cette action motrice. Le dribble, entendue comme un acte qui consiste à conduire un objet, – une balle, un palet –, en alternant …Read more
  • In memoriam: Jorge Pérez Ballestar (1926-2009)
    Anuario Filosófico 9. 2010.
  •  11
    Signe, science et jeux sportif : esquisse de sémiotricité triadique
    with Raúl Martínez-Santos
    Semiotica 2022 (248): 77-103. 2022.
    Résumé Depuis 1959, Pierre Parlebas tente de développer une éducation physique scientifique centrée sur la personne qui se meut et non plus sur le mouvement produit ou observé. La pierre angulaire de ce virage copernicien est un concept plein de résonances sémiologiques: la conduite motrice, entendue comme « organisation signifiante du comportement moteur ». En fait, sa proposition pédagogique est toujours allée de pair avec un projet épistémologique dont le noyau dur est une sémiologie de la mo…Read more
  •  11
    It is not easy to explain what pragmatism is. Everybody who has had to teach pragmatism to university students has found herself or himself in a difficult situation trying to make a clear exposition. Moreover, it was not easy for Charles S. Peirce himself to explain in a simple manner the pragmatic maxim. In this contribution, I will not go into the technicalities of the pragmatic maxim, but I will share the fruits of my reflection of many years about how pragmatism can be more easily understood…Read more
  •  40
    Charles S. Peirce and the Neglected Argument for the Reality of God
    Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 11 (1): 11-21. 2022.
    This paper aims, above all, to invite a direct reading of the article that Charles S. Peirce published in 1908 with the title “A Neglected Argument for the Reality of God.” More than a century after its original publication, that article by Peirce has not lost its relevance: its careful reading continues to provide a lot to think about. To this end, my presentation is organized in six sections: 1) introduction; 2) presentation of “A Neglected Argument for the Reality of God”; 3) the notion of re…Read more
  •  6
    Charles Peirce and the Hispanic World
    In Gregory Fernando Pappas (ed.), Pragmatism in the Americas, Fordham University Press. pp. 53-68. 2011.
  •  14
    The Cosmopolitan Peirce: His European Travels
    Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 56 (2): 190-198. 2020.
    Charles S. Peirce traveled to Europe on five different occasions.1 The five trips took place between 1870 and 1883, all of them in the service of the Coast and Geodetic Survey, at the time the chief scientific agency of the United States. Those trips—which covered a total of thirty-eight months—were a rich mixture of scientific research and tourism, of communication with other scientists and of enjoyment of the artistic treasures of Europe. The impact of this extensive travelling was so importan…Read more
  •  5
    A Plea for a Peircean Turn in Analytic Philosophy
    The Paideia Archive: Twentieth World Congress of Philosophy 2 20-26. 1998.
    Criticisms of analytic philosophy have increased in intensity in the last decade, denouncing specifically its closing in on itself, which results in barrenness and ignorance of real human problems. The thought of C. S. Peirce is proposed as a fruitful way of renewing the analytic tradition and obviating these criticisms. While this paper is largely a reflection on Hilary Putnam’s study of the historical development of analytic philosophy, not only can some of its main roots be traced back to Pei…Read more
  •  206
    El estudio de C. S. Peirce en el mundo hispánico
    In John Alexander Cruz Morales, Lorena Ham & Arnold Oostra (eds.), Universales relativos. Festschrift Zalamea 2019, . pp. 97-104. 2019.
    Es realmente un honor y un gusto para mí poder acompañar a Fernando Zalamea y a sus numerosos discípulos en la celebración de sus 60 años. En mi breve texto, deseo dar noticia de su colaboración con nuestro Grupo de Estudios Peirceanos y del importantísimo catálogo que constituye la Bibliografía Peirceana Hispánica (1883- 2000) por él preparada y que publicamos en un volumen conjunto en el año 2006 [Nubiola & Zalamea 2006].
  •  297
    In this article we wish to share the work in which the Group of Peirce Studies of the University of Navarra has been involved since 2007: the study of a very interesting part of the extensive correspondence of Charles S. Peirce, specifically, his European letters. Peirce wrote some of these letters over the course of his five trips to Europe (between 1870 and 1883), and wrote others to the many European scientists and intellectuals he communicated with over the course of his life. The translatio…Read more
  •  282
    El pragmatismo de Susan Haack
    Estudios Filosóficos 68 (1): 441-452. 2018.
    Abstract: Faced with the thesis of the exhaustion of analytic philosophy, the work of Susan Haack shows a process of deep transformation within analytical philosophy. Instead of considering the analytic tradition as an abrupt breakdown with classical pragmatism, the resurgence of pragmatism in the last decades endorses, on the contrary, the continuity between both movements. In this process Susan Haack's work has a decisive role. This paper around the pragmatism of Susan Haack is organized into …Read more
  •  356
    ¿Tiene sentido en el siglo XXI una filosofía cristiana?
    Fe y Libertad 1 (2): 35-54. 2018.
    En este artículo se estudia con cierto detenimiento y con abundantes textos la relación entre filosofía, fe y cultura cristiana, que ha resultado a veces problemática, quizá porque se tenía una concepción racionalista de la filosofía -casi asimilable a las matemáticas- o porque se creía erróneamente que un cristiano no podía ser un verdadero filósofo. La exposición está organizada a grandes rasgos en sentido histórico con una primera sección dedicada al impacto del cristianismo en la filosofía a…Read more
  •  677
    In this paper Peirce's notion of sign is studied to try to characterize the artistic sign as representation. Then, some considerations about the work of art as a sign are developed involving three elements: experience, expression and interpretation. Finally it is concluded that beauty requires for Peirce a peculiar balance, the imaginative conjunction of the sensible and the reasonable in an artistic sign; it requires moreover the expression of something that transcends the sensible; it requires…Read more
  •  236
    La atención relativamente escasa que los estudiosos del filósofo y científico norteamericano Charles S. Peirce (1839-1914) han prestado a lo largo de los años a la dimensión religiosa de su pensamiento siempre me ha resultado un tanto sorprendente. Desde mis primeras lecturas de Peirce me impresionó profundamente la ubicuidad de las referencias religiosas en sus escritos, especialmente en los años de madurez. En mis encuentros con reconocidos estudiosos peirceanos solía preguntarles acerca de Di…Read more
  •  403
    El papel de la lógica en los estudios institucionales
    In Enrique Alarcón, Agustin Echavarria, Miguel Garcia-Valdecasas & Rubén Pereda (eds.), Opere et veritate. Homenaje al profesor Ángel Luis González,, . pp. 571-583. 2018.
    En diciembre de 1996 fui invitado a impartir una sesión a profesores de lógica en los estudios institucionales del Studium Generale de la Prelatura del Opus Dei. En aquella ocasión preparé concienzudamente un texto escrito que pasé a mi querido y admirado colega Ángel Luis González para su revisión. Pocos días después Ángel Luis me lo devolvió con unas pocas correcciones y sugerencias y un alentador “¡Mucho ánimo!” en su encabezamiento. Durante muchos años conservé ese texto con s…Read more
  •  222
    El pensamiento analógico en el lenguaje jurídico
    Anthropos. Cuadernos de Cultura Crítica y Conocimiento, 249 59-74. 2017.
    La propuesta metodológica de la «Analytical Jurisprudence» o escuela analítica del Derecho encabezada por H. L. A. Hart (1907-1992) abrió un nuevo espacio de reflexión en el ámbito jurídico anglosajón al emplear el análisis del significado de las palabras como medio para dilucidar la estructura del pensamiento jurídico. Hart, miembro del grupo de Oxford, aplicó una nueva sensibilidad por las distinciones lógicas y lingüísticas a la filosofía del derecho (PANNAM, 2008) y aportó a l…Read more
  •  12
    Complexity According to Peirce
    The Commens Encyclopedia: The Digital Encyclopedia of Peirce Studies. 2000.
    In a world of ever-growing specialization, the issue of complexity attracts a good amount of attention from cross-disciplinary points of view. Charles S. Peirce’s thought may help not only to shoulder once again philosophical responsibility which has been largely abdicated by much of 20th century philosophy, but also to tackle some of the most stubborn contemporary problems. The founder of pragmatism identified one century ago most of these problems, and he also mapped out some paths that may be…Read more
  •  560
    Twenty years ago I put a sign on the door to my office —and it’s still there— with the sentence of Peirce that I have used in my title: "The life of science is in the desire to learn" (CP 1.235, c.1902). I learned this quote from the late professor of logic at MIT, George Boolos. Like him, I put it on my door to invite students to come in to inquire, to ask questions, since their questions are not just the life of science, but also the sparks that inflame my passion for teaching. Those —professo…Read more
  •  14
    Pragmatism in the European Scene: the Heidelberg International Congress of Philosophy, 1908
    Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 72 (3): 381-399. 2017.
    The year 1908 is particularly relevant in the process of reception of pragmatism in Europe due to the 3rd International Congress of Philosophy held in September in Heidelberg. On that international event the "new philosophy" coming from America was in the center of the European stage. In this study, some of the evidence available about the reception of pragmatism in Europe on the occasion of the Heidelberg International Congress of Philosophy held in 1908 are collected and summarizes. The paper …Read more
  •  243
    Cincuenta años de Anuario Filosófico
    Anuario Filosófico 50 (1): 7-10. 2017.
    The celebration of 50 years of an academic journal of philosophy in Spanish invites to evaluate the work already done and to reconsider its role in the near future. Being a philosopher and doing philosophy in the 21st century demands a real blending of thought and life, a real learning of how to share quality scholarship with big audiences. The great technological changes that are affecting academic publications enable to venture a future in which it will be possible to reach more easily to a mu…Read more
  •  275
    The Reception of Peirce in Spain and the Spanish Speaking Countries
    with Sara Barrena
    European Journal of Pragmatism and American Philosophy 6 (1). 2014.
    A surprising fact about the Hispanic philosophical historiography2 of the 20th century is its almost complete ignorance of the American philosophical tradition. This disconnect is even more surprising when one takes into account the striking affinities between the topics and problems treated by the most relevant Hispanic thinkers (Unamuno, Ortega, Vaz Ferreira, Ferrater Mora, Xirau) and the central questions raised in the most important native current of American thought in the late 19th and 20t…Read more
  •  365
    Russell, Crexells, and d'Ors: Barcelona, 1920
    Russell: The Journal of Bertrand Russell Studies 14 (2): 155-161. 1994.
    Bertrand Russell was never to forget the course he gave in Barcelona in the spring of 1920. In the bitter title-page of An Inquiry into Meaning and Truth (1940), after the legal ruling which had suspended him from teaching at City College, New York, he expressly mentions his lectures in Barcelona, along with those he had given at the Universities of Uppsala and Copenhagen and at the Sorbonne. He also alludes briefly to them in his Autobiography (Russell 1990, II, 143), but their circumstances an…Read more
  • Dichotomies and Artifacts: A Reply to Professor Hookway
    Poznan Studies in the Philosophy of the Sciences and the Humanities 95 71-80. 2008.
    In this reply to Professor Hookway's lecture the comments are focused, first, on the topic of what dichotomies really are, since it is an illuminating way of understanding pragmatism in general and Putnam's pragmatism in particular. Dichotomies are artifacts that we devise with some useful purpose in mind, but when inflated into absolute dichotomies they become metaphysical bogeys as it is illustrated by the twentieth century distinction between fact and value. Secondly, a brief comment on the s…Read more