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    Determinants of Students’ Willingness to Engage in Corruption in an Academic Setting: an Empirical Study
    with Tomas Bonavia
    Journal of Academic Ethics 18 (4): 363-375. 2020.
    Corruption in higher education has raised concern among governments, citizens, and the education community worldwide. However, few papers have sought to explore the students’ willingness to engage in corrupt practices at the university level. The present study aimed to examine the influence of different corrupt behaviours and perceived corruption among peers on the corrupt intention of university students. 120 undergraduate students participated in a quasi-experimental design divided in 3 treatm…Read more
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    Confucio: Maestro de moral, filósofo de ética
    Isidorianum 21 (41): 39-82. 2023.
    Confucio no sólo es el filósofo más conocido de la cultura China, sino que es, en cierto modo, el padre de su filosofía. Las Analectasde Confucio es el texto en el que la filosofía confuciana se expone con mayor claridad y concisión, la claridad de la narración y la concisión del lenguaje de máximas morales. Una perspectiva fecunda de análisis puede ser leerlas desde la Ética a Nicómaco y, en general, desde la perspectiva de los filósofos griegos fundadores de la filosofía en nuestra cultura.
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    Seminario permanente de fenomenología. "El concepto de Lebenswelt"
    with Noé Massó Lago, Juan Carlos Lores, Sergio Sánchez Benítez, and Jesús Miguel Díaz Álvarez
    Investigaciones Fenomenológicas 109. forthcoming.
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    Imagery in multi-modal object learning
    with Ingo Rentschler
    Behavioral and Brain Sciences 25 (2): 197-198. 2002.
    Spatial objects may not only be perceived visually but also by touch. We report recent experiments investigating to what extent prior object knowledge acquired in either the haptic or visual sensory modality transfers to a subsequent visual learning task. Results indicate that even mental object representations learnt in one sensory modality may attain a multi-modal quality. These findings seem incompatible with picture-based reasoning schemas but leave open the possibility of modality-specific …Read more
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    Intellectuals and power, or, what's love got to do with it?
    Modern Intellectual History 2 (2): 289-297. 2005.
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    The Kantian ethical perspective seen from the existential philosophy of Søren Kierkegaard’s Victor Eremita
    with Roman Králik and Arturo Morales Rojas
    Ethics and Bioethics (in Central Europe) 11 (1-2): 48-57. 2021.
    This article compares two groundings of ethics: the ethical postulates of Immanuel Kant with the existential thinking of S. Kierkegaard. To achieve this goal, first, it proposes highlighting the fundamental ideas of Kantian ethics; then, secondly, highlighting Kierkegaard’s ethical stance; and finally, contrasting both approaches to identify differences and similarities. Conclusively, we can say that the pure Kantian ethical formality of duty for duty’s sake necessarily dispenses with existentia…Read more
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    ”Dic cur hic” – en kasuistisk forskningsetik
    Etikk I Praksis - Nordic Journal of Applied Ethics 2 (2): 50-68. 2014.
    Når man går i gang med et forskningsprojekt, vil der typisk være nogle forskningsetiske problemstillinger, man skal forholde sig til. Det kan fx være, at man skal have indhentet informeret samtykkeerklæringer fra de deltagere, der skal være med, eller man skal have indhentet forskningsetiske tilladelser og godkendelser fra uafhængige instanser. Det er altså overvejelser, som typisk dukker op ved begyndelsen af et forskningsprojekt. Der kan efterfølgende være en risiko for, at man forsømmer refle…Read more
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    Ethically important moments – a pragmatic-dualist research ethics
    with Jan Thorhauge Frederiksen
    Journal of Academic Ethics 19 (2): 279-289. 2020.
    This article analyses and discusses dilemmas, ambivalences and problematic issues related to research ethics. This is done firstly by making a distinction between procedural research ethics and particularistic research ethics. Such a distinction reflects a theoretical construction and generalization. In practice, there can be a very close correlation between the two types. In the following, the distinction will therefore be used as a starting point for the presentation of a pragmatic-dualist res…Read more
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    La geometrización del espacio-materia en la cosmología cartesiana
    Enrahonar: Quaderns de Filosofía 1 165. 2016.
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    Marco Aurelio: emperador filósofo con súbditos cristianos
    Circe de Clásicos y Modernos 10 195-215. 2006.
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    Faith‐based history
    History and Theory 48 (1): 76-84. 2009.
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    It may be quite rightly stated that the EFQM Model of the European Foundation for Quality Management is the basic reference model for those organisations whose aim is to achieve excellence. It offers an integral and integrating approach to the most relevant dimensions of the reality of the organisation and permits the establishment of framework that is both objective and rigorous and based on a structured diagnosis.The EFQM Excellence Model is based on a humanist approach that situates the clien…Read more
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    Aprendizaje basado en proyectos en instalaciones de la edificación en el grado de arquitectura técnica
    with Belén Zurro García, Sara González Moreno, Isabel Santamaría Vicario, and Ángel Rodríguez Saiz
    Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 12 (1): 1-13. 2023.
    El trabajo desarrollado en este artículo muestra una experiencia docente basada en la Metodología Activa del Aprendizaje Basado en Proyectos en la asignatura de Instalaciones II de la titulación del Grado en Arquitectura Técnica de la Universidad de Burgos. Para alcanzar la excelencia del proceso de enseñanza y aprendizaje, se ha diseñado una metodología de trabajo basada en el desarrollo progresivo de un Proyecto de Ejecución mediante subproyectos, con el objetivo de conseguir mejores resultado…Read more
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    Philosophy as perpetual motion: Pragmatism moves on
    History and Theory 50 (3): 425-432. 2011.
    ABSTRACTTwo new books about the Pragmatist tradition, Richard Bernstein's The Pragmatic Turn and Colin Koopman's Pragmatism as Transition, represent respectively a summing up of the past half‐century of the tradition's history and a possible program for its future development. Bernstein ecumenically considers the achievements of a wide range of thinkers from Peirce, Dewey, and James to Brandom, Putnam, and Rorty, drawing valuable lessons from each, while not sparing criticism of their flaws. Koo…Read more
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    La Teología Mística de Pseudo Dionisio Areopagita: una nueva lectura
    Tópicos: Revista de Filosofía 23 (1): 9-27. 2002.
    En este artículo se presenta una nueva traducción al español del breve opúsculo De mystica theologia junto con una introducción al texto. La introducción se concentra en el análisis de algunos puntos que son especialmente útiles para entender el texto en cuestión: su historia y su significado para el neoplatonismo y, aun más importante, su relevancia en términos de una exposición sumamente original de la doctrina cristiana desde la perspectiva de un neoplatónico; la importancia de este texto en …Read more
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    Adorno and Blumenberg
    In Peter Eli Gordon (ed.), A companion to Adorno, Wiley. 2019.
    Both the metaphorology of Hans Blumenberg and negative dialectics of Theodor W. Adorno recognized the value of the “nonconceptual” as an antidote to the tyranny of rational concepts imposed on a reality that was too diverse, contingent, and qualitatively unique to be subsumed under them. But whereas Blumenberg focused on metaphor and myth as rhetorical alternatives to concepts designed to deal with the incomprehensibility of “absolute reality,” Adorno understood nonconceptuality in terms of the …Read more
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    Innovative education tools for developing ethical skills in university science lessons. The case of the moral cross dilemma
    with Francisco Zamora-Polo, José Moreno-Losada, and Juan P. Parejo-Ayuso
    Ramon Llull Journal of Applied Ethics 8 (8): 225-245. 2017.
    This article presents the feasibility of teaching generic competences through Sciencelessons at university level. The authors have implemented a new instrumentcalled “Moral Cross Dilemma” which involves the use of argumentationand moral reasoning within the students of Primary EducationDegree. This tool seems to be an effectivepedagogical resource in Higher Education Levels. It is a step forward fromthe well-known dilemma, a consolidated strategy for the development ofethical competences based o…Read more
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    Myths of Renaissance individualism
    Palgrave-Macmillan. 2004.
    The idea that the Renaissance witnessed the emergence of the modern individual remains a powerful myth. In this important new book Martin examines the Renaissance self with attention to both social history and literary theory and offers a new typology of Renaissance selfhood which was at once collective, performative and porous. At the same time, he stresses the layered qualities of the Renaissance self and the salient role of interiority and notions of inwardness in the shaping of identity.
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    La Filosofía de la paz de Vicent Martínez Guzmán y la fenomenología
    Investigaciones Fenomenológicas 16 291. 2021.
    El objetivo de este ensayo es primero honrar la memoria de Vicent Martínez Guzmán, destacando sus importantes contribuciones a la filosofía. Dada su relación con el autor, ha parecido lo más oportuno centrarse en la relación de su filosofía con la fenomenología puesto que otros colegas desentrañarán otras facetas. Para cumplir ese cometido el ensayo tiene cuatro partes. En la primera se hace una presentación de las etapas de la filosofía de nuestro autor. En la segunda se expone, con bastante am…Read more