•  70
    Absolute Knowing
    The Owl of Minerva 30 (1): 3-32. 1998.
    In this essay, I focus on the way Hegel reconciles consciousness and self-consciousness in absolute knowing. What I want to suggest is that in absolute knowing the conscious subject comes to understand itself in terms of these conditions, providing it with the content of a new form of consciousness. It is in conceiving of itself in terms of these objective conditions for knowledge, which supersede the singularity of the self and yet are the conditions for consciousness, that the conscious subjec…Read more
  •  143
    The rise of the non-metaphysical Hegel
    Philosophy Compass 3 (1). 2007.
    There has been a resurgence of interest in Hegel's thought by Anglo‐American philosophers in the last 25 years. That expansion of interest was initiated with the publication of Charles Taylor's Hegel (1975). That work stills stands as one of7 the important branches of Hegel interpretation. However the dominance of the strongly metaphysical interpretation of Hegel, which dominated the understanding of Hegel until the 1980s, and of which Taylor's work represents the culmination, has now, at least …Read more
  •  29
    Review of Barry Stocker, Derrida on Deconstruction (review)
    Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews 2007 (1). 2007.
  •  36
    Hegel’s Metaphysics of God (review)
    Review of Metaphysics 57 (3): 608-610. 2004.
    The argument of the book develops through four chapters, all of which are heavily reliant on Hegel’s Lectures on the Philosophy of Religion. There is little engagement with Hegel’s systematic works, the Phenomenology of Spirit and the Science of Logic. Instead, Hegel’s thought of god and religion is determined almost entirely by his lectures on religion, and the argument is largely constructed through a detailed use of quotations from these lectures. The first chapter is concerned to position He…Read more
  •  13
    Between Nature and Spirit
    Proceedings of the Hegel Society of America 20 121-137. 2013.
  •  96
    Hegel had taken the Kantian categories of thought to be merely formal, without content, since, he argued, Kant abstracted the conditions of thought from the world. The Kantian categories can, as such, only be understood subjectively and so are unable to secure a content for themselves. Hegel, following Fichte, tried to provide a content for the logical categories. In order to reinstate an objective status for logic and conceptuality he tries to affirm the unity of thought and being. The idea tha…Read more
  •  61
    Realism and Idealism in Fichte's theory of Subjectivity
    The Proceedings of the Twenty-First World Congress of Philosophy 10 189-196. 2007.
    Kant's account of subjectivity is ambiguous: there is an implicit critique of Descartes in Kaaat, but this is in conflict with more Cartesian aspects of his approach to subjectivity. Fichte develops the critical elements of Kant and turns them against Kant's residual Cartesianism. Fichte, in the various versions of the Wissenschaftslehre, is the first to be aware of the limitations of the reflective model of consciousness. In those texts he presents his alternative model for subjectivity by tryi…Read more
  •  62
    Fichte's striving subject
    Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 47 (2). 2004.
    In this paper I argue that Fichte's attempt to reconcile the dualism of concept and intuition requires the overcoming of any idea of a thing-in-itself. At the same time he preserves the idea of an external constraint on the I's self-positing. This central role for the realist constraint of the check conflicts with recent interpretations of Fichte that see his project as advocating the exclusivity of the space of reasons. The striving subject confronts and unifies the opposition between the reali…Read more
  •  18
    A Subject for Hegel’s Logic
    International Philosophical Quarterly 40 (1): 85-99. 2000.
  • Robert Stern's Hegel and the Phenomenology of Spirit (review)
    Bulletin of the Hegel Society of Great Britain 47 101-105. 2003.
  •  112
    Dialectic and différance: The place of singularity in Hegel and Derrida
    Philosophy and Social Criticism 33 (6): 667-690. 2007.
    This article examines Derrida's critique of Hegel. It argues that there are two key issues that Derrida misunderstands in Hegel's thought: first, Hegel's response to the concept-intuition dichotomy that plagued Kant's critical thought; second, that Hegel's notions of reason and the dialectic, when they are conceived non-metaphysically, are not tools employed to subsume differences but are, like Derrida's différance , fundamentally concerned with thought's instability. The article shows the way i…Read more
  •  89
    In Totality and Infinity Levinas presents the 'face to face' as an account of intersubjectivity, but one which maintains the absolute difference of the Other. This essay explores the genesis of the 'face to face' through a discussion of Levinas in relation to Buber. It is argued that Levinas' account of subjectivity shares much in common with Fichte's theory of subjectivity. It is further argued that while the 'face to face' clarifies and opposes traditional problems in social ontology, the 'fac…Read more
  •  28
    Tragedy and Understanding in Hegel's Dialectic
    Idealistic Studies 31 (2-3): 125-134. 2001.
    At every point of transition in Hegel's Phenomenology of Spirit each shape of consciousness becomes a seemingly irreconcilable contradiction. It is just at these points, however, that the shape of consciousness in question shows itself as a 'higher' or more adequate shape of consciousness that is able to suspend or move beyond [aufheben] these seemingly irreconcilable differences. The transitions in Hegel's systematic works are complicated and often bewildering. One element is constant in all of…Read more
  •  22
    Realism and Idealism in Fichte's theory of Subjectivity
    The Proceedings of the Twenty-First World Congress of Philosophy 10 189-196. 2007.
    Kant's account of subjectivity is ambiguous: there is an implicit critique of Descartes in Kaaat, but this is in conflict with more Cartesian aspects of his approach to subjectivity. Fichte develops the critical elements of Kant and turns them against Kant's residual Cartesianism. Fichte, in the various versions of the Wissenschaftslehre, is the first to be aware of the limitations of the reflective model of consciousness. In those texts he presents his alternative model for subjectivity by tryi…Read more