• Nauka i teologia: konflikt wyobrażeń [polemika]
    Zagadnienia Filozoficzne W Nauce 44. 2009.
  • Wyobrażenia w nauce iw teologii
    Studia Philosophiae Christianae 46 (1): 65-71. 2010.
  • The starting point of my considerations is the idea that the criteria of rationality should be distinguished from the essence of rationality (in linguistic formulation: from a non-criterional connotative definition) and that the question of the universality of rationality arises separately for the criteria and for the essence. I notice that a similar distinction between the essence (or a definition) and the criteria applies to the notion of truth. The thesis which constitutes ny standpoint is a …Read more
  • Twórcze aspekty analizy semantyczno-kategorialnej
    Ruch Filozoficzny 2 (2). 2005.
  • Nazwy własne a użycie imienne
    Filozofia Nauki 17 (2). 2009.
    The editor rounds up the discussion between Tadeusz Ciecierski and Leopold Hess by pointing out that their conclusions are not as opposed as they are trying to show. On the contrary, on some interpretation one may even suggest that both views can convergently approach to some picture of the semantics of proper names. Roughly, the interpretation is that historical form of the debate about proper names has some drawbacks (as Hess points out) that could be mended if shifted to the problem of nomina…Read more