•  37
    The American Journal of Bioethics, Volume 11, Issue 10, Page 42-43, October 2011
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    Enlightenment values are built around the presumption of an independent rational self, citizen, consumer and pursuer of self-interest. Even the authoritarian and communitarian variants of the Enlightenment presumed the existence of autonomous individuals, simply arguing for greater weight to be given to their collective interests. Since Hume, however, radical Enlightenment empiricists have called into question the existence of a discrete, persistent self. Today neuroscientific reductionism has c…Read more
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    Empathy Is Just One Component of Moral Character
    American Journal of Bioethics Neuroscience 6 (3): 49-55. 2015.
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    Moral Enhancement Requires Multiple Virtues
    Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 24 (1): 86-95. 2015.
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    Human Augmentation and the Age of the Transhuman
    In Tony J. Prescott, Nathan Lepora & Paul F. M. J. Verschure (eds.), Living Machines: A Handbook of Research in Biomimetic and Biohybrid Systems, Oxford University Press. 2018.
    Human augmentation is discussed in three axes: the technological means, the ability being augmented, and the social systems that will be affected. The technological augmentations considered range from exocortical information and communication systems, to pharmaceuticals, tissue and genetic engineering, and prosthetic limbs and organs, to eventually nanomedical robotics, brain-computer interfaces and cognitive prostheses. These technologies are mapped onto the capabilities which we are in the pro…Read more
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    Socialists have historically thought a lot about the catastrophic risks society faces. Today many DSA chapters have gotten involved in mutual aid to respond to the Covid crisis, generating a debate about how mutual aid fits into socialist work. One form of community engagement that is likely to be increasingly necessary, and is an opportunity for radicalizing angry neighbors, is disaster preparedness. While the prepper subculture is perceived as right-wing, and parts are tied into the militia mo…Read more
  •  188
    Technopolitics is Not Beyond Left and Right After All
    Institute for Ethics and Emerging Technologies. 2021.
    Attitudes towards science and technology are closely aligning with Culture War attitudes towards secularism, sexuality, gender, civil liberties, race and nationalism
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    Algorithms and Posthuman Governance
    Journal of Posthuman Studies. 2017.
    Since the Enlightenment, there have been advocates for the rationalizing efficiency of enlightened sovereigns, bureaucrats, and technocrats. Today these enthusiasms are joined by calls for replacing or augmenting government with algorithms and artificial intelligence, a process already substantially under way. Bureaucracies are in effect algorithms created by technocrats that systematize governance, and their automation simply removes bureaucrats and paper. The growth of algorithmic governance c…Read more
  •  335
    EcoSocialism and the Technoprogressive Perspective
    Institute for Ethics and Emerging Technologies. 2021.
    The ecosocialists have broad agreements about the radical political economic changes that are called for, and have largely rejected the mysanthropic and anti-technological views of some radical ecologists. But the ecosocialists differ on what role nuclear power and emerging technologies should play under a Green New Deal. The ecomodernists broadly agree on the importance of nuclear and emerging technologies, but their impact has been muted by their association with corporate “greenwashing” and n…Read more
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    Humans are a transitional species.
  •  22
    Beyond the Medical Model of Gender Dysphoria to Morphological Self-determination
    Lahey Clinic Medical Ethics Journal 13 (1): 10. 2006.
    Gender dysphoria is better understood within the right to morphological self-determination than as a medical condition.
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    Contradictions from the Enlightenment Roots of Transhumanism
    Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 35 (6): 622-640. 2010.
    Transhumanism, the belief that technology can transcend the limitations of the human body and brain, is part of the family of Enlightenment philosophies. As such, transhumanism has also inherited the internal tensions and contradictions of the broad Enlightenment tradition. First, the project of Reason is self-erosive and requires irrational validation. Second, although most transhumanists are atheist, their belief in the transcendent power of intelligence generates new theologies. Third, althou…Read more
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    Human vs. posthuman
    Hastings Center Report 37 (5): 4-7. 2007.
    Agar is inadvertently pointing to two more subtle problems with transhumanist ethics however, ones with which many of us are grappling. The first is the problem of balancing beneficent solidarism with strict non-interventionist liberalism. When, for instance, is someone's choice to modify their brain equivalent to selling themselves into slavery? Transhumanists need to articulate "the good life," inevitably shaped by local values, to ensure that we are in fact enhancing and not simply changing. …Read more
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    Journal of Evolution and Technology 18 (1). 2008.
    In the Spring of 2006, the Institute for Ethics and Emerging Technologies and the Center for Cognitive Liberty and Ethics organized a conference on Human Enhancement Technologies and Human Rights with the co-sponsorship of the Stanford Center for Law and the Biosciences, GeneForum, the ExtraLife Foundation and the Stanford Program in Ethics in Society. The conference was held May 26-28, 2006 at the Stanford Law School and more than fifty people, representing a frothy mix of philosophers, lawyers…Read more
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    Beyond “Real Boys” and Back to Parental Obligations
    American Journal of Bioethics 5 (3): 61-62. 2005.
    Learning to see the continuity between our everyday decision-making and our decision-making around new biotechnologies is key to acclimatizing to our enhanced future. By excavating this decision-making, Singh helps us see that Ritalin isn’t really that big a deal and helps dispel what Malcolm Gladwell (1999) noted as the “strange inversion of moral responsibility” encouraged by books like ‘Ritalin Nation’ and ‘Running on Ritalin,’ whose authors “seek to make those parents and physicians trying t…Read more
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    Embracing Change with All Four Arms: Post-Humanist Defense of Genetic Engineering
    Eubios Journal of Asian and International Bioethics 6 (4): 94-101. 1996.
    This paper sets out to defend human genetic engineering with a new bioethical approach, post-humanism, combined with a radical democratic political framework. Arguments for the restriction of human genetic engineering, and specifically germ-line enhancement, are reviewed. Arguments are divided into those which are fundamental matters of faith, or "bio-Luddite" arguments, and those which can be addressed through public policy, or "gene-angst" arguments.The four bio-Luddite concerns addressed are:…Read more
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    The future of death: cryonics and the telos of liberal individualism
    Journal of Evolution and Technology 6 (1). 2001.
    This paper addresses five questions: First, what is trajectory of Western liberal ethics and politics in defining life, rights and citizenship? Second, how will neuro-remediation and other technologies change the definition of death for the brain injured and the cryonically suspended? Third, will people always have to be dead to be cryonically suspended? Fourth, how will changing technologies and definitions of identity affect the status of people revived from brain injury and cryonic suspensi…Read more
  •  1900
    A principal challenge facing the progressive bioethics project is the crafting of a consistent message on biopolitical issues that divide progressives. The regulation of enhancement technologies is one of the issues central to this emerging biopolitics, pitting progressive defenders of enhancement, “technoprogressives,” against progressive critics. This essay [PDF] will argue that technoprogressive biopolitics express the consistent application of the core progressive values of the Enlightenment…Read more
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    Transhumanism is a modern expression of ancient and transcultural aspirations to radically transform human existence, socially and bodily. Before the Enlightenment these aspirations were only expressed in religious millennialism, magical medicine, and spiritual practices. The Enlightenment channeled these desires into projects to use science and technology to improve health, longevity, and human abilities, and to use reason to revolutionize society. Since the Enlightenment, techno‐utopian moveme…Read more
  •  40
    Are Technological Unemployment and a Basic Income Guarantee Inevitable or Desirable?
    Journal of Ethics and Emerging Technologies 24 (1): 1-4. 2014.
    Robotics and artificial intelligence are beginning to fundamentally change the relative profitability and productivity of investments in capital versus human labor; creating technological unemployment at all levels of the workforce; from the North to the developing world. As robotics and expert systems become cheaper and more capable the percentage of the population that can find employment will also fall; stressing economies already trying to curtail "entitlements" and adopt austerity. Two addi…Read more
  •  44
    Robotics and artificial intelligence are beginning to fundamentally change the relative profitability and productivity of investments in capital versus human labor; creating technological unemployment at all levels of the workforce; from the North to the developing world. As robotics and expert systems become cheaper and more capable the percentage of the population that can find employment will also fall; stressing economies already trying to curtail "entitlements" and adopt austerity. Two addi…Read more
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    A Defense of Limited Regulation of Human Genetic Therapies
    Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 28 (1): 112-120. 2019.
    Abstract:There is a role for regulatory oversight over new genetic technologies. Research must ensure the rights of human subjects, and all medical products and techniques should be ensured to be safe and effective. In the United States, these forms of regulation are largely the purview of the National Institutes of Health and the Food and Drug Administration. Some have argued, however, that human genetic therapies require new regulatory agencies empowered to enforce cultural norms, protect agai…Read more
  •  68
    Buddhism and Our Posthuman Future
    Sophia 58 (4): 653-662. 2019.
    New human enhancement technologies will radically challenge traditional religious understandings of the human project. But among the world’s faiths, Buddhists will have some distinct advantages adapting to and contributing to thinking about, a posthuman future. Buddhism and human enhancement have some affinities and some useful complementarities. In the Abrahamic faiths, humanity is divinely created with static capacities, while in traditional Buddhism, human beings routinely evolve into gods an…Read more
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    Surviving the Machine Age (edited book)
    with Kevin Lagrandeur
    Palgrave-MacMillan. 2017.