•  13
    Evolution et rationalité
    Presses universitaires de France. 2004.
    À quoi bon la pensée? Pour de nombreux chercheurs, inspirés par les théories évolutionnistes, la pensée réfléchie est utile à notre espèce. Elle lui confère des avantages importants et contribue à son succès reproductif. Pourtant ses avantages ne sont pas si évidents. La pensée ne figure ni dans les mécanismes de l'évolution qui ont façonné la vie, ni parmi les procédés dont se servent la plupart des organismes pour s'y maintenir. Dans Évolution et rationalité, Ronald de Sousa montre que, pour c…Read more
  • Stephen Toulmin, Cosmopolis: The Hidden Agenda of Modernity (review)
    Philosophy in Review 11 138-139. 1991.
  • Comments on Barbara S. Stengel: Thinking about Thinking: Wilfred Sellars' Theory on Induction
    Philosophy of Education: Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Philosophy of Education Society 43 259-262. 1987.
  •  315
    Restoring emotion's bad rep: the moral randomness of norms
    European Journal of Analytic Philosophy 2 (1): 29-47. 2006.
    Despite the fact that common sense taxes emotions with irrationality, philosophers have, by and large, celebrated their functionality. They are credited with motivating, steadying, shaping or harmonizing our dispositions to act, and with policing norms of social behaviour. It's time to restore emotion's bad rep. To this end, I shall argue that we should expect that some of the “norms” enforced by emotions will be unevenly distributed among the members of our species, and may be dysfunctional at …Read more
  •  15
    Applying Sociobiology (review)
    Biology and Philosophy 7 (2): 237. 1992.
  •  11
    Paradoxical emotions
    In Sarah Stroud & Christine Tappolet (eds.), Weakness of will and practical irrationality, Oxford University Press. 2003.
  •  21
    Emotions, education and time
    Metaphilosophy 21 (4): 434-446. 1990.
  •  44
    Love: A Very Short Introduction
    Oxford University Press. 2015.
    Do we love someone for their virtue, their beauty, or their moral or other qualities? Are love's characteristic desires altruistic or selfish? Are there duties of love? What do the sciences tell us about love? In this Very Short Introduction, Ronald de Sousa explores the different kinds of love, from affections to romantic love.
  •  1
    Valuing Emotions (review)
    Dialogue 38 (1): 219-220. 1999.
    This book addresses both aspects of its punning title: it pleads with us to value emotions as indispensable to meaningful human life, and argues that emotions play an active role in the determination of value. The first issue is tackled with gusto. Indeed, as if to illustrate the role of the emotions in intellectual life, the tone is somewhat aggrieved, as if all but a few eccentrics in the philosophical establishment were expected to demur. Perhaps all books must pretend that their central thes…Read more
  •  168
    Teleology and the great shift
    Journal of Philosophy 81 (11): 647-653. 1984.
  • Recent Publications
    Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 45 (1): 151. 1984.
  •  37
    Comment: Language and Dimensionality in Appraisal Theory
    Emotion Review 5 (2): 171-175. 2013.
    The proliferation of dimensions of appraisal is both welcome and worrying. The preoccupation with sorting out causes may be somewhat otiose. And the ubiquity of emotions in levels of processing raises intriguing problems about the role of language in identifying and triggering emotions and appraisals
  •  4
    Epistemic Feelings
    Mind and Matter 7 (2): 139-161. 2009.
    Somewhere along the course of evolution, and at some time in any one of us on the way from zygote to adult, some forms of detection became beliefs, and some tropisms turned into deliberate desires. Two transitions are involved: from functional responses to intentional ones, and from non-conscious processes to conscious ones that presuppose language and are powered by neocortical re- sources. Unconscious and functional mental processes remain and constitute an 'intuitive' system that collaborates…Read more
  •  67
    Against emotional modularity
    In Luc Faucher & Christine Tappolet (eds.), The modularity of emotions, University of Calgary Press. pp. 29-50. 2008.
  • Moralische Gefühle in Schwarz-Weiss und Farbe
    E-Journal Philosophie der Psychologie 2. 2005.
  •  34
    Why think?: evolution and the rational mind
    Oxford University Press. 2007.
    Introduction -- Function and destiny -- What's the good of thinking? -- Rationality, individual and collective -- Irrationality.
  •  25
    Individual natures
    Philosophia 26 (1-2): 3-21. 1998.
  •  34
    The Natural Shiftiness of Natural Kinds
    Canadian Journal of Philosophy 14 (4): 561-580. 1984.
    The Philosophical search for Natural Kinds is motivated by the hope of finding ontological categories that are independent of our interests. Other requirements, of varying importance, are commonly made of kinds that claim to be natural. But no such categories are to be found. Virtually any kind can be termed ‘natural’ relative to some set of interests and epistemic priorities. Science determines those priorities at any particular stage of its progress, and what kinds are most ‘natural’ in that s…Read more
  •  41
    Emotional Truth
    Oxford University Press USA. 2011.
    The word "truth" retains, in common use, traces of origins that link it to trust, truth, and truce, connoting ideas of fidelity, loyalty, and authenticity. The word has become, in contemporary philosophy, encased in a web of technicalities, but we know that a true image is a faithful portrait; a true friend a loyal one. In a novel or a poem, too, we have a feel for what is emotionally true, though we are not concerned with the actuality of events and characters depicted. To have emotions is to c…Read more
  •  25
    Seizing the Hedgehog by the Tail: Taylor on the Self and Agency
    Canadian Journal of Philosophy 18 (3): 421-432. 1988.
    For those of us who are sympathetic to the research program of cognitive science, it is especially useful to face the deepest and sharpest critic of that program. Charles Taylor, who defines himself as a ‘hedgehog’ whose ‘single rather tightly related agenda’ fits into a very ancient and rather elusive debate between naturalism and anti-naturalism, may well be that critic. My ambition in this paper is to distill Taylor’s central objection to the cognitive science approach to agency and the self …Read more
  • Comment on Research Outcome of Philosophy of Emotions in Recent Ten Years
    with Jing-Song Ma and Vincent Shen
    Philosophy and Culture 32 (10): 147-156. 2005.
  • Rational homunculi
    In Amélie Rorty (ed.), The Identities of Persons, University of California Press. 1976.
  •  73
    Biological Individuality
    Croatian Journal of Philosophy 5 (2): 195-218. 2005.
    The question What is an individual? goes back beyond Aristotle’s discussion of substance to the Ionians’ preoccupation with the paradox of change -- the fact that if anything changes it must stay the same. Mere reflection on this fact and the common-sense notion of a countable thing yields a concept of a “minimal individual”, which is particular (a logical matter) specific (a taxonomic matter), and unique (an evaluative empirical matter). Individuals occupy space, and therefore might be dislodge…Read more
  •  29
    I. Self‐deception
    Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 13 (1-4): 308-321. 1970.
  • Love Undigitized
    In Roger E. Lamb (ed.), Love analyzed, Westview Press. 1997.
  •  6
    What Can’t We Do with Economics?
    Journal of Philosophical Research 22 197-209. 1997.
    Ainslie’s Picoeconomics presents an ingenious theory, based on a remarkably simple basic law about the rate of discounting the value of future prospects, which explains a vast number of psychological phenomena. Hyperbolic discount rates result in changes in the ranking of interests as they get closer in time. Thus quasi-homuncular “interests” situated at different times compete within the person. In this paper I first defend the generality of scope of Ainslie’s model, which ranges over several p…Read more