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    Dès ses premiers écrits, Lonergan a été attentif à la dimension d'amitié qui caractérise les ordres trinitaire et créé. L'homme est par essence ouvert au delà de lui-même; ne pouvant pas coïncider à soi, il est appelé à quelque conversion. La pensée moderne, qui par contre l'a prétendu capable de présence à soi; soutint l'individualisme òu le rapport à l'autre devenait instrumental. La réaction post-moderne, qui accentue l'idée d"autre', réveille la conscience à ses traits plus humains, en favor…Read more
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    Hans-Georg Gadamer's hermeneutic philosophy is most well known for its phenomenology of interpretation in the Geisteswissenschaften or humanities. It moves Heidegger's ' As–structure ' of understanding through an appreciation of the primacy of questioning to the dialogical structure of interpretation as mediated by language. This phenomenology grounds a linguistic ontology, which rehabilitates metaphysics as a renewal of the tradition of a metaphysics of light, without transgressing the limits o…Read more
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    Between Capitalism and Marxism: Introducing Lonergan's Economics
    Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 63 (4). 2007.
    What capitalist economics call business or trade cycles with their recessions and depressions, and Marxists, in terms of surplus value and exploitation, call crises are fundamental misunderstandings of what Bernard Lonergan conceives as the true intelligibility of the rhythms of production and monetary circulation of the advanced exchange economy. In his circulation analysis he expresses the intelligibility of macroeconomic dynamics in terms of a pure cycle that involves the anti-egalitarian flo…Read more
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    Disturbing Revelation: Voegelin, Strauss, and the Bible (review)
    The Bulletin of the Colloquium on Violence and Religion 35 17-18. 2009.
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    Money, Institutions, and the Human Good
    The Lonergan Review 2 (1): 175-197. 2010.
    Each human being is the best judge of what is most conducive to his or her own self-preservation, whether this be considered strictly as security of mere life, or as comfortable self-preservation, or as the pursuit of happiness. Liberty is just a means to this end, but a means so necessary, so pervasive, so paramount, that it most resembles an end in itself. The ambiguity of modern liberty—this oscillation between end and means—may be a theoretical liability or weakness, but it largelyaccounts f…Read more
  • Socrates et Platon sont à l'origine de ce qu'on entend traditionnellement par raison - les philosophes qui cherchent la façon juste de vivre qui dépasse la sagesse conventionnelle. 'Jérusalem' fait référence à la foi dont l'origine est l'appel de Dieu à Abraham, le père commun des religions juive, chrétienne et musulmane, et qui se rapporte à la transformation que Dieu offre à l'humanité qu'il sanctifie. Il a fallu attendre le XIIe siècle et l'entrée des oeuvres philosophiques d'Aristote dans l'…Read more
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    Gadamer, the Hermeneutic Revolution, and Theology
    In Robert J. Dostal (ed.), The Cambridge Companion to Gadamer, Cambridge University Press. pp. 167. 2002.
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    A Prelude to (Lonergan’s) Economics
    The Lonergan Review 2 (1): 107-120. 2010.