•  19325
    Greek Philosophy
    Dar Alwarq Publishing House. 2009.
    In this book the author presented the history of the Greek philosophy that extends from the six century BC till the six century AC. He divided the book into three main stages: Philosophy before Socrates: It extended from 6th century BC to mid 5th century BC. This stage began with Thales and his school of Physics; Heraclitus; Pythagoras school; Eleaties School; then Empedocles and Anaxagoras; Democritus and Sophists school. The themes of philosophical contemplation were nature, universe and man.…Read more
  •  272
    Controversial Role of Women Notepad in the Industry of Arab History
    Arabic Scientific Heritage Journal 4 (39): 69-94. 2018.
    The leadership of women thought has been one of the topics that did not interest to researchers as other women topics such as Beauty, Equality and Gender. The thought has different value of human activities. It has two parties, personal and subject, and it needs a capacity distinct. The question arises whether human beings different among themselves in the intellectual capacity? This question is discussed in this paper by followup the history of women thinkers, models and their roles to create A…Read more
  •  1129
    Logic Functions in the Philosophy of Al-Farabi
    Handbook of the 6th World Congress and School on Universal Logic. 2018.
    Abu Nasr Muhammad Al-Farabi (870–950 AD), the second outstanding representative of the Muslim peripatetic after al Kindi (801–873 AD), was born in Turkestan about 870 AD. Al-Farabi’s studies commenced in Farab, then he travelled to Baghdad, where he studied logic with a Christian scholar named Yuhanna b. Hailan. Al-Farabi wrote numerous works dealing with almost every branch of science in the medieval world. In addition to a large number of books on logic and other sciences, he came to be known…Read more
  •  393
    This study will answer the question, what do students expect to learn from philosophy teachers in the 21st century. by framing a response based on the following: The researcher’s teaching philosophy developed over 30 years, a survey conducted of UAEU students, and a discussion of the changing role and purpose of philosophy in the academy and current pedagogical philosophy in teaching. The study has focused on how philosophical questions have been changed over time, using new technology to teach …Read more
  •  740
    Muslim philosophers had been preoccupied with the question of interpretation since the Islamic Philosophy was first developed by its founder Al Kindi till its interpretative maturity by Ibn Rushd who represents the maturity of rationalism in Islamic Arab philosophy. Rational option was the most suitable for Arab Muslim civilization as it expresses the vitality of civilization and its ability to interact with other contemporary civilizations and trends. Islamic philosophy interpretation themes ar…Read more
  •  1604
    Masterpieces of Muslim Philosophers
    GSTF Journal of General Philosophy (JPhilo) 3 (1): 1-6. 2017.
    Locating masterpieces by Muslim philosophers in the field of philosophy is a challenge for several reasons: the interconnectedness between human knowledge as a discipline, and that this theme cannot be innovative. In addition, in order to understand the roots of philosophy within the Arab cultural environment and its development it is necessary to examine the history of Arab culture. Arab culture can trace its origins back thousands of years to the Mesopotamian, Pharaonic, and Saba and Himyar Ci…Read more
  •  217
    Bioethics Issues in Arab Society
    Eubios Journal of Asian and International Bioethics : EJAIB 29 (2): 59-64. 2019.
    Recent bioethical issues that have emerged in the field of medicine include, but are not limited to, eugenics (artificial insemination), palliative care (end of life care), euthanasia (medical resuscitation), abortion, and the development of enhanced human body parts. These bioethical issues have raised ethical questions related to the use of modern technology and how it may affect the future of society. These questions consider issues such as: what is the identity of future children? Have human…Read more