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  • Reseñas (review)
    Ideas Y Valores 49 111-116. 2000.
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    Mind reading, deception and the evolution of Kantian moral agents
    Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 34 (2). 2004.
    Classical evolutionary explanations of social behavior classify behaviors from their effects, not from their underlying mechanisms. Here lies a potential objection against the view that morality can be explained by such models, e.g. Trivers’reciprocal altruism. However, evolutionary theory reveals a growing interest in the evolution of psychological mechanisms and factors them in as selective forces. This opens up perspectives for evolutionary approaches to problems that have traditionally worri…Read more
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    La evolución de la moral contractual
    Ideas Y Valores 60 (147): 209-222. 2011.
    Las explicaciones evolucionarias del altruismo y la cooperación humana, inauguradas por pioneros como Darwin, Hamilton y Trivers, sugieren que la biología podría eventualmente construir una explicación científica plausible de un núcleo de la moralidad humana. Según este proyecto, la moralidad y la ..
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    Etica y ontología
    Universitas Philosophica 17 83-92. 1992.
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    Universalización moral y prudencia en Kant
    Ideas Y Valores 45 (102): 104-111. 1996.
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    Jullien, François. El rodeo y el ac
    with Juan Diego Morales
    Ideas Y Valores 61 (150). 2012.
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    Los sociobiólogos han defendido una posición "calvinista" que se resume en la siguiente fórmula: si la selección natural explica las actitudes morales, no hay altruismo genuino en la moral; si la moral es altruista, entonces la selección natural no puede explicarla. En este ensayo desenmascaro los presupuestos erróneos de esta posición y defiendo que el altruismo como equidad no es incompatible con la selección natural. Rechazo una concepción hobbesiana de la moral, pero sugiero su empleo en la …Read more
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    Kant and the Natural Science of Organisms
    Ideas Y Valores 57 (137). 2008.
    Regarding the explanation of organisms as instances of complex design, Kantian philosophy faces a difficult problem: as material entities they should be explained through mechanical laws, but because of their design, they call for an explanation through final causes. Nonetheless, both explanations are unacceptable. Does Kant offer any way out? Part of his solution is that both teleology and mechanicism must apply as regulative principles. But this implies limiting mechanicism to a regulative ide…Read more
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    La filosofía se ha preocupado desde susorígenes por el sentido de la vida humana. Estapreocupación es la que subyace a la "Filosofíade la Historia", disciplina que surge en laépoca moderna con la pregunta por la existencia o inexistencia de un progreso en la historia. Autores como Kant consideran que el progreso,para poder valer como tal, ha de aconteceren el terreno de lo moral, sobre todo en sus manifestaciones sociales externas, es decir, enla realización del derecho natural en las formasconc…Read more
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    The Evolution of Contractual Morality
    Ideas Y Valores 60 (147). 2011.
    Evolutionary explanations of altruism and human cooperation, first set forth by pioneers such as Darwin, Hamilton and Trivers, suggest that biology might be capable of offering a plausible scientific explanation of the core of human morality. According to this project, morality and human cooperation arise when resourcesare scarce; they cannot be exploited by isolated individuals; and individuals cannot maintain a long-term position of domination over others in order to advance their selfish ends…Read more
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    Beyond Inclusive Fitness? On A Simple And General Explanation For The Evolution of Altruism
    Philosophy, Theory, and Practice in Biology 2 (20130604). 2010.
    Altruism is a central concept in evolutionary biology. Evolutionary biologists still disagree about its meaning (E.O. Wilson 2005; Fletcher et al. 2006; D.S. Wilson 2008; Foster et al. 2006a, b; West et al. 2007a, 2008). Semantic disagreement appears to be quite robust and not easily overcome by attempts at clarification, suggesting that substantive conceptual issues lurk in the background. Briefly, group selection theorists define altruism as any trait that makes altruists losers to selfish tra…Read more
  • Reseñas (review)
    Ideas Y Valores 46 94-98. 1997.
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    Multilevel selection and human altruism
    Biology and Philosophy 23 (2): 205-215. 2008.
    Views on the evolution of altruism based upon multilevel selection on structured populations pay little attention to the difference between fortuitous and deliberate processes leading to assortative grouping. Altruism may evolve when assortative grouping is fortuitously produced by forces external to the organism. But when it is deliberately produced by the same proximate mechanism that controls altruistic responses, as in humans, exploitation of altruists by selfish individuals is unlikely and …Read more
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    Filosofía moral del naturalismo
    Ideas Y Valores 47 (106): 122-135. 1998.
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    Selección natural Y moralidad
    Ideas Y Valores 55 (132): 53-73. 2006.
    Resumen: En este ensayo abordo los intentos, relativamente recientes, de dar una explicación de la moralidad como adaptación por selección natural. Mi exposición tiene una introducción y cuatro partes: en la primera explico en qué consiste la paradoja del altruismo biológico. En la segunda expongo l..
  • Review (review)
    Critica 41 (123): 162-170. 2009.
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    Levels of Selection in Synergy
    Teorema: International Journal of Philosophy 28 (2): 135-150. 2009.
    Individual and group selection are usually conceived as opposed evolutionary processes. Though cases of synergy are occasionally recognized, the evolutionary importance of synergy is largely ignored. However, synergy is the plausible explanation for the evolution of collectives as higher level individuals i.e., collectives acting as adaptive units, e.g., genomes and colonies of social insects. It rests on the suppression of the predictable tendency of evolutionary units to benefit at the expense…Read more
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    Kant, espíritus y noúmenos
    Ideas Y Valores 29-42. 2001.
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    Recent developments in evolutionary game theory argue the superiority of punishment over reciprocity as accounts of large-scale human cooperation. I introduce a distinction between a behavioral and a psychological perspective on reciprocity and punishment to question this view. I examine a narrow and a wide version of a psychological mechanism for reciprocity and conclude that a narrow version is clearly distinguishable from punishment, but inadequate for humans; whereas a wide version is applic…Read more