•  6
    Climate Change and the Terrible Hope
    Philosophy and Technology 36 (1): 1-4. 2022.
  •  4
    The Ethics of Biomedical Big Data (edited book)
    Imprint: Springer. 2016.
    This book presents cutting edge research on the new ethical challenges posed by biomedical Big Data technologies and practices. 'Biomedical Big Data' refers to the analysis of aggregated, very large datasets to improve medical knowledge and clinical care. The book describes the ethical problems posed by aggregation of biomedical datasets and re-use/re-purposing of data, in areas such as privacy, consent, professionalism, power relationships, and ethical governance of Big Data platforms. Approach…Read more
  •  28
    Group Privacy: New Challenges of Data Technologies (edited book)
    with Linnet Taylor and Bart van der Sloot
    Imprint: Springer. 2017.
    The goal of the book is to present the latest research on the new challenges of data technologies. It will offer an overview of the social, ethical and legal problems posed by group profiling, big data and predictive analysis and of the different approaches and methods that can be used to address them. In doing so, it will help the reader to gain a better grasp of the ethical and legal conundrums posed by group profiling. The volume first maps the current and emerging uses of new data technologi…Read more
  •  106
    The modern abundance and prominence of data have led to the development of “data science” as a new field of enquiry, along with a body of epistemological reflections upon its foundations, methods, and consequences. This article provides a systematic analysis and critical review of significant open problems and debates in the epistemology of data science. We propose a partition of the epistemology of data science into the following five domains: (i) the constitution of data science; (ii) the kind…Read more
  •  95
    Meta’s Oversight Board: A Review and Critical Assessment
    with David Wong
    Minds and Machines 33 (2): 261-284. 2023.
    Since the announcement and establishment of the Oversight Board (OB) by the technology company Meta as an independent institution reviewing Facebook and Instagram’s content moderation decisions, the OB has been subjected to scholarly scrutiny ranging from praise to criticism. However, there is currently no overarching framework for understanding the OB’s various strengths and weaknesses. Consequently, this article analyses, organises, and supplements academic literature, news articles, and Meta …Read more
  •  30
    Smart cities: reviewing the debate about their ethical implications
    with Marta Ziosi, Benjamin Hewitt, Prathm Juneja, and Mariarosaria Taddeo
    AI and Society 1-16. forthcoming.
    This paper considers a host of definitions and labels attached to the concept of smart cities to identify four dimensions that ground a review of ethical concerns emerging from the current debate. These are: network infrastructure, with the corresponding concerns of control, surveillance, and data privacy and ownership; post-political governance, embodied in the tensions between public and private decision-making and cities as post-political entities; social inclusion, expressed in the aspects o…Read more
  •  68
    On the whole, the US Algorithmic Accountability Act of 2022 (US AAA) is a pragmatic approach to balancing the benefits and risks of automated decision systems. Yet there is still room for improvement. This commentary highlights how the US AAA can both inform and learn from the European Artificial Intelligence Act (EU AIA).
  •  2305
    Accountability is a cornerstone of the governance of artificial intelligence (AI). However, it is often defined too imprecisely because its multifaceted nature and the sociotechnical structure of AI systems imply a variety of values, practices, and measures to which accountability in AI can refer. We address this lack of clarity by defining accountability in terms of answerability, identifying three conditions of possibility (authority recognition, interrogation, and limitation of power), and an…Read more
  •  85
    Metaverse: a Matter of Experience
    Philosophy and Technology 35 (3): 1-7. 2022.
  •  15
    Artificial evil and the foundation of computer ethics
    Ethics and Information Technology 3 (1): 55-66. 2001.
    Moral reasoning traditionally distinguishes two types of evil:moral and natural. The standard view is that ME is the product of human agency and so includes phenomena such as war, torture and psychological cruelty; that NE is the product of nonhuman agency, and so includes natural disasters such as earthquakes, floods, disease and famine; and finally, that more complex cases are appropriately analysed as a combination of ME and NE. Recently, as a result of developments in autonomousagents in cyb…Read more
  •  82
    As China and the United States strive to be the primary global leader in AI, their visions are coming into conflict. This is frequently painted as a fundamental clash of civilisations, with evidence based primarily around each country’s current political system and present geopolitical tensions. However, such a narrow view claims to extrapolate into the future from an analysis of a momentary situation, ignoring a wealth of historical factors that influence each country’s prevailing philosophy of…Read more
  •  23
    The Economy of Waste
    Philosophy and Technology 35 (2): 1-4. 2022.
  •  33
    Local Explanations via Necessity and Sufficiency: Unifying Theory and Practice
    with David S. Watson, Limor Gultchin, and Ankur Taly
    Minds and Machines 32 (1): 185-218. 2022.
    Necessity and sufficiency are the building blocks of all successful explanations. Yet despite their importance, these notions have been conceptually underdeveloped and inconsistently applied in explainable artificial intelligence, a fast-growing research area that is so far lacking in firm theoretical foundations. In this article, an expanded version of a paper originally presented at the 37th Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence, we attempt to fill this gap. Building on work in …Read more
  •  20
    AI and Its New Winter: From Myths to Realities
    In Josh Cowls & Jessica Morley (eds.), The 2020 Yearbook of the Digital Ethics Lab, Springer Verlag. pp. 53-55. 2021.
    The prospect of another AI winter means we must think deeply and extensively on what we are doing and planning with AI, argues Luciano Floridi.
  •  13
    Ethical Foresight Analysis: What It Is and Why It Is Needed?
    with Andrew Strait
    In Josh Cowls & Jessica Morley (eds.), The 2020 Yearbook of the Digital Ethics Lab, Springer Verlag. pp. 173-194. 2021.
    An increasing number of technology firms are implementing processes to identify and evaluate the ethical risks of their systems and products. A key part of these review processes is to foresee potential impacts of these technologies on different groups of users. In this chapter, we use the expression Ethical Foresight Analysis to refer to a variety of analytical strategies for anticipating or predicting the ethical issues that new technological artefacts, services, and applications may raise. Th…Read more
  •  13
    The World Health Organisation declared COVID-19 a global pandemic on 11th March 2020, recognising that the underlying SARS-CoV-2 has caused the greatest global crisis since World War II. In this chapter, we present a framework to evaluate whether and to what extent the use of digital systems that track and/or trace potentially infected individuals is not only legal but also ethical.
  •  14
    How to Design a Governable Digital Health Ecosystem
    In Josh Cowls & Jessica Morley (eds.), The 2020 Yearbook of the Digital Ethics Lab, Springer Verlag. pp. 69-88. 2021.
    It has been suggested that to overcome the challenges facing the UK’s National Health Service of an ageing population and reduced available funding, the NHS should be transformed into a more informationally mature and heterogeneous organisation, reliant on data-based and algorithmically-driven interactions between human, artificial, and hybrid agents. This transformation process would offer significant benefit to patients, clinicians, and the overall system, but it would also rely on a fundament…Read more
  •  15
    To address the rising concern that algorithmic decision-making may reinforce discriminatory biases, researchers have proposed many notions of fairness and corresponding mathematical formalizations. Each of these notions is often presented as a one-size-fits-all, absolute condition; however, in reality, the practical and ethical trade-offs are unavoidable and more complex. We introduce a new approach that considers fairness—not as a binary, absolute mathematical condition—but rather, as a relatio…Read more
  •  22
    We propose a formal framework for interpretable machine learning. Combining elements from statistical learning, causal interventionism, and decision theory, we design an idealised explanation game in which players collaborate to find the best explanation for a given algorithmic prediction. Through an iterative procedure of questions and answers, the players establish a three-dimensional Pareto frontier that describes the optimal trade-offs between explanatory accuracy, simplicity, and relevance.…Read more
  •  20
    Artificial Intelligence Crime: An Interdisciplinary Analysis of Foreseeable Threats and Solutions
    with Thomas C. King, Nikita Aggarwal, and Mariarosaria Taddeo
    In Josh Cowls & Jessica Morley (eds.), The 2020 Yearbook of the Digital Ethics Lab, Springer Verlag. pp. 195-227. 2021.
    Artificial Intelligence research and regulation seek to balance the benefits of innovation against any potential harms and disruption. However, one unintended consequence of the recent surge in AI research is the potential re-orientation of AI technologies to facilitate criminal acts, term in this chapter AI-Crime. AIC is theoretically feasible thanks to published experiments in automating fraud targeted at social media users, as well as demonstrations of AI-driven manipulation of simulated mark…Read more
  •  42
    This book offers a synthesis of investigations on the ethics, governance and policies affecting the design, development and deployment of artificial intelligence. Each chapter can be read independently, but the overall structure of the book provides a complementary and detailed understanding of some of the most pressing issues brought about by AI and digital innovation. Given its modular nature, it is a text suitable for readers who wish to gain a reliable orientation about the ethics of AI and …Read more
  •  39
    How to Counter Moral Evil: Paideia and Nomos
    Philosophy and Technology 35 (1): 1-5. 2022.
  •  107
    The ethics of algorithms: key problems and solutions
    with Andreas Tsamados, Nikita Aggarwal, Josh Cowls, Jessica Morley, Huw Roberts, and Mariarosaria Taddeo
    AI and Society 37 (1): 215-230. 2022.
    Research on the ethics of algorithms has grown substantially over the past decade. Alongside the exponential development and application of machine learning algorithms, new ethical problems and solutions relating to their ubiquitous use in society have been proposed. This article builds on a review of the ethics of algorithms published in 2016, 2016). The goals are to contribute to the debate on the identification and analysis of the ethical implications of algorithms, to provide an updated anal…Read more
  •  2947
    The modern abundance and prominence of data has led to the development of “data science” as a new field of enquiry, along with a body of epistemological reflections upon its foundations, methods, and consequences. This article provides a systematic analysis and critical review of significant open problems and debates in the epistemology of data science. We propose a partition of the epistemology of data science into the following five domains: (i) the constitution of data science; (ii) the kind …Read more
  •  92
    Operationalising AI ethics: barriers, enablers and next steps
    with Jessica Morley, Libby Kinsey, Anat Elhalal, Francesca Garcia, and Marta Ziosi
    AI and Society 38 (1): 411-423. 2023.
    By mid-2019 there were more than 80 AI ethics guides available in the public domain. Despite this, 2020 saw numerous news stories break related to ethically questionable uses of AI. In part, this is because AI ethics theory remains highly abstract, and of limited practical applicability to those actually responsible for designing algorithms and AI systems. Our previous research sought to start closing this gap between the ‘what’ and the ‘how’ of AI ethics through the creation of a searchable typ…Read more
  •  37
    Achieving a ‘Good AI Society’: Comparing the Aims and Progress of the EU and the US
    with Huw Roberts, Josh Cowls, Emmie Hine, Francesca Mazzi, Andreas Tsamados, and Mariarosaria Taddeo
    Science and Engineering Ethics 27 (6): 1-25. 2021.
    Over the past few years, there has been a proliferation of artificial intelligence strategies, released by governments around the world, that seek to maximise the benefits of AI and minimise potential harms. This article provides a comparative analysis of the European Union and the United States’ AI strategies and considers the visions of a ‘Good AI Society’ that are forwarded in key policy documents and their opportunity costs, the extent to which the implementation of each vision is living up …Read more
  •  65
    The End of an Era: from Self-Regulation to Hard Law for the Digital Industry
    Philosophy and Technology 34 (4): 619-622. 2021.