• The misunderstandings of hume's paradox of causation
    Giornale di Metafisica 23 (3): 377-398. 2001.
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    Praxis and poesis in Aristotle's practical philosophy
    Journal of Value Inquiry 24 (3): 185-198. 1990.
    All the paradoxes in the Engberg-Pedersen interpretation and all the present-day discussions about whether energeia is an activity or a state, are not, in my opinion, the result of a defective reading of Aristotle but, rather, the influence of the prevailing values of our industrial society. These values - held, as it seems, by these commentators - are conspicuously teleological: they prevent us from grasping the qualitative difference between praxis and poesis and between energeia and kinesis. …Read more
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    In the History of Philosophy, the atomistic physics of Epicurus and of Democritus have been considered as very similar.1 Con trary to the more conventional view, Marx considers this similarity
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    Circularity of Thought in Hegel's Logic
    Review of Metaphysics 44 (1). 1990.
    HEGEL says that "when enquiry is made as to the kind of predicate belonging to [a] subject, the act of judgement necessarily implies an underlying concept [Begriff]; but this concept is expressed only by the predicate." According to this, some concept of the subject must precede predication. This circularity can be formulated as follows: If the statement is the "factory" in which concepts are produced, how is it that the concepts precede the statement and are not merely produced within it in the…Read more
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    The mind and its depths
    History of European Ideas 22 (1): 61-62. 1996.
  • Mind and the World. By John McDowell
    The European Legacy 3 117-117. 1998.
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    Aristotle's Theory of πρᾶξις
    Hermes 114 (2): 163-172. 1986.