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    Kriterion: Journal of Philosophy 45 (110): 207-208. 2004.
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    The Metatheoretical Framework of William of Ockham’s Modal Logic
    In Magali Elise Roques & Jenny Pelletier (eds.), The Language of Thought in Late Medieval Philosophy, Springer. pp. 137-147. 2017.
    Ockham has a very particular definition of modality: every term that is predicable of a whole sentence is a modal term. His definition reaches well beyond “necessary,” “possible,” “contingent” and “impossible,” including predicates such as “known” and “believed,” but also “written” and “spoken.” He provides a general framework for inferences including every term covered by his definition of modality. However, there is a proper modal syllogistic in Ockham only for the Aristotelian modalities, tha…Read more
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    La theorie ockhamienne de la connaissance evidente porte sur certains aspects causaux qui ont lieu dans l'intellect et produisent l'assentiment a certaines propositions. Les propositions connues de facon evidente sont les propositions connues par les sens, celles dont la connaissance depend de la seule apprehension des concepts et, de facon indirecte, les conclusions des raisonnements. Dans tous ces cas, l'assentiment a la proposition est cause naturellement par l'apprehension des termes. Si le …Read more
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    Articulating a framework for unarticulated constituents
    Mind and Language 38 (1): 98-118. 2023.
    The truth-conditions of many utterances have components that do not correspond to any uttered morpheme. This happens because linguistic acts are always a supplement to whatever else is available to agents engaged in a conversation. Unarticulated constituents result from the informational trade-off between what is available in the situation of utterance and what needs to be linguistically articulated. Unarticulated constituents are constituents of propositions, that is, of classifying tools that …Read more
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    A Second Naturalization for a Second Nature
    In André J. Abath & Federico Sanguinetti (eds.), Mcdowell and Hegel: Perceptual Experience, Thought and Action, Springer Verlag. pp. 177-192. 2018.
    McDowell’s argument to refuse a scientific approach to human rationality is that lawful explanations are unable to account for our rational agency. However, not every scientific explanation is a lawful one. There is another argument to the the same effect: (a) there are distinct inquiries concerning the space of reasons: causal inquiries and constitutive inquiries; (b) they are independent of each other; (c) science addresses only the first sort of questions; (d) therefore, it has no impact on i…Read more
  • Is ‘Deus scit quicquid scivit’ an epistemic sophisma?
    Cahiers de l'Institut du Moyen-Âge Grec Et Latin 77 111-125. 2006.
  • The border war between semantics and pragmatics has an early version in the dispute between Mates and Cavell. While Mates argues for a strict separation between semantic inferences and mere pragmatic regularities, Cavell argues for a “logic of ordinary language”, identifying the commitments following the act of saying something. This answer gives a clue to the contemporary debate between minimalists and contextualists: we may either think that pragmatic inferences are only effective after the pr…Read more
  • "Acte signifié" / "acte exercé", combien de distinctions?
    In Laurent Cesalli, Frédéric Goubier, Aurélien Robert, Luisa Valente & Anne Grondeux (eds.), Ad Placitum pour Irène Rosier-Catach. pp. 539-544. 2021.
  • “Post-truth” is a misleading label: there is no new concept of truth, nor is there a change in what is true. However, there is something new, and bad, happening in our dealings with truth: the lack of trust in institutions dedicated to produce knowledge. In this chapter, I try to explain why this happens. I also address the effects of this lack of trust in the election of a far-right president in Brazil. The changes in our epistemic landscape result from deep-rooted features in human culture, th…Read more
  • Existe uma Resposta Ockhamiana ao Ceticismo?
    Cadernos de História E Filosofia da Ciéncia 15 (2). 2005.
    A idéia que a teoria ockhamiana da notitia intuitiva tem conseqüências céticas está presente há algum tempo na literatura secundária. Este tema reaparece num recente artigo de Elizabeth Karger. Segundo Karger, o problema central da teoria ockhamiana é que um julgamento pode me parecer evidente e no entanto ser falso, em virtude da intervenção divina – a célebre notitia intuitiva de re non existente. O Venerabilis Inceptor teria tentado evitar o ceticismo, sem sucesso, estipulando que todo conhec…Read more
  • Walking through the pandemic
    Keanean Journal of Arts 1 (8): 15-16. 2021.
  • Complexe significabilia are the significate of whole sentences, irreducible to what is signified by categorematic sub-sentential components. It has been propounded firstly by Adam Wodeham. Wodeham construes his argument for the postulation of complexe significabilia as a middle way between William of Ockham and Walter Chatton. According to Wodeham, Ockham’s view implies a reflexive theory of mental acts, which goes against the phenomenology of the act of assent. Moreover, it leads to an anti-…Read more