•  47
    When the World is Not Enough: Medieval Ways to Deal with the Lack of Referents
    with Frédéric Goubier
    Logica Universalis 9 (2): 213-235. 2015.
    According to several late medieval logicians, the use the universal quantifier ‘omnis’ creates the requirement that the sentence refers to at least three items—the principle of sufficientia appellatorum. The commitment is such that, when the quota is not fulfilled, one has to import the missing items from the realm of the nonexistent. While the central argument for this principle, whose origin is Aristotle’s De Caelo, stems from the contrast between unrestricted universal quantifiers and binary …Read more
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    La theorie ockhamienne de la connaissance evidente porte sur certains aspects causaux qui ont lieu dans l'intellect et produisent l'assentiment a certaines propositions. Les propositions connues de facon evidente sont les propositions connues par les sens, celles dont la connaissance depend de la seule apprehension des concepts et, de facon indirecte, les conclusions des raisonnements. Dans tous ces cas, l'assentiment a la proposition est cause naturellement par l'apprehension des termes. Si le …Read more
  • Existe uma Resposta Ockhamiana ao Ceticismo?
    Cadernos de História E Filosofia da Ciéncia 15 (2). 2005.
    A idéia que a teoria ockhamiana da notitia intuitiva tem conseqüências céticas está presente há algum tempo na literatura secundária. Este tema reaparece num recente artigo de Elizabeth Karger. Segundo Karger, o problema central da teoria ockhamiana é que um julgamento pode me parecer evidente e no entanto ser falso, em virtude da intervenção divina – a célebre notitia intuitiva de re non existente. O Venerabilis Inceptor teria tentado evitar o ceticismo, sem sucesso, estipulando que todo conhec…Read more
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    Does contextualism make communication a miracle?
    Manuscrito 32 (1): 231-247. 2009.
    In this paper, I argue against the thesis suggested by Cappelen and Lepore, according to which if contextualism were true, communication would require many items, and therefore would be fragile; communication is not fragile, and therefore, communication does not demand a large number of conditions, and contextualism is false. While we should grant the robustness of communication, it is not guaranteed by some unchanging conditions, but by different flexible mechanisms that enhance the chances of …Read more
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    Para que precisamos do conteúdo disjuntivo?
    Philósophos - Revista de Filosofia 10 (2). 2005.
    A idéia que existe um conteúdo comum à percepção e à mera aparência da percepção parece natural: ter uma ilusão não é outra coisa senão ter uma experiência que é subjetivamente indistingüível da percepção, e isto pode ser explicado pela identificação do conteúdo comum aos dois casos. Contra a postulação de um estado mental comum à percepção e à ilusão, alguns autores como P. Snowdon e J. McDowell propuseram uma teoria disjuntiva do conteúdo sensorial. Se um sujeito tem a impressão de perceber al…Read more
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    John Buridan on the bearer of logical relations
    Logica Universalis 2 (1): 59-70. 2008.
    .  According to John Buridan, the time for which a statement is true is underdetermined by the grammatical form of the sentence – the intention of the speaker is required. As a consequence, truth-bearers are not sentence types, nor sentence tokens plus facts of the context of utterance, but statements. Statements are also the bearers of logical relations, since the latter can only be established among entities having determined truth-conditions. This role of the intention of the speaker in the d…Read more
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    O sofisma ‘omnis homo de necessitate est animal’ é um dos mais discutidos naliteratura filosófica medieval. Meu objetivo neste texto é o de propor uma hipótese deanálise das estratégias argumentativas para uma resposta positiva, isto é, que consideraesta frase verdadeira. Para isto, trabalharei com três textos: a hipótese será formulada apartir da leitura do AnonymusGC611, soph. 7, e será em seguida testada, de maneirapreliminar, nos bem mais longos Anonymus Erfordensise Gonville e Caius 512-543…Read more
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    For John Buridan, truth-bearers are assertions. This fact explains why the inference ‘p is true, therefore p’ may fail. On the one hand, the tense of the verb plus the time of utterance do not determine the time about which a sentence is intended to be true: the intention of the speaker is needed. On the other hand, since the meaning of vocal and written words is conventional, it may seem that they can be used with different meanings on each side of the inference. While the antecedent may talk a…Read more
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    The solution John Buridan offers for the Paradox of the Liar has not been correctly placed within the framework of his philosophy of language. More precisely, there are two important points of the Buridanian philosophy of language that are crucial to the correct understanding of his solution to the Liar paradox that are either misrepresented or ignored in some important accounts of his theory. The first point is that the Aristotelian formula, ` propositio est vera quia qualitercumque significat …Read more
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    Kriterion: Journal of Philosophy 45 (110): 207-208. 2004.