•  106
    Saul Kripke ’s book Naming and Necessity (which first appeared in 1972 as a paper within a volume on natural language semantics1) is felt, by many linguists and philosophers, as a milestone of the semantic analysis of natural language. Prior to it, many semanticists took for granted that the meaning of any expression must be a two-level matter, consisting of something of the kind of what Frege called Sinn and Bedeutung or what Carnap christened as intension and extension. The first of the compon…Read more
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    After putting forward his celebrated deflationary theory of truth (Horwich, 1998a), Paul Horwich added a compatible theory of meaning (Horwich, 1998b). I am calling also this latter theory deflationism (although it may be a slightly misleading name in that, as Paul himself notes, his theory of meaning is deflationary more in the sense of being forced by the deflationary theory of truth than of being particularly deflationary in itself). In contrast, what I call inferentialism is the theory of me…Read more
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    Fascinující rozvoj fyziky v našem století znamená mimo jiné pronikání fyzikù do míst, která bývala tradiènì hájemstvím filozofù. Fyziky a popularizátory fyziky to nìkdy vede k tomu, že v souvislosti s tímto pohybem hovoøí, tak jako John D. Barrow ve své..
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    In Meaning and Structure, Peregrin argues that recent and contemporary (post)analytic philosophy, as developed by Quine, Davidson, Sellars and their followers, is largely structuralistic in the very sense in which structuralism was originally tabled by Ferdinand de Saussure. The author reconstructs de Saussure's view of language, linking it to modern formal logic and mathematics, and reveals close analogies between its constitutive principles and the principles informing the holistic and neoprag…Read more
  •  13
    Hintikkova" logika podporující nezávislost
    Organon F: Medzinárodný Časopis Pre Analytickú Filozofiu 7 (1): 90-96. 2000.
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    The beginning of this century hailed a new paradigm in linguistics, the paradigm brought about by de Saussure's Cours de Linguistique Genérále and subsequently elaborated by Jakobson, Hjelmslev and other linguists. It seemed that the linguistics of this century was destined to be structuralistic. However, half of the century later a brand new paradigm was introduced by Chomsky's Syntactic Structures followed by Montague's formalization of semantics. This new turn has brought linguistics surprisi…Read more
  • K Tautologiím A Nezávislosti Stavů Věcí V Traktátu
    Organon F: Medzinárodný Časopis Pre Analytickú Filozofiu 8 (3): 438-440. 2001.
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    Abstrakt. Co je to myšlenka? Všichni se asi shodneme na tom, že každý z nás lidí si myslí různé věci, že všichni máme všelijaké myšlenky, a že právě toto naše myšlení je tím, co nás lidi odlišuje od ostatních tvorů a věcí, na které můžeme v našem světě narazit. Co to ale taková myšlenka je, jak vypadá a co dělá? A jak vůbec lze na takto položenou otázku odpovídat; je to věc empirického výzkumu, nebo snad něčeho jiného (třeba fenomenologické introspekce)? V tomto článku hájíme tezi, že empirické …Read more
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    The nature of meaning: Brandom versus Chomsky
    Pragmatics and Cognition 13 (1): 39-57. 2005.
    Part of the philosophy of language of the 20th century is marked by a shift from the view of language as a tool of representing the world to its view as a means of interacting with the world. This shift is common to the later Wittgenstein, to pragmatists and neopragmatists including Brandom, and also to Chomsky and his school. The claim of the paper is that though the Chomskyans have offered an admirably elaborated theory of syntax adequate to the interactive view of language, they failed to dev…Read more
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    Není tomu tak dávno, co se ti, kdo vzývali termín "analytická filosofie", v naší zemi jevili jako příslušníci nějaké divné sekty, kteří smysl termínu "filosofie" jakýmsi úchylným způsobem překrucují. Není-li však člověk zrovna Valihrachem, nemůže o tom, co slova znamenají, svévolně rozhodovat; a faktem je, analytická filosofie tvoří podstatnou část toho, co se ve světě pod hlavičkou "filosofie" učí a provozuje. (Já bych řekl, že dokonce většinu, ale statistické údaje samozřejmě k dispozici žádné…Read more
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    The Philosophers' Magazine 20 23-24. 2002.
  •  17
    Pozoruhodné logické systémy
    Organon F: Medzinárodný Časopis Pre Analytickú Filozofiu 8 90-96. 2000.
  • Rorty, Richard path to postmodernism
    Filosoficky Casopis 42 (3): 381-402. 1994.
  • Já o platonismu, Cmorej o výrazech a semivýrazech
    Organon F: Medzinárodný Časopis Pre Analytickú Filozofiu 14 (1): 84-87. 2007.
  •  2
    Like so many sciences, linguistics originated from philosophy's rib. It reached maturity and attained full independence only in the twentieth century (for example, it is a well-known fact that the first linguistics department in the UK was founded in 1944); though research which we would now classify as linguistic (especially leading to generalizations from comparing different languages) was certainly carried out much earlier. The relationship between philosophy and linguistics is perhaps remini…Read more
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    One of the recent trends in the philosophy of language and theory of meaning is the inferentialist project launched by Robert Brandom (1994, 2000, 2008), elaborating on the approach of Wilfrid Sellars (1953, 1954, 1956, 1974). According to this project, language is to be seen as essentially a rule-governed activity, providing for meaningful utterances in a way analogous to the way in which the rules of chess provide for making one's pawns, bishops or rooks attack one's opponent, checking his kin…Read more
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    Foundations of logic (edited book)
    Charles University in Prague/Karolinum Press. 2010.
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    Paul Horwich (ed.): Meaning (review)
    Erkenntnis 53 (3): 415-422. 2000.
  • Jonathan Culler: Saussure
    Organon F: Medzinárodný Časopis Pre Analytickú Filozofiu 1 (1): 83-85. 1994.
  •  39
    Berka vs. Frege: několik poznámek
    Organon F: Medzinárodný Časopis Pre Analytickú Filozofiu 6 (4): 410-413. 1999.
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    Logic and Natural Selection
    Logica Universalis 4 (2): 207-223. 2010.
    Is logic, feasibly, a product of natural selection? In this paper we treat this question as dependent upon the prior question of where logic is founded. After excluding other possibilities, we conclude that logic resides in our language, in the shape of inferential rules governing the logical vocabulary of the language. This means that knowledge of (the laws of) logic is inseparable from the possession of the logical constants they govern. In this sense, logic may be seen as a product of natural…Read more
  •  25
    Philosophy is usually considered to be searching out the most general, and hence also the most necessary and the most eternal, truth; its central part, ontology, is often assumed to be fastening upon whatever might be "the form of the world". And because our world is the world as formed by the way we comprehend it and by the way we cope with it by means of our language, it is often assumed that its form must be brought out by the analysis of the interrelations between the meanings of our words a…Read more
  • Once again on two levels of meaning
    Filosoficky Casopis 52 (1): 117-121. 2004.
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    O nějaké činnosti v rámci nějakého lidského společenství říkám, že je řízená pravidly , jsou‐li určité způsoby provozování této činnosti systematicky brány členy tohoto společenství, nebo nějakou jeho podskupinou, za správné, a jiné za nesprávné. Braní za správné či nesprávné (neboli normativní postoje ) beru v podstatě za dále neanalyzovatelné behaviorální vzorce, není to tedy pojem, který by primárně odkazoval k něčemu jako je kognitivní výbava účastníků, rozhodně nepředpokládá nic takového, j…Read more
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    The perennial question – What is meaning? – receives many answers. In this paper I present and discuss inferentialism – a recent approach to semantics based on the thesis that to have ( such and such ) a meaning is to be governed by ( such and such ) a cluster of inferential rules . I point out that this thesis presupposes that looking for meaning requires seeing language as a social institution (rather than, say, a psychological reality). I also indicate that this approach may be seen as a new …Read more
  •  52
    Topic-Focus Articulation as Generalized Quantification
    In Peter Bosch & Rob van der Sandt (eds.), Focus and Natural Language Processing, Ibm Deutschland. pp. 49--57. 1995.
    Recent results of Partee, Rooth, Krifka and other formal semanticians confirm that topic-focus articulation (TFA) of sentence is relevant for its semantics. The essential import of TFA, which is more apparent in case of a language with relatively free word order such as Czech than in case of English, has been traditionally intensively studied by Czech linguists. In this paper we would like to indicate the possibility of the account for TFA in terms of the theory of generalized quantifiers, drawi…Read more
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    Dynamická logika
    Organon F: Medzinárodný Časopis Pre Analytickú Filozofiu 7 (3): 338-348. 2000.