• Meaning and Structure
    Filosoficky Casopis 50 686-688. 2002.
  • Hilbertův epsilon-kalkul a současné pokusy o jeho využití pro analýzu jazyka
    Organon F: Medzinárodný Časopis Pre Analytickú Filozofiu 7 (2): 210-217. 2000.
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    Když jsem v roce 1992 začínal na filosofické fakultě UK přednášet teorii sémantiky, cítil jsem intenzivní potřebu poskytnout studentům nějaký učební text. O překotném vývoji tohoto interdisciplinárního oboru, který odstartovalo v sedmdesátých letech úspěšné “zkřížení logiky s lingvistikou” Richardem Montaguem a dalšími a který se nezpomalil dodnes, totiž v češtině neexistovaly prakticky žádné zprávy (s čestnou výjimkou přístupu tzv. transparentní intenzionální logiky, který byl dílem českého emi…Read more
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    Ještě několik poznámek k tomu, co je v mé knize
    Filosoficky Casopis 49 853-856. 2001.
    [Still Some More Notes on what is in my Book]
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    Logic is usually considered to be the study of logical consequence – of the most basic laws governing how a statement’s truth depends on the truth of other statements. Some of the pioneers of modern formal logic, notably Hilbert and Carnap, assumed that the only way to get hold of the relation of consequence was to reconstruct it as a relation of inference within a formal system built upon explicit inferential rules. Even Alfred Tarski in 1930 seemed to foresee no kind of consequence other t…Read more
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    Semantics as based on inference
    In Johan van Benthem, Gerhard Heinzman, M. Rebushi & H. Visser (eds.), The Age of Alternative Logics, Springer. pp. 25--36. 2006.
  • Logika 20. století: mezi filosofií a matematikou
    Filosoficky Casopis 55 917-922. 2007.
    [Logic of the 20th century: Between philosophy and mathematics]
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    The Philosophers' Magazine 20 23-24. 2002.
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    Vuvodnim rocniku ORGANONu Pavel Cmorej ve svych @@piton lch z logicjce syntaxe predvadel, jak je prirozeny jazyk mozne nahlizet prismatem 'standardni' logiky. Historicky ovsem neexistuje jedna logika,ale ruzne logicke systemy, ktere spolu castecne soupeii (tak jako treba klasicka a intuicionisticka logika), castecne jeden druhy rozsiruji (Iako treba klasicky vyrokovy a klasicky predikatovy pocet) ci se navzajem doplnuji (Iako napriklad modalni a temporalni logika). To co je v logice obecne priji…Read more
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    Inferentializing Semantics
    Journal of Philosophical Logic 39 (3). 2010.
    The entire development of modern logic is characterized by various forms of confrontation of what has come to be called proof theory with what has earned the label of model theory. For a long time the widely accepted view was that while model theory captures directly what logical formalisms are about, proof theory is merely our technical means of getting some incomplete grip on this; but in recent decades the situation has altered. Not only did proof theory expand into new realms, generalizing t…Read more
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    Book reviews (review)
    Erkenntnis 69 (1): 131-135. 2008.
    In his “Making it Explicit”,1 Robert Brandom set up a new philosophical paradigm, concentrating especially on the link between language and the world, but extendable (in the way familiar from the dawn of the linguistic turn) to the rest of philosophy. He views modern philosophy in terms of the tension between “representationalist” and “inferentialist” approaches to language (which, according to him, also underlies the much more commonly cited struggle between empiricism and rationalism); and ela…Read more
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    This book offers a comprehensive account of logic that addresses fundamental issues concerning the nature and foundations of the discipline. The authors claim that these foundations can not only be established without the need for strong metaphysical assumptions, but also without hypostasizing logical forms as specific entities. They present a systematic argument that the primary subject matter of logic is our linguistic interaction rather than our private reasoning and it is thus misleading to …Read more
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    Clauses (1) and (2) guarantee the inclusion of all 'intuitive' natural numbers, and (3) guarantees the exclusion of all other objects. Thus, in particular, no nonstandard numbers, which would follow after the intuitive ones are admitted (nonstandard numbers are found in nonstandard models of Peano arithmetic, in which the standard natural numbers are followed by one or more 'copies' of integers running from minus infinity to infinity)
  • Filosofie na kompaktních discích
    Filosoficky Casopis 47 686-687. 1999.
    [Philosophy on Compact Discs.]
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    The paper addresses foundational questions concerning the dynamic semantics of natural language based on dynamic logic of the Groenendijko-Stokhofian kind. Discussing a series of model calculi of increasing complexity, it shows in detail how the usual semantics of dynamic logic can be seen as emerging from the account for certain inferential patterns of natural language, namely those governing anaphora. In this way, the current ‘dynamic turn’ of logic is argued to be reasonably seen not as the p…Read more
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    Post-analytická filosofie
    Organon F: Medzinárodný Časopis Pre Analytickú Filozofiu 1 (2): 89-108. 1994.
    The contemporary popularity of the prefix post has found its expression also in the realm of analytic philosophy - there arises something which has come to be called postanalytic philosophy. We put forward that this branch of the analytic movement, germinating in the writings of the late Ludwig Wittgenstein, of Wllard Van Orman Quine and Willfrid Sellars, and coming to fill blossom with Nelson Goodman, Donald Davidson, Hilary Putnam and Richard Rorty, springs first and foremost from the repudiat…Read more
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    It is a common wisdom that whereas consequence or entailment is a semantic concept, provability is a syntactic concept. However, what exactly does this mean? What is provability? In the traditional, intuitive sense, to prove something is to demonstrate its truth, and indeed the Latin word for proof is demonstratio. Hence in this sense, we cannot prove something unless it is true. Now in the course of his well known proof of the incompleteness of arithmetic, Gödel showed that provability within t…Read more
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    In considering the very possibility of deviant logic, we face the following question: what makes us see an operator of one logical system as a deviant version of an operator of another system? Why not see it simply as a different operator? Why do we see, say, intuitionist implication as an operator 'competing' with classical implication? Is it only because both happen to be called implications?1 It is clear that if we want to make cross-systemic comparisons, we need an 'Archimedean point' extern…Read more
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    Over the last two decades, semantic theory has been marked by a continuing shift from a static view of meaning to a dynamic one. The increasing interest in extending semantic analysis from isolated sentences to larger units of discourse has fostered the intensive study of anaphora and coreference, and this has engendered a shift from viewing meaning as truth conditions to viewing it as the potential to change the "informational context"
  • Tyler Burge, Origins of Objectivity
    Organon F: Medzinárodný Časopis Pre Analytickú Filozofiu 19 (1): 114-122. 2012.
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    No weirdo (review)
    The Philosophers' Magazine 14 57-57. 2001.
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    Interpreting formal logic
    Erkenntnis 40 (1). 1994.
    The concept ofsemantic interpretation is a source of chronic confusion: the introduction of a notion ofinterpretation can be the result of several quite different kinds of considerations.Interpretation can be understood in at least three ways: as a process of dis-abstraction of formulas, as technical tool for the sake of characterizing truth, or as a reconstruction of meaning-assignment. However essentially different these motifs are and however properly they must be kept apart, these can all be…Read more
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    Though, at first sight, logical formalization of natural language sentences and arguments might look like an unproblematic enterprise, the criteria of its success are far from clear and, surprisingly, there have only been a few attempts at making them explicit. This paper provides a picture of the enterprise of logical formalization that does not conceive of it as a kind of translation from one language (a natural one) into another language (a logical one), but rather as a construction of a 'map…Read more
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    Knihu Kritika depolitizovaného rozumu (podtitul Úvahy (nejen) o nové normalizaci, Václav Bělohradský a kol., Grimmus, Všeň 2010) jsem si kupoval s vědomím, že s její- mi autory se asi nebudu ve všem shodovat, nicméně také s přesvědčením, že problém, na který poukazuje její název, je skutečně závažný, a s nadějí, že se o něm třeba dozvím něco z úhlu pohledu, který mi není vlastní, a tak se mi podaří ho nahlédnout plastičtěji. Bohužel jsem zjistil, že název knihy je pouze krycí; že nejde o boj s d…Read more
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    In his sharp critique of contemporary theoretical linguistics, Pavel Tichý speaks about a scandal (The Scandal of Linguistics , From the Logical Point of view 3/92, 70-80). As a matter of fact, I am not quite unsympathetic with such a sharp criticism of linguistics; but the view of language and of linguistic theory presented in Tichý's essay seem to me to be so misguiding, that I doubt that his advice presented in the essay could really help linguistics "to get out off ground".
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    Saul Kripke ’s book Naming and Necessity (which first appeared in 1972 as a paper within a volume on natural language semantics1) is felt, by many linguists and philosophers, as a milestone of the semantic analysis of natural language. Prior to it, many semanticists took for granted that the meaning of any expression must be a two-level matter, consisting of something of the kind of what Frege called Sinn and Bedeutung or what Carnap christened as intension and extension. The first of the compon…Read more