•  20
    O nějaké činnosti v rámci nějakého lidského společenství říkám, že je řízená pravidly , jsou‐li určité způsoby provozování této činnosti systematicky brány členy tohoto společenství, nebo nějakou jeho podskupinou, za správné, a jiné za nesprávné. Braní za správné či nesprávné (neboli normativní postoje ) beru v podstatě za dále neanalyzovatelné behaviorální vzorce, není to tedy pojem, který by primárně odkazoval k něčemu jako je kognitivní výbava účastníků, rozhodně nepředpokládá nic takového, j…Read more
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    Meaning as an inferential role
    Erkenntnis 64 (1): 1-35. 2006.
    While according to the inferentialists, meaning is always a kind of inferential role, proponents of other approaches to semantics often doubt that actual meanings, as they see them, can be generally reduced to inferential roles. In this paper we propose a formal framework for considering the hypothesis of the
  •  34
    V letošním roce uplynulo 90 let ode dne, kdy se v Brně narodil geniální německý logik a matematik Kurt Gödel; člověk, který způsobil v moderní matematické logice převrat hlubší než byl ten, k jakému došlo v moderní fyzice díky lidem jako byli Einstein, Heisenberg a Bohr. Během svého života, stráveného z větší části nejprve ve Vídni a potom v Princetonu v USA, publikoval celou řadu prací, které měly pro matematickou logiku zcela zásadní význam; oním skutečným mezníkem, který mu zajistil trvalé mí…Read more
  •  44
    Spory o realismus, Hegel a jazyk (y) matematiky
    Organon F: Medzinárodný Časopis Pre Analytickú Filozofiu 19 (1): 66-83. 2012.
  •  33
    Pavel Materna je logikem a filosofem, na kterého se, domnívám se, mimořádně hodí anglický přívlastek single-minded, který bohužel nemá v češtině skutečný ekvivalent. Materna již dávno přijal za svůj ten pojmový rámec, který stojí v základě systému transparentní intenzionální logiky (TIL) vyvinuté Pavlem Tichým, a tento rámec se mu stal měřítkem všech věcí, jsoucích že jsou a nejsoucích že nejsou. Ani jeho poslední kniha Concepts and Objects, která vyšla v ediční řadě vydávané Filosofickou společ…Read more
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    The paper presents an argument against a "metaphysical'* conception of logic according to which logic spells out a specific kind of mathematical structure that is somehow inherently related to our factual reasoning. In contrast, it is argued that it is always an empirical question as to whether a given mathematical structure really does captures a principle of reasoning. lMore generally, it is argued that it is not meaningful to replace an empirical investigation of a thing by an investigation o…Read more
  •  81
    Variables in Natural Language: Where Do They Come From?'
    In Michael Böttner & Wolf Thümmel (eds.), Variable-Free Semantics, Secolo. pp. 46--65. 2000.
  •  36
    "Syntaktika sa obmedzuje výlučně na skúmanie samotných výrazov ... Sémantika sa sústreďuje najmä na skúmanie vzťahov medzi jazykovými výrazmi a predmetmi, na ktoré sa tieto výrazy vzťahujú a na tie vlastnosti a vzťahy výrazov, ktoré súvisja a ich vzťahmi k týmto predmetom." (P. Cmorej: Úvod do logickej syntaxe a sémantiky, IRIS, Bratislava, 2001, s. 19.).
  •  8
    Formalization of Language as a Means of Philosophical Analysis
    In Ulla Wessels & Georg Meggle (eds.), Analyōmen 1 =, De Gruyter. pp. 939-945. 1994.
  •  71
    Structure and meaning
    Semiotica 113 (1-2): 71-88. 1997.
    It seems that the theories of language of the present century can be classified into two basic groups. The approaches of the first group perceive language as a mathematical structure and understand any theory of language as a kind of application of mathematics or logic. Their ideological background is furnished by logical positivism and analytical philosophy (esp. by Russell, Carnap, Wittgenstein and their followers); and their practical output is Chomskian formal syntax and subsequent formal se…Read more
  •  40
    Paul Horwich (ed.): Meaning (review)
    Erkenntnis 53 (3): 415-422. 2000.
  •  40
    Existuje překvapivě málo knih, které by se pokoušely o syntetizující pohled na analytickou filosofii. Je ovšem pravda, že ve druhé polovině našeho století se soubor filosofů, kteří se k analytické filosofii hlásí nebo kteří k ní bývají řazeni, stává natolik různorodý, že se jakákoli syntéza stává problematickou; překvapivě málo syntetizujících prací existuje ale i o ‘klasické’ analytické filosofii, to jest o analytické filosofii období zhruba od konce devatenáctého století do poloviny století dv…Read more
  • [So once again on Putnam, two levels of meaning, natural kinds, ... ]
  •  62
    Some twenty years ago, semanticists of natural language came to be overwhelmed by the problem of semantic analysis of belief sentences (and sentences reporting other kinds of propositional attitudes): the trouble was that sentences of the shapes X believes that A and X believes that B appeared to be able to have different truth values even in cases when A and B shared the same intension, i.e. were, from the viewpoint of intensional semantics, synonymous 1 . Thus, taking intensional semanti…Read more
  • Lambekovy kalkuly a 'logiky kategorií'
    Organon F: Medzinárodný Časopis Pre Analytickú Filozofiu 7 (4): 460-466. 2000.
  •  51
    Doing Worlds with Words throws light on the problem of meaning as the meeting point of linguistics, logic and philosophy, and critically assesses the possibilities and limitations of elucidating the nature of meaning by means of formal logic, model theory and model-theoretical semantics. The main thrust of the book is to show that it is misguided to understand model theory metaphysically and so to try to base formal semantics on something like formal metaphysics; rather, the book states that mod…Read more
  •  40
    V kontextu české filosofie, kde není nouze o vzdělané a chytré lidi, ale kde se to nijak nehemží skutečnými individualitami, představuje Petr Vopěnka zcela zvláštní případ. Je matematik nejenom vzděláním, ale v matematice i leccos dokázal. Jeho knihy o filosofii matematiky, zejména jeho tetralogie Rozprav s geometrií1, jsou velice vyhraněné: Vopěnka v nich předkládá svůj originální obraz a příliš se nestará o to, aby ho konfrontoval s tím, co si o tom myslí jiní. Jak sám připouští, i historické …Read more
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    Odpovědi kritikům
    Filosoficky Casopis 53 619-624. 2005.
    [Replies to critics]
  • Internet: Good or evil?
    Filosoficky Casopis 46 (1): 5-17. 1998.
  •  58
    A few decades ago, only isolated groups of philosophers counted the phenomenon of normativity as one of their principal interests. Rules and norms have always, of course, been in the purview of moral philosophers, who often took them as exceedingly abstract entities, if not directly metaphysical. Philosophers from the border territories of philosophy and social sciences, on the other hand, were interested in more concrete norms, namely those that emerge and survive within human societies. Philos…Read more
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    Když Bůh stvořil Adama, pošeptal mu do ucha: Ve všech kontextech jednání budeš brát v potaz pravidla, byť by to mělo být jenom pravidlo, že se máš pídit po pravidlech, která bys mohl brát v potaz. Přestaneš-li brát v potaz pravidla, budeš chodit po čtyřech
  •  75
    Meaning: the dynamic turn (edited book)
    Elsevier Science. 2003.
    In recent decades, many theories of formal semantics of natural language have undergone what can be called a dynamic turn: they have moved from treating language as a static system to considering it 'in action' and to taking meanings as crucially involving 'context-change potentials'. The theories, however, usually concentrate much more on the hows of the turn than on its whys and as a result, the conceptual foundations of dynamic semantics are much less elaborated than its technical side. This …Read more
  •  301
    Inferentialism and the Normativity of Meaning
    Philosophia 40 (1): 75-97. 2012.
    There may be various reasons for claiming that meaning is normative, and additionally, very different senses attached to the claim. However, all such claims have faced fierce resistance from those philosophers who insist that meaning is not normative in any nontrivial sense of the word. In this paper I sketch one particular approach to meaning claiming its normativity and defend it against the anti-normativist critique: namely the approach of Brandomian inferentialism. However, my defense is not…Read more
  •  1
    A formula is (materially) valid iff all its instances are true sentences; and an axiomatic system is called (materially) sound and complete iff it proves all and only valid formulas. These are 'natural' concepts of validity and completeness, which were, however, in the course of the history of modern logic, stealthily replaced by their formal descendants: formal validity and completeness. A formula is formally valid iff it is true under all interpretations in all universes; and an axiomatic syst…Read more
  •  63
    Can we base the whole of logic solely on the concept of incompatibility? My motivation for asking this is two-fold: firstly, a technical interest in what a minimal foundations of logic might be; and secondly, the existence of philosophers who have taken incompatibility as the ultimate key to human reason (viz., e.g., Hegel's concept of determinate negation). The main aim of this contribution is to tackle two related questions: Is it possible to reduce the foundations of logic to the mere concept…Read more
  •  37
    Logically Incorrect Arguments
    Argumentation 30 (3): 263-287. 2016.
    What do we learn when we find out that an argument is logically incorrect? If logically incorrect means the same as not logically correct, which in turn means not having a valid logical form, it seems that we do not learn anything too useful—an argument which is logically incorrect can still be conclusive. Thus, it seems that it makes sense to fix a stronger interpretation of the term under which a logically incorrect argument is guaranteed to be wrong. In this paper, we show that pinpointing th…Read more
  •  26
    Dvě úrovně sémantiky
    Filosoficky Casopis 51 547-565. 2003.
    [Two levels of semantics]
  •  52
    Reference and inference: The case of anaphora
    In Klaus von Heusinger & Urs Egli (eds.), Reference and Anaphoric Relations, Kluwer Academic Publishers. pp. 269--286. 2000.
    In part one, I give an (unsystematic) overview of the development of logical tools which have been employed in the course of the analysis of referring expressions, i.e. definite and (specific) indefinite singular terms, of natural language. I present Russell's celebrated theory of definite descriptions which I see as an attempt to explain definite reference in terms of unique existence (and reference in general in terms of existence simpliciter); and I present Hilbert's E-calculus as an attempt …Read more
  •  14
    "Meaning and" Propositional Attitudes"
    with Petr Sgall
    Poznan Studies in the Philosophy of the Sciences and the Humanities 62 73-80. 1998.