Manuel Lázaro Pulido

Universidade Católica Portuguesa
Universidad Nacional De Educación A Distancia - UNED
  • En el VIII centenario del nacimiento de Juan Duns Escoto subrayamos el papel dentro de la discusión entre razón y fe de su maestro: el español Gonzalo Hispano . El teólogo franciscano realiza un equilibrio entre la tradición de los maestros del siglo XIII y la filosofía aristotélica, en un cambio de siglo marcado por el intelectualismo en el plano filosófico y el espiritualismo en el plano teológico-franciscano. La solución de Gonzalo abre el camino a la filosofía sutil de Juan Duns Escoto.In th…Read more
  • De Veritate, 29. La gracia de Cristo (review)
    Revista Española de Filosofía Medieval 15 191-191. 2008.
  • El concepto de Bien según Buenaventura
    Naturaleza y Gracia 2 359-373. 1998.
  • El socratismo cristiano en san Buenaventura
    Naturaleza y Gracia 3 646-672. 2006.
  • El hombre expresión de Dios: Buenaventura y Feuerbach
    Naturaleza y Gracia 1 753-786. 2007.
  • Aproximación bibliográfica a la «Escuela de Salamanca» (review)
    Revista Española de Filosofía Medieval 15 189-190. 2008.
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    O presente artigo está dedicado ao estudo das relações entre Filosofia e Espiritualidade no pensamento de S. Boaventura a partir de uma análise da obra Itinerarium mentis in Deum. Na base do estudo está a discussão do problema da relação entre Fé e Razão no pensamento Boaventuriano, problema esse cuja solução, defende o autor do artigo, tem de ser procurada no carácter sapiencial do pensamento de S. Boaventura. A obra Itinerarium mostra sobretudo até que ponto a Espiritualidade tem uma profunda …Read more
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    La crisis como lugar teologico (edited book)
    Sindéresis. 2014.
    Crisis is now a negatif concept, but this topos can be interpreted as a special place to building a theology. This book reflects some reasons to understand the negative philosophical and theological vision of Crisis, and also provides theological and philosophical reasons to elaborate a positive reading to crisis.
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    El Ars praedicandi de Alfonso de Alprão: introducción y traducción
    Revista Filosófica de Coimbra 22 (43): 209-281. 2013.
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    El estudio intenta presentar la filosofía del pensador español, nacionalizado francés, José Miguel Guardia. Y, a través de él y su opúsculo "Conversation entre un médecin et un philosophe sur la science de l'homme", mostrar la lectura que se hace en España del materialismo. Este controvertido polemista bascula su posición intelectual entre un conocimiento profundo de la cultura clásica y las corrientes filosóficas de su tiempo como Spencer, Comte o Littré. Guardia encarna un positivismo y un mat…Read more
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    The treatment of a mind theory leads us to considerer some aspects on the mind, the relationship between her operations and the reality that appears as objective. Questions coming from knowledge, as well as human faculties to operate such a connection. This paper deal with an epistemological subject and, at the same time, the way in which the man aspires to the knowledge is analysed, according St. Bonaventure and his thought on the role of the mind to reach the reality. The brief treatise Itiner…Read more
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    Repensar la Filosofía Medieval
    Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 14 121-128. 2008.
    This paper presents a way of rethinking the current thought and the medieval philosophy, understanding that we can define the actual philosophy like neo-romanticism. The challenges of this thought can be approached from a reading of to medieval philosophy of St. Bonaventure. St. Francis of Assisi can appear as a romantic personage and the access to the philosophy is done bearing other texts in mind as the Leyenda Maior.
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    La persona humana en San Buenaventura
    Revista Española de Filosofía Medieval 13 69-79. 2006.
    Saint Bonaventure elaborates the concept of human person starting from two contexts. One, more general: the examplarism, which explains the relationships between God and creatures in the manner of metaphysical and symbolic participation. The other, of theological characteristic, is an answer to the Trinitarian and christological question and it makes him to ask himself the concept of person. The human structure is definitively determinated by its personal characteristic. Saint Bodaventure uses t…Read more
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    El Ars Praedicandi de Alfonso de Alprão Traducción
    Revista Filosófica de Coimbra 22 (44): 475-512. 2013.
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    Solving the reporting cells problem by using a parallel team of evolutionary algorithms
    with Álvaro Rubio-Largo, Miguel A. Vega-rodríguez, Sónia M. Almeida-Luz, and Juan A. Gómez-Pulido
    Logic Journal of the IGPL 20 (4): 722-731. 2012.
    In this work, we present a new approach to solve the location management problem by using the reporting cells strategy. Location management is a very important and complex problem in mobile computing which aims to minimize the costs involved. In the reporting cells location management scheme, some cells in the network are designated as reporting cells . The choice of these cells is not trivial because they affect directly to the cost of the mobile network. This article is focused on the use of h…Read more
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    Presencia humanista en el Cursus Conimbricensis: Disputatio de Risu
    Revista Filosófica de Coimbra 20 (40): 413-438. 2011.
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    El socratismo cristiano en san Buenaventura
    Naturaleza y Gracia 3 645-672. 2006.
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    One of the fundamental literature traditions that reflect the emotions of knowledge to be found in mystical literature of Iberian Peninsula. This paper analyses the role of ‘gaudium’ in the work of Fr. Juan de los Ángeles O.F.M. first considering the work of Fr. Luis de Granada. Second reflecting the philosophical construction of the mystical theology of Franciscan master: dialogue between scholastic and mystical theology, specially the bonaventurien imprint in gaudium sapere as philosophy of lo…Read more
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    La risa en Francisco Suárez. El paso de la Edad Media al Barroco
    Anales Del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía 29 (1): 65-96. 2012.
    El estudio muestra la relación entre la tradición medieval presente en la segunda escolástica y las consecuencias en el Barroco del humanismo renancentista, a partir de la referencia que hace Suárez a la risa en el Comentario al De anima. Aparece un desarrollo de la temática clásica y medieval sobre la risa, donde se tiene en cuenta la esfera intelectual del Humanismo científico y se señalan algunas temáticas que se tendrán presente en el Barroco moderno