• Utrecht University
    Department for Philosophy and Religious Studies
    Professor (Part-time)
Utrecht University
Department for Philosophy and Religious Studies
PhD, 1997
Areas of Interest
Applied Ethics
Normative Ethics
  • From the Editors
    with Richard Haynes, Jan Elliott, and Kate Millar
    Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 15 (4): 335-335. 2002.
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    WTO, public reason and food public reasoning in the 'trade conflict' on GM-Food
    Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 7 (4): 417-431. 2004.
    Food trade is of economic importance for both developed and developing countries. Food, however, is a special commodity. Firstly, the lack of food -- hunger, under-nourishment, and starvation -- is one of the world's pressing moral problems. But food is not only special because it is necessary for our survival; food is also special because it is strongly related to our social and cultural identity. Two recent transatlantic trade conflicts over food -- over the use of artificial growth hormones i…Read more
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    Ethical tools to support systematic public deliberations about the ethical aspects of agricultural biotechnologies
    with Volkert Beekman
    Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 20 (1): 3-12. 2007.
    This special issue of the Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics presents so-called ethical tools that are developed to support systematic public deliberations about the ethical aspects of agricultural biotechnologies. This paper firstly clarifies the intended connotations of the term “ethical tools” and argues that such tools can support liberal democracies to cope with the issues that are raised by the application of genetic modification and other modern biotechnologies in agricultur…Read more
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    From the Editors
    with Michael Reiss, Richard Haynes, and Jan Elliott
    Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 14 (2): 129-133. 2001.
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    Scope of the journal
    with Richard P. Haynes
    Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 17 103-109. 2004.
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    From the editors
    with Richard Haynes, Jan Elliott, and Peter Schaber
    Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 13 (1-2): 1-5. 2000.
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    Guest editorial
    with Volkert Beekman
    Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 12 (1): 5-7. 2000.
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    Over idealen: het belang van idealen in recht, moraal en politiek (edited book)
    with Wibren van der Burg
    W.E.J. Tjeenk Willink. 1998.
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    Ethics and Sustainability: Guest or Guide? On Sustainability as a Moral Ideal (review)
    with Franck L. B. Meijboom
    Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 25 (2): 117-121. 2012.
    Ethics and Sustainability: Guest or Guide? On Sustainability as a Moral Ideal Content Type Journal Article Pages 1-5 DOI 10.1007/s10806-011-9322-6 Authors Franck L. B. Meijboom, Ethics Institute, Utrecht University, Janskerkhof 13a, 3512 BL Utrecht, The Netherlands Frans W. A. Brom, Ethics Institute, Utrecht University, Janskerkhof 13a, 3512 BL Utrecht, The Netherlands Journal Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics Online ISSN 1573-322X Print ISSN 1187-7863
  • From the Editors
    with Richard Haynes and Jan Elliott
    Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 14 (1): 1-2. 2001.
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    Legislation on Ethical Issues: Towards an Interactive Paradigm
    with Wibren Van Der Burg and Frans W. A. Brom
    Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 3 (1). 2000.
    In this article, we sketch a new approach to law and ethics. The traditional paradigm, exemplified in the debate on liberal moralism, becomes increasingly inadequate. Its basic assumptions are that there are clear moral norms of positive or critical morality, and that making statutory norms is an effective method to have citizens conform to those norms. However, for many ethical issues that are on the legislative agenda, e.g. with respect to bioethics and anti-discrimination law, the moral norms…Read more
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    The leading question of this article is whether it is acceptable, from a moral point of view, to take wild animals that are ill out of their natural habitat and temporarily bring them under human control with the purpose of curing them. To this end the so-called 'seal debate' was examined. In the Netherlands, seals that are lost or ill are rescued and taken into shelters, where they are cured and afterwards reintroduced into their natural environment. Recently, this practice has been criticised …Read more
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    Proposal for a transatlantic platform for consumer concerns and international trade
    with Jan Staman
    Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 12 (2): 207-214. 2000.
    Consumer concerns pop up. They are relatedto the safety of agrifood products for people, foranimals, and for the environment as well as the socialand ethical implications of certain agrifoodproduction methods. At first sight, the WTO agreementand the SPS and TBT agreements appear to offersufficient legal scope to deal with these concerns andresolve trade conflicts. The events of recent years,however, have shown the limitations of theseagreements in dealing with cultural differencesbetween nation…Read more
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    Intrinsic value and direct duties: From animal ethics towards environmental ethics? (review)
    with Robert Heeger
    Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 14 (2): 241-252. 2001.
    Three types of concern for animal welfare are widelyheld: Animals should feel well, they should function well, andthey should lead natural lives. The paper deals with a well-knownanswer to the question of why such concerns are morallyappropriate: Human beings have direct duties towards animals,because animals are beings that can flourish, the flourishing ofanimals is intrinsically or inherently valuable, and that whichis conducive to their flourishing is a legitimate object of moralconcern. Look…Read more
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    From the editors
    with Richard P. Haynes and Jan Elliott
    Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 14 (3): 1-3. 2001.
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