•  570
    Nietzsche's and Pessoa's Psychological Fictionalism
    with Antonio Cardiello
    Pessoa Plural 10 578-605. 2016.
    In a note to G.R.S. Mead’s "Quests Old and New", where he found a section devoted to Hans Vaihinger’s main ideas, Fernando Pessoa reflects on the consequences of the fictionalist approach to both our perception of the I and the value of consciousness. These questions correspond to some statements that we find in Nietzsche’s writings, which in particular Vaihinger refers to in his Die Philosophie des Als-ob. Our aim is thus to compare Nietzsche’s and Pessoa’s view of the I and consciousness, and …Read more
  •  622
    Il pensiero prospettivistico del Nietzsche maturo sorge come reazione alla «fede in un valore metafisico e in sé della verità» che, a partire da Platone, ha animato la cultura occidentale. Agli occhi di Nietzsche, tale fede si trova all’origine del processo di degenerazione antropologica che ha caratterizzato la morale europea, ed è pertanto su di essa che occorre operare criticamente se si vuole avviare un contromovimento in grado di permettere all’umanità di orientarsi nei meandri labirintici …Read more
  •  36
    Le colombe dello scettico focuses on Nietzsche's dealings with consciousness during his middle and late years, from 1880 to 1888. The investigation that Luca Lupo carries on in this book is exhaustive and quite useful in the field of Nietzsche studies, since it concerns a tricky topic that until now has not been taken as the subject of a complete study. The reason why dealing with this subject is not so easy is that the notion of consciousness can only be found in a few passages of Nietzsche's p…Read more
  •  232
    In the 1881 note 11 [156], Nietzsche mentions the “infinitely small moment” as “the highest reality and truth” for the individual who tries to contrast the “uniformity of sensations” and to affirm his “idiosyncratic taste”. The fragment explores some ideas on the herd instinct that will be developed in "The Gay Science"; observations on the cultural and anthropological value of science; critical refections on metaphysical realism. Most important, these considerations focus on the relationship be…Read more