University of California, Irvine
Department of Philosophy
PhD, 1995
Jamaica Plain, Massachusetts, United States of America
Areas of Interest
  •  104
    Veritistic Social Epistemology and Information Science
    Social Epistemology 14 (4). 2000.
    This Article does not have an abstract
  •  62
    Skyrms on the Possibility of Universal Deception
    Philosophical Studies 172 (2): 375-397. 2015.
    In the Groundwork, Immanuel Kant famously argued that it would be self-defeating for everyone to follow a maxim of lying whenever it is to his or her advantage. In his recent book Signals, Brian Skyrms claims that Kant was wrong about the impossibility of universal deception. Skyrms argues that there are Lewisian signaling games in which the sender always sends a signal that deceives the receiver. I show here that these purportedly deceptive signals simply fail to make the receiver as epistemica…Read more
  •  554
    Lying and Deception
    Philosophers' Imprint 10. 2010.
    According to the standard philosophical definition of lying, you lie if you say something that you believe to be false with the intent to deceive. Recently, several philosophers have argued that an intention to deceive is not a necessary condition on lying. But even if they are correct, it might still be suggested that the standard philosophical definition captures the type of lie that philosophers are primarily interested in (viz., lies that are intended to deceive). In this paper, I argue that…Read more