•  203
    Animal play and the evolution of morality: An ethological approach
    with Marc Bekoff
    Topoi 24 (2): 125-135. 2005.
      In this paper we argue that there is much to learn about “wild justice” and the evolutionary origins of morality – behaving fairly – by studying social play behavior in group-living mammals. Because of its relatively wide distribution among the mammals, ethological investigation of play, informed by interdisciplinary cooperation, can provide a comparative perspective on the evolution of ethical behavior that is broader than is provided by the usual focus on primate sociality. Careful analysis …Read more
  •  170
    The discovery of animal consciousness: An optimistic assessment (review)
    Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 10 (3): 217-225. 1997.
  •  410
    Animal consciousness
    Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. 2005.
  •  41
    Philosophy of Biology (review)
    Teaching Philosophy 14 (4): 423-427. 1991.
  •  167
    Mental content
    British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 43 (4): 537-553. 1992.
    Daniel Dennett and Stephen Stich have independently, but similarly, argued that the contents of mental states cannot be specified precisely enough for the purposes of scientific prediction and explanation. Dennett takes this to support his view that the proper role for mentalistic terms in science is heuristic. Stich takes it to support his view that cognitive science should be done without reference to mental content at all. I defend a realist understanding of mental content against these attac…Read more
  •  46
    Does evidence from ethology support bicoded cognitive maps?
    with Shane Zappettini
    Behavioral and Brain Sciences 36 (5): 570-571. 2013.
    The presumption that navigation requires a cognitive map leads to its conception as an abstract computational problem. Instead of loading the question in favor of an inquiry into the metric structure and evolutionary origin of cognitive maps, the task should first be to establish that a map-like representation actually is operative in real animals navigating real environments
  •  101
    Erratum to: Synthese special issue: representing philosophy
    with Tony Beavers
    Synthese 183 (2): 277-277. 2011.
  •  176
    Animal pain
    Noûs 38 (4): 617-643. 2004.
    Which nonhuman animals experience conscious pain?1 This question is central to the debate about animal welfare, as well as being of basic interest to scientists and philosophers of mind. Nociception—the capacity to sense noxious stimuli—is one of the most primitive sensory capacities. Neurons functionally specialized for nociception have been described in invertebrates such as the leech Hirudo medicinalis and the marine snail Aplysia californica (Walters 1996). Is all nociception accompanied by …Read more
  •  148
    Biological function, adaptation, and natural design
    with Marc Bekoff
    Philosophy of Science 62 (4): 609-622. 1995.
    Recently something close to a consensus about the best way to naturalize the notion of biological function appears to be emerging. Nonetheless, teleological notions in biology remain controversial. In this paper we provide a naturalistic analysis for the notion of natural design. Many authors assume that natural design should be assimilated directly to function. Others find the notion problematic because it suggests that evolution is a directed process. We argue that both of these views are mist…Read more
  •  188
    Teleological Notions in Biology
    In Ed Zalta (ed.), Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. 2012.
    Teleological terms such as "function" and "design" appear frequently in the biological sciences. Examples of teleological claims include: A (biological) function of stotting by antelopes is to communicate to predators that they have been detected. Eagles' wings are (naturally) designed for soaring. Teleological notions were commonly associated with the pre-Darwinian view that the biological realm provides evidence of conscious design by a supernatural creator. Even after creationist viewpoints w…Read more
  •  221
      Many psychologists and philosophers believe that the close correlation between human language and human concepts makes the attribution of concepts to nonhuman animals highly questionable. I argue for a three-part approach to attributing concepts to animals. The approach goes beyond the usual discrimination tests by seeking evidence for self-monitoring of discrimination errors. Such evidence can be collected without relying on language and, I argue, the capacity for error-detection can only be …Read more
  •  160
    Species of Mind: The Philosophy and Biology of Cognitive Ethology (edited book)
    with Marc Bekoff
    MIT Press. 1997.
    The heart of this book is the reciprocal relationship between philosophical theories of mind and empirical studies of animal cognition.
  •  889
    Primatologists generally agree that monkeys lack higher-order intentional capacities related to theory of mind. Yet the discovery of the so-called "mirror neurons" in monkeys suggests to many neuroscientists that they have the rudiments of intentional understanding. Given a standard philosophical view about intentional understanding, which requires higher-order intentionahty, a paradox arises. Different ways of resolving the paradox are assessed, using evidence from neural, cognitive, and behavi…Read more