•  45
    Making Abstraction Less Abstract: The Logical, Psychological, and Metaphysical Dimensions of Avicenna’s Theory of Abstraction
    Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association 80 169-183. 2006.
    A debated topic in Avicennan psychology is whether for Avicenna abstraction is a metaphor for emanation or to be taken literally. This issue stems from the deeper philosophical question of whether humans acquire intelligibles externally from an emanation by the Active Intellect, which is a separate substance, or internally from an inherently human cognitive process, which prepares us for an emanation from the Active Intellect. I argue that the tension between thesedoctrines is only apparent. In …Read more
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    History of Islamic Philosophy
    Journal of the American Oriental Society 122 (4): 855. 2002.
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    Avicenna's discussion of space is found in his comments on Aristotle's account of place. Aristotle identified four candidates for place: a body's matter, form, the occupied space, or the limits of the containing body, and opted for the last. Neoplatonic commentators argued contra Aristotle that a thing's place is the space it occupied. Space for these Neoplatonists is something possessing dimensions and distinct from any body that occupies it, even if never devoid of body. Avicenna argues that t…Read more
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    The paper treats Avicenna’s ’metaphysical’ argument for the existence of God and the modal metaphysics that underpins it. Earlier analyses of modalities attempted to reduce necessity, possibility and impossibility to nonmodal elements, which was done most commonly by appealing to a temporal frequency model of modalities. In contrast, Avicenna believed that modalities were an inherent feature of existence, and so just as there is nothing more basic than existence, so likewise there is nothing mor…Read more
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    Ibn Sîn' on the Now
    American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 73 (1): 73-106. 1999.
  • Book Review (review)
    Journal of the American Oriental Society 122 (4): 855-856. 2002.
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    The forma fluens/fluxus formae debate concerns the question as to whether motion is something distinct from the body in motion, the flow of a distinct form identified with motion , or nothing more than the successive states of the body in motion, the flow of some form found in one of Aristotle's ten categories . Although Albertus Magnus introduced this debate to the Latin West he drew his inspiration from Avicenna. This study argues that Albertus misclassified Avicenna's position, since Albertus…Read more
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    شفاء : سماع الطبيعي: A Parallel English-Arabic Text (edited book)
    Brigham Young University. 2009.
    Avicenna’s _Physics_ is the very first volume that he wrote when he began his monumental encyclopedia of science and philosophy, _The_ _Healing_. Avicenna’s reasons for beginning with _Physics_ are numerous: it offers up the principles needed to understand such special natural sciences as psychology; it sets up many of the problems that take center stage in his _Metaphysics_; and it provides concrete examples of many of the abstract analytical tools that he would develop later in _Logic_. While …Read more
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    Oxford University Press. 2010.
    This book is designed to remedy that lack.
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    Relational Syllogisms and the History of Arabic Logic, 900–1900 (review)
    Speculum 88 (1): 283-284. 2013.
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    The work treats various aspects of Avicennan philosophy and science. The topics include methods for establishing an authentic Avicenna corpus, natural philosophy and science, theology and metaphysics and Avicenna's subsequent historical influence
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    The Cambridge Companion to Anselm (review)
    Review of Metaphysics 60 (1): 148-150. 2006.
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    Aristotle's account of place in terms of an innermost limit of a containing body was to generate serious discussion and controvery among Aristotle's later commentators, especially when it was applied to the cosmos as a whole. The problem was that since there is nothing outside of the cosmos that could contain it, the cosmos apparently could not have a place according to Aristotle's definition; however, if the cosmos does not have a place, then it is not clear that it could move, but it was thoug…Read more
  • Logic and Science: The Role of Genus and Difference in Avicenna's Logic, Science and Natural Philosophy
    Documenti E Studi Sulla Tradizione Filosofica Medievale 18 165-186. 2007.
    Il naturale senso della logica in relazione alla scienza è quello di fornire un linguaggio alle acquisizioni epistemologiche: tale sembra essere il senso assegnatogli anche da Avicenna in al-Mantiq. La questione in realtà è molto più profonda: quale relazione c'è fra gli universali predicabili e gli oggetti della scienza? Attraverso l'esame della questione quale è delineata nel Madkhal, in particolare in merito al genere e alla differenza, e il loro ruolo nelle scienze in alcuni passaggi del Kit…Read more
  • Book Review (review)
    Journal of the American Oriental Society 124 (1): 103-108. 2004.
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    Avicenna's Metaphysics in Context
    with Robert Wisnovsky
    Journal of the American Oriental Society 124 (2): 392. 2004.
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    An Annotated Bibliography on Ibn Sina: First Supplement
    with Jules L. Janssens
    Journal of the American Oriental Society 121 (3): 535. 2001.
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    Scientific Methodologies in Medieval Islam
    Journal of the History of Philosophy 41 (3): 307-327. 2003.
    : The present study considers Ibn Sînâ's (Lat. Avicenna) account of induction (istiqra') and experimentation (tajriba). For Ibn Sînâ induction purportedly provided the absolute, necessary and certain first principles of a science. Ibn Sînâ criticized induction, arguing that it can neither guarantee the necessity nor provide the primitiveness required of first principles. In it place, Ibn Sînâ developed a theory of experimentation, which avoids the pitfalls of induction by not providing absolute,…Read more
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    Intelligence and the Philosophy of Mind
    Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association 80 169-183. 2006.
  • Book Review (review)
    Journal of the American Oriental Society 124 (2): 392-394. 2004.
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    One of the most fundamental notions in the thought of Aristotle is the distinction between actuality and potentiality, which Aristotle links with the equally fundamental distinction between form and matter respectively. According to Aristotle, form, which brings with it actuality, and matter, which brings with it potentiality, are eternal and as such necessary. Consequently, on Aristotle?s view, neither form nor matter needs an efficient cause for its existence. Later thinkers?both in the Greek …Read more