•  22
    Late Antiquity
    Phronesis 59 (4): 385-399. 2014.
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    Contains papers that cover a conference held at the Warburg Institute in 2006 to consider the philosophy of al-Farabi alongside other intellectual developments of his time, together with a wide range of other figures and traditions from the period.
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    Neoplatonism (review)
    Phronesis 57 (4): 380-399. 2012.
    In Eudemian Ethics 8.2, Aristotle posits god as the starting-point of non-rational desire (particularly for the naturally fortunate), thought, and deliberation. The questions that dominate the literature are: To what does `god' refer? Is it some divine-like entity in the soul that produces thoughts and desires or is it Aristotle's prime mover? And how does god operate as the starting-point of these activities? By providing a careful reconstruction of the context in which god is evoked, I argue a…Read more
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    Book Notes (review)
    Phronesis 55 (4): 357-375. 2010.
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    The so-called "Theology of Aristotle" is a translation of the Enneads of Plotinus, the most important representative of late ancient Platonism. It was produced in the 9th century CE within the circle of al-Kindī, one of the most important groups for the early reception of Greek thought in Arabic. In part because the "Theology" was erroneously transmitted under Aristotle's authorship, it became the single most important conduit by which Neoplatonism reached the Islamic world. It is referred to by…Read more
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    In the history of philosophy, few topics are so relevant to today's cultural and political landscape as philosophy in the Islamic world. Yet, this remains one of the lesser-known philosophical traditions. In this Very Short Introduction, Peter Adamson explores the history of philosophy among Muslims, Jews, and Christians living in Islamic lands, from its historical background to thinkers in the twentieth century.Introducing the main philosophical themes of the Islamic world, Adamson integrates i…Read more
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    Al-Sarakhsī, Aḥmad ibn al-Ṭayyib
    In H. Lagerlund (ed.), Encyclopedia of Medieval Philosophy, Springer. pp. 1174--1176. 2011.
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    Phronesis 56 (4): 426-440. 2011.
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    Knowing what’s good for you
    The Philosophers' Magazine 53 (53): 85-90. 2011.
    We should see a very close connection between two fields of philosophy which are nowadays kept well apart, namely ethics and epistemology. Indeed, if the good life and virtue consist in knowledge, then the study of knowledge just is the study of ethics.
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    In 43 lively chapters Peter Adamson tells the story of philosophy from its beginnings to Plato and Aristotle. Most histories jump from one famous name to another, but Adamson shows that the people and ideas in between, usually overlooked, are fascinating and significant. Based on his popular podcasts, this is serious history with a light touch
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    The theology of Aristotle
    Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. 2008.
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    Philosophy Then
    Philosophy Now 112 34-34. 2016.
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    Plotinus' cosmology. A study of ennead II.1 (40). Text, translation and commentary
    International Journal of the Platonic Tradition 2 (2): 219-223. 2008.
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    Oxford University Press. 2007.
    Al-Kindi was the first philosopher of the Islamic world. He lived in Iraq and studied in Baghdad, where he became attached to the caliphal court. In due course he would become an important figure at court: a tutor to the caliph's son, and a central figure in the translation movement of the ninth century, which rendered much of Greek philosophy, science, and medicine into Arabic. Al-Kindi's wide-ranging intellectual interests included not only philosophy but also music, astronomy, mathematics, an…Read more
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    Miskawayh on pleasure
    Arabic Sciences and Philosophy 25 (2): 199-223. 2015.
    RésuméCet article propose une analyse et une traduction d'un ouvrage de Miskawayh déjà édité mais non étudié par ailleurs, et intitulé Des plaisirs et des douleurs. Après une étude préliminaire concernant la doctrine aristotélicienne du plaisir dans l‘Éthique à Nicomaque, qui est la principale source de Miskawayh, la doctrine du plaisir présentée dans le traité Des plaisirs et des douleurs est comparée à la discussion du plaisir dans l'ouvrage mieux connu de Miskawayh La réforme des mœurs. En dé…Read more
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    Knowledge of Universals and Particulars in the Baghdad School
    Documenti E Studi Sulla Tradizione Filosofica Medievale 18 141-164. 2007.
    L'analisi dell'aristotelismo «platonizzante» nell'ambito della filosofia araba prima della sistemazione della Shifa di Avicenna, secondo cui Dio non avrebbe conoscenza dei particolari, consente all'A. di dimostrare come ci siano stati anche approcci platonici ad Aristotele , che non sono passati attraverso il filtro dei neoplatonici greci. L'altra cosa significativa è il fatto che all'interno della scuola di Baghdad vi sono modi diversi di intendere lo stato ontologico degli universali. L'A. ten…Read more
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    The Arabic Sea Battle: al-Fārābī on the Problem of Future Contingents
    Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie 88 (2): 163-188. 2006.
    Ancient commentators like Ammonius and Boethius tried to solve Aristotle's “sea battle argument” in On Interpretation 9 by saying that statements about future contingents are “indefinitely” true or false. They were followed by al-Fārābī in his commentary on On Interpretation. The article sets out two possible interpretations of what “indefinitely” means here, and shows that al-Fārābī actually has both conceptions: one applied in his interpretation of Aristotle, and another that he is forced into…Read more
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    Book Notes: Neoplatonism (review)
    Phronesis 54 (4-5): 423-439. 2009.
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    Peter Adamson presents the first full history of philosophy in the Islamic world for a broad readership. He traces its development from early Islam to the 20th century, ranging from Spain to South Asia, featuring Jewish and Christian thinkers as well as Muslim. Major figures like Avicenna, Averroes, and Maimonides are covered in great detail, but the book also looks at less familiar thinkers, including women philosophers. Attention is also given to the philosophical relevance of Islamic theology…Read more
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    Al-kindī and the mu‘tazila: Divine attributes, creation and freedom: Peter Adamson
    Arabic Sciences and Philosophy 13 (1): 45-77. 2003.
    The paper discusses al-Kindī's response to doctrines held by contemporary theologians of the Mu‘tazilite school: divine attributes, creation, and freedom. In the first section it is argued that, despite his broadly negative theology, al-Kindī recognizes a special kind of “essential” positive attribute belonging to God. The second section argues that al-Kindī agreed with the Mu‘tazila in holding that something may not yet exist but still be an object of God's knowledge and power…Read more
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    Phronesis 51 (4): 408-422. 2006.
  •  6
    Knowing what’s good for you
    The Philosophers' Magazine 53 85-90. 2011.
    We should see a very close connection between two fields of philosophy which are nowadays kept well apart, namely ethics and epistemology. Indeed, if the good life and virtue consist in knowledge, then the study of knowledge just is the study of ethics.
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    Vision, light and color in al-Kindi, ptolemy and the ancient commentators
    Arabic Sciences and Philosophy 16 (2): 207-236. 2006.
    Al-Kindi was influenced by two Greek traditions in his attempts to explain vision, light and color. Most obviously, his works on optics are indebted to Euclid and, perhaps indirectly, to Ptolemy. But he also knew some works from the Aristotelian tradition that touch on the nature of color and vision. Al-Kindi explicitly rejects the Aristotelian account of vision in his De Aspectibus, and adopts a theory according to which we see by means of a visual ray emitted from the eye. But in the same work…Read more
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    All for one, or one for all?
    with Carmen Paradis and Martin L. Smith
    Hastings Center Report 37 (4): 13-15. 2007.
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    Philosophy Then
    Philosophy Now 114 33-33. 2016.
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    Proclus' Commentary on the Cratylus in Context. Ancient Theories of Language and Meaning
    International Journal of the Platonic Tradition 3 (2): 161-164. 2009.