University of Arizona
Department of Philosophy
PhD, 2000
Louisville, Kentucky, United States of America
Areas of Interest
Philosophy of Law
  •  125
    Dynamics of Solidarity
    Journal of Political Philosophy 20 (4): 365-383. 2011.
    Solidarity is a significant but poorly understood feature of political life. It is typically conceived, in “associative and teleological” terms, as working together for common political aims. But this conception misses the fact that solidarity requires individuals to will collective ends despite incompletely shared interests. Careful consideration of these elements reveals four “dynamics of solidarity”: its characteristic duties, the durability of commitments made in solidarity, the deference it…Read more
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    Am I My Profession's Keeper?
    Bioethics 28 (1): 1-7. 2013.
    Conscientious refusal is distinguished by its peculiar attitude towards the obligations that the objector refuses: the objector accepts the authority of the institution in general, but claims a right of conscience to refuse some particular directive. An adequate ethics of conscientious objection will, then, require an account of the institutional obligations that the objector claims a right to refuse. Yet such an account must avoid two extremes: ‘anarchism,’ where obligations apply only insofar …Read more
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    The Priority of Solidarity to Justice
    Journal of Applied Philosophy 31 (4): 420-433. 2014.
    Recognising and responding to injustices that benefit us is a pervasive problem of contemporary life, and arguably a mark of moral seriousness in anyone who presumes to take moral stands at all. In response, a number of authors have defended the view that such benefits normally bring with them prima facie obligations of compensation. This ‘wrongful-benefits’ approach has considerable intuitive plausibility, much of it founded in the financial metaphor that gives it an appearance of precision. Ye…Read more
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    Territorial disputes have defined modern politics, but political theorists and philosophers have said little about how to resolve such disputes fairly. Is it even possible to do so? If historical attachments or divine promises are decisive, it may not be. More significant than these largely subjective claims are the ways in which people interact with land over time. Building from this insight, Avery Kolers evaluates existing political theories and develops an attractive alternative. He presents …Read more
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    Book review (review)
    Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 27 (5): 463-470. 2006.
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    Subsidiarity, Secession, and Cosmopolitan Democracy
    Social Theory and Practice 32 (4): 659-669. 2006.
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    Ethical investing: The permissibility of participation
    Journal of Political Philosophy 9 (4). 2001.
    Ethical investing is all the rage. Unfortunately, excitement about it has outpaced plausible philosophical discussions. This article asks and answers two questions: “What counts as investment?”, and “What moral choices do investors have?”. I answer the first question broadly. Investment is pervasive in our economy, and by participating we share responsibility for corporate practices. These facts lead to an “austere conclusion”: short of outright withdrawal from the standard forms of investment, …Read more