• International Law
    Philosophypedia. 2016.
    A case is made that so-called international law is law in name only and, moreover, that although bona fide international law is theoretically possible, it would not be desirable.
  • There is no difference between autonomy and non-psychopathy or, equivalently, between psychopathy and non-autonomy. Or rather, there is a difference, but it is tenuous, in that someone who is non-autonomous is non-psychopathic only as long the institution that hosts him is non-psychopathic. So his non-psychopathy, being borrowed, is both weak and ultimately devoid of reality.
  • Obsessions are internalized compulsions, and compulsions are externalized obsessions.
  • Economics in an Hour
    Freud Institute. 2020.
    The truly important parts of economics without the usual fluff. Each point is followed by a brief multiple-choice quiz, ensuring that knowledge is sealed in.
  • Logic and Formal Truth
    Freud Institute. 2018.
    It is explained what it is for a statement to be logically true and it is thereby explained what it is for a statement to be formally true. It is also explained how logical truth differs from formal truth. Further, it is explained what a system of logic is. Finally, the nature of entailment is explained and, in particular, it is explained how formal entailment differs from analytic entailment.
  • Ask Me Anything about Psychopathy!
    Freud Institute. 2018.
    A series of sharp, deep answers to hard-hitting questions about psychopathy, with embedded link to the author real-timing it.
  • Según David Hume, el concepto de causalidad y probabilidad debe entenderse en términos de los conceptos de similitud y repetición. En este libro, se demuestra que deben ser entendidos en términos del concepto de la continuidad. Un corolario es que no existe una base legítima para el escepticismo sobre la legitimidad de la inferencia inductiva. Otra es que el anti-realismo sobre las entidades teóricas es erróneo.
  • In this work, Descartes' metaphysics and epistemology are clearly stated and assiduously analyzed. It is shown that Descartes' epistemic foundationalism is tenable, and that his mind-body dualism is correct if taken to concern the relationship of mentalistic (mind-related) data to physicalistic data, even though it is incorrect if taken to concern the relationship of mind per se to body per se. Descartes' analysis of causation is shown to be correct, notwithstanding the copious criticism to whic…Read more
  • Instead of writing a book or article, which contains at most one paragraph’s worth of actual content, why not just write that one paragraph?
  • Piercing The Veil Of Perception
    Existentia 14 (3-4): 345-360. 2004.
  • The behavior of individuals who compose an institution tends to mirror the behavior of that institution as a whole. This short work illustrates this principle.
  • The theorems of the propositional calculus and the predicate calculus are stated, and the analogous principles of Boolean Algebra are identified. Also, the primary principles of modal logic are stated, and a procedure is described for identifying their Boolean analogues.
  • Does the conceit in question expand awareness or narrow it? If it narrows it, then it is pathological. It if expands it, it is non-pathological.
  • Kant's Ethics
    Freud Institute. 2018.
    In this book, Kant's ethical system is clearly stated and carefully critiqued. In the process, cogent answers are given to the following questions: *What is the relationship between self-interest and morality? *What is the relationship between morality and rationality? *What is the nature of rationality? *What is the difference between rationality and intelligence? *What is the relationship between awareness of moral norms and awareness of logical norms? A must-read for anyone interested in…Read more
  • Can One Grasp Propostions Without Knowing a Language?
    Teorema: International Journal of Philosophy 24 (2). 2005.
    Wittgenstein and Brandom both say that knowledge of a language constitutes one's ability to think. Further, they say that a language is an essentially public entity: so to know a language, and to be able to think, consist in one's being embedded in a public practice of some kind. Wittgenstein provides two famous arguments for this: his "private-language" and "rule-following" arguments. Brandom develops these arguments. In this paper, I argue that the Wittgenstein-Brandom view strips anyone of th…Read more
  • Un certain nombre tente de fournir une base rationnelle pour le sentiment religieux sont clairement énoncés et soigneusement critiqué, la plupart d'entre eux étant montré à l'échec. Dans le même temps, on fait valoir que la légitimité du sentiment religieux n'est en aucun cas minée par de tels échecs, puisque toute perspective dont la légitimité dépend du résultat de l'enquête logique ou empirique est pour cette raison même une perspective non-religieuse. Et la raison pour cela n'est pas qu'une …Read more
  • The essence of Kant’s conception of God is that God is constitutively, as opposed to causally, responsible for spatiotemporal existence: God is responsible for the world not by creating it but by grounding it. And, so Kant holds, God grounds it by virtue of being identical with it (or, more precisely, with its noumenal substrate: see below), with the qualification that, in being identical with it, he infuses it with his own rationality, this being manifested as natural law.
  • Identity
    . 2016.
    It is said what it is to persist in time, and on that basis it is shown that time-travel, teleportation, and other mainstays of science fiction are impossible.
  • Some illnesses, e.g. OCD and schizophrenia, corrupt the activity mediated by one's basic psychological framework but do not corrupt that framework itself. But some illnesses, e.g. psychopathy, corrupt that framework itself. Thus, whereas OCD and schizophrenia are structure-internal mental illnesses, psychopathy is a structural mental illness. Structure-internal mental illnesses can be alleviated, but structural mental illnesses cannot.
  • The same person who claims to be a relativist about musical beauty—who claims that all musical works are equally ‘valid’ and beautiful---adores certain musical works while detesting others. And the same person who claims to be a relativist about personal beauty—who claims that all people are beautiful, if only ‘on the inside’---finds certain people intensely attractive and finds others equally intensely repellent. And the same person who is guilty of the one hypocrisy is almost always guilty of …Read more
  • Paranoias are Inverted Desires
    Freud Institute. 2018.
    Paranoias are unconscious desires that are represented in consciousness as fears. In being paranoid, one unconsciously desires what one consciously fears.
  • An analysis of Gibbon's five signs of civilizational decay.
  • Epistemología
    . 2018.
    Este trabajo da claras respuestas rigurosas a las cuestiones fundamentales de la epistemología, siendo estas: * ¿Qué es el conocimiento? * ¿Cómo difiere el conocimiento declarativo del conocimiento procedimental? * ¿Cómo se diferencia el conocimiento intuitivo forma ¿conocimiento discursivo? * ¿Cómo difiere el conocimiento científico de los conocimientos no científicos? * ¿Cuál es la diferencia entre el descubrimiento y la justificación? * ¿Cuál es la naturaleza de nuestro conocimiento del pas…Read more
  • For intellectuals, and probably others, one form of escapism is a kind of constricted and shallow hyper-realism—the hyper-realism of having a dead-end job, even though one has a PhD or an IQ of 170. And that sort of hyper-realism is pseudo-realism, because realism is not about having a bad life; it is having the courage to have a good life, which the intellectual with the dead end job does not have.
  • Freud said that 'the essence of neurosis is the inability to tolerate ambiguity.' In this short work, it is explained what this means and why it is true.
  • Quantum Determinism
    J.-M. Kuczynski. 2018.
    It is argued that the quantum realm is deterministic.
  • Insurance agents are confidence-men--con men--and that is what psychopaths are; and that is why psychopaths are drawn to the insurance industry, which is the insurance industry is so tightly regulated.
  • When bad people try to be good, their supposed goodness turns out to be a mere extension of their badness and in fact compounds their badness by giving it a sheen of legitimacy.
  • In this short work, Cantor's famous 'diagonal' proof of the non-recursivity of the class of real numbers is stated and discussed.
  • William James on Precursive Belief
    Freud Institute. 2018.
    Unless one has beliefs before having all of the data that would justify those beliefs, one will fail to acquire that data and, moreover, one will be a bureaucratic cripple, who cannot act because he is in a perpetual state of skepticism-induced decision-paralysis.