Stockholm University
Department of Philosophy
PhD, 1993
Göteborg, Vastra Gotaland, Sweden
Areas of Specialization
Applied Ethics
  • Recension av Thomas Anderberg och Ingmar Persson: "Abortetik"
    Norsk Filosofisk Tidsskrift 10 (3): 32. 1989.
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    Conscientious refusal in healthcare: the Swedish solution
    Journal of Medical Ethics 43 (4): 257-259. 2017.
    The Swedish solution to the legal handling of professional conscientious refusal in healthcare is described. No legal right to conscientious refusal for any profession or class of professional tasks exists in Sweden, regardless of the religious or moral background of the objection. The background of this can be found in strong convictions about the importance of public service provision and related civic duties, and ideals about rule of law, equality and non-discrimination. Employee's requests t…Read more
  • The Philosophy of Hate Crime Anthology
    with David Brax
    University of Gothenburg. 2013.
    Introductory anthology to the philosophy of hate crime, written in the EU project "When Law and Hate Collide".
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    The morality of scientific openness
    with Stellan Welin
    Science and Engineering Ethics 2 (4): 411-428. 1996.
    The ideal of scientific openness — i.e. the idea that scientific information should be freely accessible to interested parties — is strongly supported throughout the scientific community. At the same time, however, this ideal does not appear to be absolute in the everyday practice of science. In order to get the credit for new scientific advances, scientists often keep information to themselves. Also, it is common practice to withhold information obtained in commissioned research when the scient…Read more
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    While health care goals are usually formulated in terms of the securing of good health for the population, the goal of public health is to an increasing extent, at least in Western countries, being formulated in terms of the provision of societal preconditions for securing of good health. This goal may be attained although no one enjoys good health as a result, namely if people choose not to make use of the preconditions provided. However, reaching this goal may still seem desirable in that it p…Read more
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    Guest editorial to a special symposium on New Media and Risky Behavior of Children and Young People: Ethics and Policy Implications
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    Societal decisions regarding the possible granting of permission for industrial and power plants, waste disposals, traffic routes and other facilities implementing modern science and technology (here simply called technology-decisions) often provoke debates regarding the risks involved. A main theme in these debates concerns the magnitudes of these risks and whether or not they are worth taking to reach some aim. This is also a main theme in traditional risk-analysis and critical discussions of …Read more
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    Adherence, shared decision-making and patient autonomy
    with Lars Sandman, Bradi B. Granger, and Inger Ekman
    Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 15 (2): 115-127. 2012.
    In recent years the formerly quite strong interest in patient compliance has been questioned for being too paternalistic and oriented towards overly narrow biomedical goals as the basis for treatment recommendations. In line with this there has been a shift towards using the notion of adherence to signal an increased weight for patients’ preferences and autonomy in decision making around treatments. This ‘adherence-paradigm’ thus encompasses shared decision-making as an ideal and patient perspec…Read more
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    While other parts of medicine and health care seems traditionally to be primarily directed at preventing losses of bodily functions, repairing said functions in the case of such losses, or at least to provide ailment for unpleasant symptoms, sports medicine has allready from the beginning been involved with the project of enhancing bodily functions with regard to sports performance. First, when sports medicine involve itself in the traditional health care activity of prevention, therapy and ailm…Read more
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    Review of Lennart Nordenfeldt's Talking about Health (review)
    Theoria 66 (3): 293-298. 2000.
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    Standard versions of the requirement of informed consent state that patients who are offered to enter a clinical trial of a medical procedure should be informed about risks and possible benefits of this procedure (compared to available alternatives) in order to facilitate a rational decision whether or not to participate. However, in many real cases where new medical procedures are to be clinically tested for the first time the information available for such communication to prospective patients…Read more
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    Divisibility and the Moral Status of Embryos
    Bioethics 15 (5-6): 382-397. 2001.
    The phenomenon of twinning in early fetal development has become a popular source for doubt regarding the ascription of moral status to early embryos. In this paper, the possible moral basis for such a line of reasoning is critically analysed with sceptical results. Three different versions of the argument from twinning are considered, all of which are found to rest on confusions between the actual division of embryos involed in twinning and the property of early embryos to be divisible, be base…Read more
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    This book involves an in-depth analysis of the ethical, political and philosophical issues related to health-oriented screening programs.
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    The Morality of Interference
    Theoria 65 (1): 55-69. 1999.
    This paper is about the idea of a moral distinction between doing harm and allowing harm to occurr. It discusses, and developes a general argument against, the version of the distinction often described as counterfactual, which I characterize in terms of making a moral difference between different ways of causing harm (in contrast to, e.g., the version famously discussed by Jonathan Bennett). The gist of the argument is that all variants of this version of the doing-allowing idea would have to m…Read more
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    The argument from transfer
    Bioethics 10 (1). 1996.
    Utilitarian arguments on bioethical issues regarding human reproduction typically start with the view that it is wrong, other things being equal, not to procreate when this would have resulted in an additional being with a life worth living. The paper takes this view for granted and examines the common utilitarian claim that overpopulation and destitution in the world mean that, in practice, this obligation to procreate, other things being equal, often turns into a (categorical) obligation not t…Read more
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    In recent years a principle for responsible risk-taking called "The Precautionarity Principle" (PP) has been put forward in several policy documents regarding risk-management of technological and environmental issues. PP involves two claims: 1. An ethical claim according to which it is irresponsible to, for example, use new technologies, regdless of how large benefits these are known to bring, unless it has been proven that they will not give rise to unacceptable long term risks. 2. An administr…Read more
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    Challenges for Empirical Study of Patient Autonomy, Self-determination and Co-Decision Making
    Thinking Ahead: Bioethics for the Future, the Future of Bioethics–Challenges, Changes, Concepts. 11th World Congress of the International Association of Bioethics. Rotterdam, June 26-29, 2012. forthcoming.
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    Shared decision-making and patient autonomy
    with Lars Sandman
    Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 30 (4): 289-310. 2009.
    In patient-centred care, shared decision-making is advocated as the preferred form of medical decision-making. Shared decision-making is supported with reference to patient autonomy without abandoning the patient or giving up the possibility of influencing how the patient is benefited. It is, however, not transparent how shared decision-making is related to autonomy and, in effect, what support autonomy can give shared decision-making. In the article, different forms of shared decision-making ar…Read more
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    The goals of public health: An integrated, multidimensional model
    Public Health Ethics 1 (1): 39-52. 2008.
    While promoting population health has been the classic goal of public health practice and policy, in recent decades, new objectives in terms of autonomy and equality have been introduced. These different goals are analysed, and it is demonstrated how they may conflict severly in several ways, leaving serious unclarities both regarding the normative issue of what goal should be pursued by public health, what that implies in practical terms, and the descriptive issue of what goal that actually is …Read more
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    Selected Champions
    In William John Morgan (ed.), Ethics in Sport, Human Kinetics. pp. 273. 2007.
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    ❙❙ Under den senare hälften av 1900-talet ökade möjligheterna att diagnostisera sjukdomar redan under fosterlivet. Ultra- SAMMANFATTAT ljudsdiagnostiken som började tillämpas på 1960-talet har förfinats alltmer. Idag genomgår nästan varje gravid kvinna..
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    This article is not about abortion, but rather about how one can reflect on abortion - in particular its moral and political status. My aim, however, is not to defend any particular position regarding such status, rather, I will try to say something comprehensible about how one can (and cannot) reason one's way from a stand regarding the morality of abortion to a stand on the issue of abortion policy.
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    The notion of the best interest of children figures prominently in family and reproductive policy discussions and there is a considerable body of empirical research attempting to connect the interests of children to how families and society interact. Most of this research regards the effects of societal responses to perceived problems in families, thus underlying policy on interventions such as adoption, foster care and temporary assumption of custodianship, but also support structures that help…Read more
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    Recension av Per Sundström: Abortetik i ny dager (review)
    Filosofisk Tidskrift 15 (3): 58-66. 1995.
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    Medical genetic interventions can be performed in two ways. First, genetic defects may be repaired (gene therapy). Secondly, a possible future individual (an embryo or a possible combination of gametes) may be preselected because of its favourable genetic make-up (by using genetic diagnostic methods and procedures from reproductive medicine so called Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis). The first kind of intervention means that someone gets medical treatment in the normal sense, however, the seco…Read more