Ulrich De Balbian

Meta-Philosophy Research Centre
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    Meta-philosophy Part 2 B
    Academic Publishers. forthcoming.
    Meta-philosophical investigations of philosophy, the discourse, methods, syllabuses, the nature of philosophy, ontology, meta-ontology
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    In this volume,‭ ‬volume‭ ‬6,‭ ‬I will deal with insight and understanding,‭ ‬meaning and communication and intersubjectivity.‭ (‬In an appendix I will include a number of‭ –‬isms,‭ ‬cognitive biases and fallacies that might interfere in,‭ ‬with and distort these things.‭) The latter is pre-supposed by,‭ ‬present,‭ ‬necessary and operating in all four of these notions when they are employed as verbs.‭ ‬I hope and intend to employ these words and explore them without the need for ghost-in-the-mac…Read more
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    Philosophy: methods and approaches
    Academic Publishers. forthcoming.
    Philosophy: methods, approaches and methodology. Illustrations of different methods and approaches, with illustrations, discussions and comments.
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    Philosophizing is part of the Process/es of Theorizing
    Academic Publishers. forthcoming.
    Philosophizing is part of the Process/es of Theorizing An illustration (by means of a number of articles, books, opinions, statements, hypotheses, theories, arguments, reasoning and comments) of doing philosophy or philosophizing and its methods, as aspects of the contexts, stages, steps and features of the process/es of theorizing. A number of implicit assumptions and tacit pre-suppositions of this socio-cultural practice and discourse, for example as they resemble that of everyday and religiou…Read more
  •  77
    My new (Experimental) PHILOSOPHY (XPhi) book for FREE download https://www.academia.edu/31973890/_Meta-Philosophy_Theorizing_about_Philosophy_CMT_CB_and_CM_as_an_exercise_inXPhi (Meta-Philosophy) Theorizing about Philosophy (CMT, CB and CMA) as an exercise inXPhi The processes of theorizing are explored, Weick's Conceptual Metaphor Theory, Conceptual Blending Theory and Conceptual Metaphor tool are described. This Meta-Philosophy investigation of philosophy and philosophizing is an exercise i…Read more
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    Abstract The philosophical discourse has a number of in-built values,‭ ‬norms and attitudes that create for this discipline.‭ ‬Creative-thinking and Intuition are discussed.‭ ‬Then some of the limits of the discourse are identified,‭ ‬some of them concern the methods of philosophizing.‭ ‬The positive aspects of the so-called Socratic Method and those of the Philosophical Investigations as Explorative Methods‭ (‬and metaphysics‭?) ‬are compared with those identified by Strawson as Speculative and…Read more
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    Academic Publications. forthcoming.
    Meta-philosophical investigation of the nature, aims, methods of philosophy. Original, creative-thinking vs derivative , secondary thinking. Exploration of the limits of the philosophical discourse by subject-matter or fields shared with other disciplines eg logic, thinking, cognition, arguments, etc. Inter-disciplinary topics and issues can lead philosophers to become involved in other disciplines and thereby destroy the philosophical discourse and philosophizing.
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    What and How of Philosophy
    Academic Publishers. forthcoming.
    FREE download of book. Top 1% of downloads (Academia.Edu) I analyse philosophical reasoning and argumentation, Critical Thinking and Argument Maps and other techniques, argument mapping, mind maps, etc I show that 'good' philosophy is/was only seen as and restricted to the application of Informal Logic, its arguments and type of reasoning. I Analyse the philosophical tutorial method of OXFORD University - rated as the top university for now. I suggest that philosophical thinking and expression s…Read more
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    https://www.academia.edu/32135680/There_is_no_such_things_as_Mind_or_Consciousness ABSTRACT The introduction presents merely roughly‭ (‬as they undergo change all the time‭) ‬the contemporary,‭ ‬insular,‭ ‬Anglo-Phone speculations‭ (‬supposedly by means of the discourse of philosophy and the socio-cultural practice of philosophizing‭) ‬about notions of consciousness and mind. These,‭ ‬almost epistemological solipsistic,‭ ‬self-centered and anthropo-centered,‭ ‬restricted speculations about the …Read more
  •  113
    Death of Philosophy Part 1 (Meta-Philosophy)
    Academic Publishers. forthcoming.
    All that remains of Western Philosophy is the History of Ideas. 1 Ulrich de Balbian Meta-Philosophy Research Center ( Meta-Philosophy) Death of Philosophy Part 1 (essays on philosophy, it subject-matter, methods, omtology, metaphysics, episetemology, art, religion and other topics)
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    I work through 2 reviews and the first chapter of Rescher's book on meta-philosophy
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    Philosophical investigations, reasons, subject-matter https://scholar.google.com/scholar?q=Ulrich+verster+&btnG=&hl=en&as_sdt=0%2C5 https://www.amazon.com/Philosophical-Arguments-Philosophy-Objectives-Methodology/dp/187444000X/ref=asap_bc?ie=UTF8
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    Philosophy of being and non-philosophy of The One
    Academic Publishers. forthcoming.
    An exploration of the philosophical and mystical ideas of Plotinus. So as to show that underneath all traditional Western philosophy of being their lies a non-philosophy of 'the one'. The One with whom mystics seek unification or to be united with (also know as realization of the one real self, unity with the Sufi Beloved, buddha-mind, the absolute truth, the foundation or ground of all etc).
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    META-PHILOSOPHY 3 on philosophy, cognitive science, art, religion (spirituality, mysticism, Plotinus)
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    FREE to download my New Book . https://www.academia.edu/31495642/_Meta-Philosophy_Meta-Cognition_and_Critique_of_Doing_Philosophizing am in the top 0.5% of Academic Publications on Academia.Edu and belong to a group of Academic giving our work for FREE as Commercial Publishers change too much for books. My new book is HERE for download: https://www.academia.edu/31495642/_Meta-Philosophy_Meta-Cognition_and_Critique_of_Doing_Philosophizing Abstract So far in my books and articles I have dealt…Read more
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    Why_read_Philosophy_of_original-_and_creative-thinking_rather_than_derivative_academic_professionals_ Meta-Philosophy and Philosophy’s rationale, aims, subject-matter and methods. What is philosophy for the creative-, original-thinking philosopher? Why is he doing philosophy? Where does his philosophical problems and insights come from? Comparing speculative/revisionary metaphysics, descriptive metaphysics and the explorative ‘metaphysics’ of the Socratic Method and the Philosophical Investi…Read more
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    Philosophical investigations, reasoning, subject-matter https://www.amazon.com/Philosophical-Notes-Explorations-Insights-v/dp/1874440999/ref=la_B001K87NZ6_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1494928623&sr=1-1 https://www.amazon.com/Philosophical-Notes-Explorations-Insights-v/dp/1874440999/ref=la_B001K87NZ6_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1494928623&sr=1-1.
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    Limits of Philosophy: Limits of Reality?
    Dainichi Academic Publications. 1989.
    philosophical reasoning, subject-matter https://www.amazon.com/Limits-Philosophy-Reality-Ulrich-Verster/dp/1872152201/ref=asap_bc?ie=UTF8
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    (Meta-philosophy) Where to (begin) Philosophy?
    Academic Publishers. forthcoming.
    If you wish to think/write about many dimensional things like the‭ ‘‬world‭’‬,‭ ‬persons,‭ ‬consciousness,‭ ‬human thinking etc,‭ ‬you should at least think multi-dimensional and many levelled. Questioning the purpose,‭ ‬the subject-matter and the methodology,‭ ‬methods of the discipline. I have already dealt in detail about the disappearance of different subject from the philosophical discourse with the differentiation of other disciplines, as well as the involvement in philosophy in inter-disc…Read more
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    Letter to a friend : Creative Thinking and Intuition Letter to a friend about creative thinking and intuition (art, writing, philosophy, science, etc )
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    Philosophy: the intersubjectivity of Sophos, the one and the real self, of the mystic, pure consciousness..
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    This is a description and investigation of the pre-conditions and assumptions of philosophy, which are shown to be relative, not essential, as traditionally believed.
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    Meta-Philosophy) Death of Philosophy Part 2
    Academic Publishers. forthcoming.
    1 1 Ulrich de Balbian Meta-Philosophy Research Center (Meta-Philosophy) Death of Philosophy Part 2 PART 2 Philosophy subject-matter page2 Different approaches to doing philosophy (Methods) page 164 Metaphysics, Ontology, Epistemology page
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    philosophical investigations, reasoning, subject-matter.
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    I intended to deal with the different sections or chapters in one volume,‭ ‬but as certain sections or chapters are very long,‭ ‬like chapter‭ ‬1,‭ ‬THEORIZING AND PHILOSOPHIZING‭ (‬VOLUME‭ ‬1‭)‬,‭ ‬I divided some of them into separate volumes,‭ ‬chapter‭ ‬2‭ ‬HEURISTICS AND PROBLEMSOLVING‭ (‬Volume‭ ‬2‭) ‬and‭ ‬chapter‭ ‬3‭ ‬IMAGINARY EXPERIMENTS AND METAPHORS‭ (‬Vol‭ ‬3‭)‬. In Volume‭ ‬1‭ ‬THEORIZING AND PHILOSOPHIZING‭ (‬VOLUME‭ ‬1‭) ‬I show that and how‭ (‬the different features,‭ ‬steps an…Read more
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    Four issues or problems philosophers should be concerned about when doing philosophy.