•  160
    Cartesian conscientia
    British Journal for the History of Philosophy 15 (3): 455-484. 2007.
    Although Descartes is often said to have coined the modern notion of ‘consciousness’, he defines it neither explicitly nor implicitly. This may imply (1) that he was not the first to use ‘conscientia’ in its modern, psychological sense, or (2) that he still used it in its traditional moral sense. In this paper, I argue for the latter assumption. Descartes used ‘conscientia’ according to the meaning we also find in texts of St. Paul, Augustine, Aquinas and later scholastics. Thus the Cartesian co…Read more
  •  172
    The classifications of living beings
    with Peter Heuer
    In Peter Heuer & Boris Hennig (eds.), Applied Ontology, . pp. 197--217. 2008.
    This chapter proceeds in five steps. First, we will describe and justify the structure of the traditional system of species classification. Second, we will discuss three formal principles governing the development of taxonomies in general. It will emerge that, in addition to these formal principles, a division of living beings must meet certain empirical constraints. In the third section, we will show that the traditional division of living beings into species best meets these constraints. Fourt…Read more
  •  18
    Supstancija, stvarnost i odjelitost
    Prolegomena 7 (1): 5-20. 2008.
    Descartes claims that God is a substance and that mind and body are two different and separable substances. This paper provides some background that renders these claims intelligible.
  •  29
    Plato’s Ingredient Principle: Phaedo 105a2-5
    Ancient Philosophy 35 (2): 303-316. 2015.
    We can accept Plato's "ingredient principle" when we replace the distinction between things and properties with a slightly different one.
  •  29
    “Insofar as” in Descartes’ Definition of Thought
    Studia Leibnitiana 43 (2): 145-159. 2011.
    In Principia Philosophiae I 9, Descartes defines “thought” as follows: “By the name ‘thought’ I understand all that which happens in us such that we are conscious of it, insofar as there is consciousness of it in us”. I inquire how to read the "insofar as" in this definition.
  •  15
    Documents: Fillers of Informational Gaps
    The Monist 97 (2): 246-255. 2014.
    Something is a document insofar as its official function is to compensate for the impossibility of immediately acquiring information that has a function (= plays a role in a practice).
  •  42
    Was bedeutet ‚Conscientia' bei Descartes
    Dissertation, Universität Leipzig. 2004.
    Obwohl 'conscientia' ein zentraler Grundbegriff der cartesischen Metaphysik ist, sagt Descartes nirgends explizit, was er damit meint. Auch aus der Art und Weise, in der er das Wort verwendet, lässt sich dessen Bedeutung nicht vollends erschließen. Insbesondere handelt es sich nicht um einen reflexiven Denkakt (cogitatio), nicht um eine Disposition zum Haben solcher cogitationes und nicht um eine Art Aufmerksamkeit. Um die Bedeutung des Begriffes zu klären, schlage ich vor, auf klassische Texte…Read more
  •  48
    Social facts explained and presupposed
    In Nikolaos Psarros & Katinka Schulte-Ostermann (eds.), Facets of sociality, Ontos. pp. 243-264. 2007.
    Attempts are often made to explain collective action in terms of the interaction of individuals. A common objection to such attempts is that they are circular: Since every interaction presupposes the existence of common practices and common practices involve collective action, no analysis of collective agency in terms of interaction can reduce collectivity away. In this essay I will argue that this does not constitute a real circularity. It is true that common practices are presupposed in every …Read more
  •  105
    Matter in Z3
    Foundations of Science 13 (3-4): 199-215. 2008.
    In this paper, I will discuss a certain conception of matter that Aristotle introduces in Metaphysics Z3. It is often assumed that Aristotle came to distinguish between matter and form only in his physical writings, and that this lead to a conflict with the doctrine of primary substances in the Categories that he tries to resolve in Z3. I will argue that there is no such conflict. In Z3, Aristotle seems to suggest that matter is what is left over when we strip a thing of all its properties. I ta…Read more
  •  44
    Getting Causes from Powers
    Philosophical Quarterly 66 (263): 414-417. 2016.
    Book Review.
  •  19
    Constituent Functions Boris Hennig
    In Christer Svennerlind, Almäng Jan & Rögnvaldur Ingthorsson (eds.), Johanssonian Investigations: Essays in Honour of Ingvar Johansson on His Seventieth Birthday, Ontos Verlag. pp. 5--259. 2013.
    Starting from the idea that functions are formally similar to actions in that they are described and explained in a similar way, so that both admit of an accordion effect, I turn to Anscombe’s insight that the point of practical reasoning is to render explicit the relation between the different descriptions of an action generated by the accordion effect. The upshot is, roughly, that an item has a function if what it does can be accounted for by functional reasoning. Put differently, a part of a …Read more
  •  337
    History of Philosophy & Logical Analysis 14. 2011.
    The distinction between teleology and teleonomy that biologists sometimes refer to seems to be helpful in certain contexts, but it is used in several different ways and has rarely been clearly drawn. This paper discusses three prominent uses of the term “teleonomy” and traces its history back to what seems to be its first use. This use is examined in detail and then justified and refined on the basis of elements found in the philosophy of Aristotle, Kant, Anscombe and others. In the course of th…Read more
  • Review of Johannes Haag, erfahrung und gegenstand (review)
    Philosophischer Literaturanzeiger (3): 209-214. 2007.
    Die Frage, mit der sich Johannes Haag in Erfahrung und Gegenstand auseinandersetzt, lautet: „Auf welchem Grunde beruht die Beziehung desjenigen, was man in uns empirische Vorstellung, d. i. Erfahrung nennt, auf den Gegenstand überhaupt?“ ...
  •  72
    Instance Is the Converse of Aspect
    Australasian Journal of Philosophy 93 (1): 3-20. 2015.
    According to the aspect theory of instantiation, a particular A instantiates a universal B if and only if an aspect of A is cross-count identical with an aspect of B. This involves the assumption that both particulars and universals have aspects, and that aspects can mediate between different ways of counting things. I will ask what is new about this account of instantiation and, more importantly, whether it is an improvement on its older relatives. It will turn out that the part of it that is n…Read more
  •  129
    Der Fortbestand von Lebewesen
    Allgemeine Zeitschrift für Philosophie 32 (1): 81-91. 2007.
    In this essay I defend the claim that the life of a living being is not one of its properties but something different: a mode of being. It follows from this that living beings should not be taken to be things that possess the property of being alive. Second, I argue that living beings are essentially involved in ongoing activities as long as they exist. Life cannot only be a disposition to be active, but must itself be an ongoing activity. Third, I suggest that for something to be a living being…Read more
  •  49
    Conscientia bei Descartes
    Zeitschrift für Philosophische Forschung 60 (1): 21-36. 2006.
    Obwohl ‚conscientia’ ein zentraler Grundbegriff der cartesischen Metaphysik ist, sagt Descartes nirgends explizit, was er damit meint. Auch aus der Art und Weise, in der er das Wort verwendet, lässt sich dessen Bedeutung nicht vollends erschließen. Insbesondere handelt es sich nicht um einen reflexiven Denkakt (cogitatio), nicht um eine Disposition zum Haben solcher cogitationes und nicht um eine Art Aufmerksamkeit. Um die Bedeutung des Begriffes zu klären, schlage ich vor, auf klassische Texte …Read more
  • What is formal ontology?
    In Katherine Munn & Barry Smith (eds.), Applied Ontology: An Introduction, Ontos. 2008.
  •  584
    Substance, Reality, and Distinctness
    Prolegomena 7 (1): 2008. 2008.
    Descartes claims that God is a substance, and that mind and body are two different and separable substances. This paper provides some background that renders these claims intelligible. For Descartes, that something is real means it can exist in separation, and something is a substance if it does not depend on other substances for its existence. Further, separable objects are correlates of distinct ideas, for an idea is distinct (in an objective sense) if its object may be easily and clearly sepa…Read more
  •  167
    Naturteleologie, reduktiv
    Philosophisches Jahrbuch 113 (2): 296--315. 2006.
    The sciences may be able to describe living beings, but this is not to account for their life. Life is not a describable property of things. There is also no philosophical a priori argument by which one could prove the existence of life – except perhaps our own. In order to understand what life is, we must start with our conception of that life that we know, human life, and reduce the notion of this life to a notion of mere life. We may do this by introducing the following distinctions. Intentio…Read more
  •  37
    I will in this paper attempt to extract a positive doctrine on the substantiality of the human soul from Ghazali"s critique of the Aristotelian philosophical tradition. Rather than reflecting on the possibilities and limitations of intercultural dialogue, my aim is to directly engage in such dialogue. Accordingly, I will not suppose that we need to develop and apply external standards according to which one of the two philosophical traditions addressed here, Western and Islamic, may turn out to …Read more
  • Disposition
    In Hans Jörg Sandkühler & Others (eds.), Enzyklopädie Philosophie, Meiner Verlag. 2010.
  •  206
    The Four Causes
    Journal of Philosophy 106 (3): 137-160. 2009.
    I will argue that Aristotle’s fourfold division of four causes naturally arises from a combination of two distinctions (a) between things and changes, and (b) between that which potentially is something and what it potentially is. Within this scheme, what is usually called the “efficient cause” is something that potentially is a certain natural change, and the “final cause” is, at least in a basic sense, what the efficient cause potentially is. I will further argue that the essences of things an…Read more
  •  20
    Leipziger Sportwissenschaftliche Beiträge 45 152-157. 2004.
  • Johannes Haag: Erfahrung und Gegenstand (review)
    Philosophischer Literaturanzeiger 60 (3). 2007.
  •  50
    Eine Verteidigung des typologischen Artbegriffs
    Philosophia Naturalis 46 (2): 251-278. 2009.
    The paper demonstrates that the biological species concept that Mayr con- trasts with the typological one in fact presupposes a version of the typological species concept. For one cannot assess whether two living beings are capable of producing offspring without already knowing what would count as off- spring. Therefore, one must know non-relational features of typical offspring of a kind of living beings in order to be able to apply the biological species concept. The typological species concep…Read more
  •  25
    "Conscientia" bei Descartes
    Alber Verlag. 2006.
    Although Descartes is often said to have coined the modern notion of 'consciousness', he nowhere defines the according Latin term (conscientia), neither explicitly nor implicitly. This may either imply that he used the word in a sense that he did not make sufficiently clear, that he was not the first to use 'conscientia' in its modern psychological sense, or that he still used it in its traditional sense. I argue for the third assumption: Descartes used 'conscientia' according to the traditional…Read more
  • Occurrents
    In Katherine Munn & Barry Smith (eds.), Applied Ontology: An Introduction, Ontos. 2008.