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    What does it take for a corporation to act in a socially responsible manner? It would seem that respecting the fiscal duties imposed by the state should be high on the list. Compared to standard accounts of corporate social responsibility, this requirement seems relatively weak. The present paper argues that such a minimalist CSR turns out to be quite demanding. More specifically, I argue that for one particular sector, namely the tax planning industry, it would be utopian to expect its members …Read more
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    Catching Capital: The Ethics of Tax Competition (edited book)
    Oxford University Press USA. 2015.
    Rich people stash away trillions of dollars in tax havens like Switzerland, the Cayman Islands, or Singapore. Multinational corporations shift their profits to low-tax jurisdictions like Ireland or Panama to avoid paying tax. Recent stories in the media about Apple, Google, Starbucks, and Fiat are just the tip of the iceberg. There is hardly any multinational today that respects not just the letter but also the spirit of tax laws. All this becomes possible due to tax competition, with countries …Read more
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    Tax Competition and Global Background Justice
    with Thomas Rixen
    Journal of Political Philosophy 22 (2): 150-177. 2014.
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    RÉSUMÉ: La notion de propriété de soi présuppose la définition des droits de propriété sur les ressources externes que le libertarisme de gauche limite habituellement aux ressources naturelles. Or, dans une économie spécialisée, la propriété de soi doitégalement être complétée par une définition des droits de propriété sur le surplus coopératif. S'il est cohérent, pour un libertarien de gauche, de considérer le surplus coopératif comme ressource externe et de le distribuer d'une manière égale, o…Read more