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    Expressive Bodies
    Research in Phenomenology 45 (3): 369-385. 2015.
    _ Source: _Volume 45, Issue 3, pp 369 - 385 In “The Vestige of Art,” Jean-Luc Nancy argues that art is neither representation nor inscription, but rather _exscription_. The figure is the vestige of an expressive gesture; it represents neither a separable idea nor the one who traced it but, rather _exscribes_ their presence and their world in the event of expression. As such, Nancy’s aesthetics in _The Muses_ deploys a certain logic of expression best understood in the tradition of Merleau-Pontia…Read more
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    Spielraum, phenomenology, and the art of virtue: hints of an ‘embodied’ ethics in Kant
    International Journal of Philosophical Studies 24 (2): 234-251. 2016.
    Although the suggestion that Kant offers a significant contribution to Virtue Ethics might be a surprising one, in The Metaphysics of Morals Kant makes virtue central to his ethics. In this paper, I introduce a Merleau-Pontian phenomenological perspective into the ongoing study of the convergence between Kant and Virtue Ethics, and argue that such a perspective promises to illuminate the continuity of Kant’s thought through an emphasis on the implicit structure of moral experience, revealing the…Read more
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    Two key themes structure the work of French philosopher of science Gilbert Simondon: the processes of individuation and the nature of technical objects. Moreover, these two themes are also at the heart of contemporary debates within Ethics and Bioethics. Indeed, the question of the individual is a key concern in both Virtue Ethics and Feminist Ethics of Care, while the hyper-technical reality of the present stage of medical technology is a key reason for both the urgency for and the success of t…Read more
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    Phenomenology, Ontology, and the Arts: Reading Jessica Wiskus’s The Rhythm of Thought
    with Kathleen Hulley
    Areté. Revista de Filosofía 28 (1): 193-201. 2016.
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    Expressive Body, Exscriptive Corpus
    Chiasmi International 9 237-256. 2007.
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    The Merleau-Ponty Dictionary
    Bloomsbury Academic. 2013.
    Maurice Merleau-Ponty (1908-1961) is one of the central figures of 20th-century Continental philosophy, and his work has been hugely influential in a wide range of fields. His writings engage in the study of perception, language, politics, aesthetics, history and ontology, and represent a rich and complex network of exciting ideas. The Merleau-Ponty Dictionary provides the reader and student of Merleau-Ponty with all the tools necessary to engage with this key thinker: a comprehensive A to Z tha…Read more
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    Phenomenology, Ontology, and the Arts: Reading Jessica Wiskus’s The Rhythm of Thought (review)
    with Kathleen Hulley
    Chiasmi International 16 351-359. 2014.
    Jessica Wiskus’s book The Rhythm of Thought: Art, Literature, and Music (University of Chicago Press, 2013) is a fascinating study of Merleau-Ponty’s late philosophy inrelation to the artistic expression of Mallarmé, Cézanne, Proust, and Debussy. By invoking examples from across the arts and citations from across Merleau-Ponty’soeuvre, Wiskus provides us with a style for reading some of Merleau-Ponty’s difficult late concepts, including noncoincidence, institution, essence, and transcendence.In …Read more