•  74
    Wyclif on the Felicity (Conditions) of Marriage
    Vivarium 49 (1-3): 258-274. 2011.
    Regarding marriage, John Wyclif defends the following position: strictly speaking, no words or any kind of sensory signs would be needed, since the consensus of the spouses together with God's approbation would suffice for the accomplishment of marriage. But if words do have to be pronounced, then the appropriate formula should not be in the present, but in the future. In the following, I shall discuss Wyclif's arguments by comparing them with some other medieval positions, as well as with some …Read more
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    Postscript: Medieval Logic as Sprachphilosophie
    Bulletin de Philosophie Medievale 52 117-132. 2010.
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    Louis Rougier et la « mentalité réaliste »
    Philosophia Scientiae 10 157-175. 2006.
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    Richard Brinkley O.F.M., de propositione
    Archives d'Histoire Doctrinale et Littéraire du Moyen Âge 71 (1): 203-254. 2004.
    La Summa logicae de Brinkley est l’un des grands manuels de logique réaliste qui fleurissent en Angleterre, à partir de 1320-1330. Dans le De propositione, le Doctor antiquus, avant d’aborder la question du significatum propositionis, s’interroge sur la nature, les lieux et les divisions des propositions. Sa théorie de la proposition mentale comme résultat d’une composition, non de concepts, mais des choses qu’ils signifient, rappelle celle de Gauthier Burley, mais Brinkley n’étend pas la notion…Read more
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    Walter Burley (1275-c.1344) and John Wyclif (1328-1384) follow two clearly stated doctrinal options: on the one hand, they are realists and, on the other, they defend a correspondence theory of truth that involves specific correlates for true propositions, in short: truth-makers. Both characteristics are interdependent: such a conception of truth requires a certain kind of ontology. This study shows that a) in their explanation of what it means for a proposition to be true, Burley and Wyclif bot…Read more
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    Richard Brinkley'contra dialecticae haereticos': une conception métaphysico-logique de l'universel
    Documenti E Studi Sulla Tradizione Filosofica Medievale 19 277-333. 2008.
    Il De universalibus di Riccardo Brinkley è la seconda delle sette parti che costituiscono la Summa logicae. L'A., prima di fornire l'edizione del testo , conduce un'analisi dottrinale e comparativa. Perciò ne illustra struttura e contenuto, esplicitando il concetto di universale metafisico, la critica della concezione puramente semantica dell'universale, la natura dell'intentio universale, l'universale logico, la sua divisione. Brinkley esprime la sua contrarietà rispetto al concetto dell'univer…Read more
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    On s'est dès lors efforcé de contextualiser cette thèse et d'en préciser le sens, aboutissant à un double résultat : premièrement, les signifiés propositionnels ne sont ni des entités abstraites (platoniciennes), ni des complexes ...
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    Does loving every mean loving every every, even non-existent ones?
    In Mora-Márquez Ana María, Fink Jakob Leth & Hansen Heine (eds.), Logic and Language in the Middle Ages, Brill. pp. 305--336. 2012.
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    States of affairs
    In John Marenbon (ed.), The Oxford Handbook to Medieval Philosophy, Oxford University Press. pp. 421--444. 2012.
    The philosophical problem of the correspondence between what we think, what we say and 'what there is' is a perennial one. At the beginning of the Sophistical Refutations (1, 165a7-9), for example, Aristotle gives a synthetic formulation of it: since 'it is impossible in a discussion to bring in the actual things discussed: we use their names as symbols instead of them; and we suppose that what follows in the names, follows in the things as well' (Aristotle 1984, I, 278). But whereas this diffi …Read more
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    “Austrian” philosophy of language is characterized, among other things, by the following two features: Problems of language are considered within the broader framework of an intentionality-based philosophy of mind—or, to put it more precisely, questions of meaning are considered as involving a quite articulated theory of intentions; several aspects of such an account are explicitly presented as inspired by or somehow already at work in the Medieval Scholastic tradition. In this study we follow t…Read more
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    This paper shows how Wyclif is able at the same time to claim that whatever is is a proposition and to develop a nontrivial theory of propositional truth and falsity. The study has two parts: 1) Starting from Wyclif's fivefold propositional typology – including a propositio realis and asic esse sicut propositio significat – we will analyse the three different kinds of real predication, the distinction between primary and secondary signification of propositions and the status of logical truth as …Read more
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    Anton Marty's intentionalist theory of meaning
    In Denis Fisette & Guillaume Fréchette (eds.), Themes from Brentano, Editions Rodopi. pp. 44--139. 2013.
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    Richard Brinkley
    In H. Lagerlund (ed.), Encyclopedia of Medieval Philosophy, Springer. pp. 1120--1123. 2011.
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    Le réalisme propositionnel de Walter Burley
    Archives d'Histoire Doctrinale et Littéraire du Moyen Âge 68 (1): 155-221. 2001.
    Le présent article propose une étude « génétique » de la théorie de la proposition de Walter Burley. La notion de propositio in re y est considérée d’un point de vue interne, en relation avec la théorie augustinienne de la visio et en comparaison avec le Sachverhalt de la philosophie moderne. Il en résulte que l’expression ‘propositio in re’ ne renvoie à aucune entité clairement définissable. Elle est plutôt le symptôme de l’intention fondamentale de Burley : doter toute proposition vraie d’un c…Read more