Dominique Raynaud

Université Grenoble Alpes
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    Unlike the physical sciences, sociology is frequently described as an interpretative non-experimental science. Comparative epistemology sheds new light on this claim. 1. Experimentation is not a constant character of the physical sciences; 2. Experimental hypothetical-deductive reasoning, including the test of predictions, is also practicable in sociology. The argument is developed by a detailed step-wise comparison of the prediction of light ray deviation within the Sun’s gravitational field ma…Read more
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    Géométrie pratique. Géomètres, ingénieurs, architectes, XVIe-XVIIIe siècles (edited book)
    Presses universitaires de Franche-Comté. 2015.
    Actes du colloque de Grenoble (8-9 octobre 2009), avec les contributions de Samuel Gessner (Lisbone), Eberhard Knobloch (Berlin), Jorge Galindo Díaz (Bogotá), Joël Sakarovitch (Paris) et Dominique Raynaud (Grenoble).
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    Est-il vrai que la science et la technologie forment un tout ? Qu’elles sont unies par des liens constants et nécessaires ? Est-il vrai que le raisonnement technologique prend toujours place dans un contexte industriel ? Que les bio- et nanotechnologies forment la part essentielle des technologies contemporaines ? Que l’application définit adéquatement la relation entre la science et la technologie ? Dans ce livre, Dominique Raynaud examine les limites de chacune de ces idées. Il dresse un panor…Read more
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    The concept of aerial perspective has been used for the first time by Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519). This article studies its dependence on Ptolemy’s Optica and overall on the optical tradition inaugurated by Ibn al-Haytham’s Kitāb al-Manāẓir (d. after 1040). This treatise, that was accessible through several Latin and Italian manuscripts, and was the source of many Medieval commentaries, offers a general theory of visual perception emancipated from the case of the moon illusion, in which physic…Read more
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    Ibn al-Haytham on binocular vision: A precursor of physiological optics
    Arabic Sciences and Philosophy 13 (1): 79-99. 2003.
    The modern physiological optics introduces the notions related to the conditions of fusion of binocular images by the concept of correspondence, due to Christiaan Huygens, and by an experiment attributed to Christoph Scheiner. The conceptualization of this experiment dates, in fact, back to Ptolemy and Ibn al-Haytham. The present paper surveys Ibn al-Haytham's knowledge about the mechanisms of binocular vision. The article subsequently explains why Ibn al-Haytham, a mathematician, but here an ex…Read more
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    This book provides the first critical edition of Ibn al-Haytham’s On the Shape of the Eclipse with English translation and commentary, which records the first scientific analysis of the camera obscura. On the Shape of the Eclipse includes pioneering research on the conditions of formation of the image, in a time deemed to be committed to aniconism. It also provides an early attempt to merge the two branches of Ancient optics—the theory of light and theory of vision. What perhaps most strongly ch…Read more
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    Leonardo, Optics and Ophthalmology
    In F. Fiorani & A. Nova (eds.), Leonardo da Vinci and Optics, Marsilio. pp. 255-276. 2013.
    Leonardo’s research on the eye and vision has given rise to contrasting assessments, ranging from the apology of his explanation of how the eye works as a camera obscura to the most critical attitude. The negative judgments derive some of their strength from the fact that the practice of anatomy and linear perspective are well documented in Leonardo. Thus one expects him to have had empirically based knowledge of the organs dissected, as well as comprehensive skills in optics. As we will see, no…Read more
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    "Toute forme a été imaginée avant d'être construite". Cette formule classique, qui met en relief l'un des traits essentiels de la pratique architecturale, soulève plusieurs questions. D'où viennent les images-mères du projet? Sont-elles encore identifiables une fois construites? Existe-t-il des procédés réguliers dans l'imagination des formes architecturales? Cette enquête tente de résoudre ces problèmes par la reconnaissance de schèmes dynamiques de l'imagination. Si le processus de conception …Read more
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    The perfect compass, used by al-Qūhī, al-Sijzī and his successors for the continuous drawing of conic sections, reappeared after a long eclipse in the works of Renaissance mathematicians like Francesco Barozzi in Venice. The resurgence of this instrument seems to have depended on its interest to solve new optico-perspective problems. Having reviewed the various instruments designed for the drawing of conic sections, the article is focused on the sole conic compass. Theoretical and empirical appl…Read more
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    Determining the Speed of Light (1676-1983): An Internalist Study in the Sociology of Science
    Cairn International / Année Sociologique 63 (2): 359-398. 2013.
    This article aims at contributing to the methods of the sociology of science, from an empirical study of the determinations of the velocity of light between 1676 and 1983. Far from being constructed and deconstructed at pleasure, the values of c have undergone a tendentially unidirectional and irreversible process of revision. The competing methods remained in the running as long as they produced an uncertainty less than, or equal to, the best known value. The analysis of “entrances” and “exits”…Read more
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    In Scientific Controversies, Dominique Raynaud shows how organized debates in the sciences help us establish or verify our knowledge of the world. If debates focus on form, scientific controversies are akin to public debates that can be understood within the framework of theories of conflict. If they focus on content, then such controversies have to do with a specific activity and address the nature of science itself. Understanding the major focus of a scientific controversy is a first step towa…Read more
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    Définir, à partir des traces graphiques d'un projet, les actions de conception et les motivations de l'architecte à les entreprendre, voilà l'objectif de l'enquête. Quel est le rôle de la représentation dans le développement de l'idée architecturale? Comment se transforme-t-elle tout au long du projet? En fonction de quoi l'architecte décide-t-il d'altérer ou de maintenir une représentation? Telles sont les questions que ces essais tentent de résoudre en s'appuyant sur les concepts de représenta…Read more
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    Ibn al-Haytham sur la vision binoculaire: un précurseur de l'optique physiologique
    Arabic Sciences and Philosophy 13 (1): 79-99. 2003.
    The modern physiological optics introduces the notions related to the conditions of fusion of bi- nocular images by the concept of correspondence, due to Christiaan Huygens (1704), and by an experiment attri- buted to Christoph Scheiner (1619). The conceptualization of this experiment dates, in fact, back to Ptolemy (90- 168) and Ibn al-Haytham (d. af. 1040). The present paper surveys Ibn al-Haytham's knowledge about the mecha- nisms of binocular vision. The article subsequently explains why Ibn…Read more
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    The controversy between the medical schools of Paris and Montpellier extends roughly from the death of Barthez (1806) to the publication of the Introduction to the study of experimental medicine of Claude Bernard (1865), with a peak during which the controversy merges with the polemic between Louis Peisse and Jacques Lordat (1840-1843). This study aims to document as accurately as possible the arguments that were exchanged during this controversy, by seeking their reasons and explaining how the …Read more
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    Ce livre souhaite montrer, par une comparaison des concepts et des méthodes de la sociologie avec ceux des sciences naturelles, que beaucoup des critères avancés pour doter la sociologie d’un statut épistémologique spécial — et, pour tout dire, souvent dérogatoire — ont un caractère douteux. Éléments d’un discours identitaire partiellement dérivés du Methodenstreit allemand, ces critères — réalisme des théories sociologiques, multiplicité et irréductibilité des paradigmes sociologiques, langage…Read more
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    A Tentative Astronomical Dating of Ibn al-Haytham's Solar Eclipse Record
    Nuncius. Journal of the Material and Visual History of Science 29 (2): 324-358. 2014.
    This article aims to test a new method of dating optico-astronomical manuscripts, using Ibn al-Haytham’s Epistle on the Shape of the Eclipse as the test case. This work is selected because of indications that its diagrams are based on reality. After clarifying the observation conditions, an astronomical ephemeris is applied to sift through the eclipses that occurred during Ibn al-Haytham’s life throughout the area he is believed to have sojourned. Next, the remaining eclipses are sorted by compu…Read more
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    Sociologie des controverses scientifiques
    Editions matériologiques. 2018.
    Brisant l’image idéale de la science consensuelle, les controverses scientifiques sont aujourd’hui devenues un sujet privilégié de la sociologie et de l’histoire des sciences. Elles sont par ailleurs impliquées au cœur des débats sur les méthodes des sciences sociales. Si l’analyse des controverses scientifiques doit beaucoup aux approches inaugurées par les courants relativistes et constructivistes des années 1970-1980, ce livre montre que les études contemporaines ont tout à gagner à réintrodu…Read more
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    This article studies a fragment on the conic sections that appear in the Codex Atlanticus, fols. 611rb/915ra. Arguments are put forward to assemble these two folios. Their comparison with the Latin texts available before 1500 shows that they derive from the De speculis comburentibus of Alhacen and the De speculis comburentibus of Regiomontanus, joined together in his autograph manuscript. Having identified the sources, and discussed their mathematics, the issue of their transmission is targeted.…Read more
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    This paper wonders why the Franciscan order took part in the diffusion of optics more than other medieval organisation, both religious and secular. First, clues of this social asymmetry are given. Then, an explanation is put forward: 1. An initial asymmetry existed, by the fact that Grosseteste’s optics was known in the Franciscan studium of Oxford; 2. Since that date, optics spread among the order by a network effect; 3. The rivaltry between the mendicant orders and the homophilia that presided…Read more
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    L'émergence d'une sociologie des œuvres: une évaluation critique
    Cahiers Internationaux de Sociologie 106 119-143. 1999.
    Le regain actuel de la sociologie de l'art semble lié à un essai de constitution d'un programme de 'sociologie des œuvres', différencié de la classique sociologie de la production et de la réception artistiques. Ce programme, épigone des théories de la communication, fait l'hypothèse de codes iconiques et plastiques. L'étude des interprétations des rayures de D. Buren et de la pyramide du Grand Louvre de I. M. Pei invalide l'existence de tels codes. La grande variabilité des interprétations est …Read more
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    In the Quattrocento and Cinquecento the rise of linear perspective caused many polemics which opposed the supporters of an artificial geometrisation of sight to those who were praising the qualities of the drawing according to nature, or were invoking some arguments on a physiological basis. These debates can be grouped according to the four alternatives that form their central concerns: restricted vs. broad field of vision; ocular immobility vs. mobility; curvilinear vs. planar picture; monocul…Read more