Dominique Raynaud

Université Grenoble Alpes
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    Unlike the physical sciences, sociology is frequently described as an interpretative non-experimental science. Comparative epistemology sheds new light on this claim. 1. Experimentation is not a constant character of the physical sciences; 2. Experimental hypothetical-deductive reasoning, including the test of predictions, is also practicable in sociology. The argument is developed by a detailed step-wise comparison of the prediction of light ray deviation within the Sun’s gravitational field ma…Read more
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    Géométrie pratique. Géomètres, ingénieurs, architectes, XVIe-XVIIIe siècles (edited book)
    Presses universitaires de Franche-Comté. 2015.
    Actes du colloque de Grenoble (8-9 octobre 2009), avec les contributions de Samuel Gessner (Lisbone), Eberhard Knobloch (Berlin), Jorge Galindo Díaz (Bogotá), Joël Sakarovitch (Paris) et Dominique Raynaud (Grenoble).
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    Est-il vrai que la science et la technologie forment un tout ? Qu’elles sont unies par des liens constants et nécessaires ? Est-il vrai que le raisonnement technologique prend toujours place dans un contexte industriel ? Que les bio- et nanotechnologies forment la part essentielle des technologies contemporaines ? Que l’application définit adéquatement la relation entre la science et la technologie ? Dans ce livre, Dominique Raynaud examine les limites de chacune de ces idées. Il dresse un panor…Read more
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    Ce livre souhaite montrer, par une comparaison des concepts et des méthodes de la sociologie avec ceux des sciences naturelles, que beaucoup des critères avancés pour doter la sociologie d’un statut épistémologique spécial — et, pour tout dire, souvent dérogatoire — ont un caractère douteux. Éléments d’un discours identitaire partiellement dérivés du Methodenstreit allemand, ces critères — réalisme des théories sociologiques, multiplicité et irréductibilité des paradigmes sociologiques, langage…Read more
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    A Tentative Astronomical Dating of Ibn al-Haytham's Solar Eclipse Record
    Nuncius. Journal of the Material and Visual History of Science 29 (2): 324-358. 2014.
    This article aims to test a new method of dating optico-astronomical manuscripts, using Ibn al-Haytham’s Epistle on the Shape of the Eclipse as the test case. This work is selected because of indications that its diagrams are based on reality. After clarifying the observation conditions, an astronomical ephemeris is applied to sift through the eclipses that occurred during Ibn al-Haytham’s life throughout the area he is believed to have sojourned. Next, the remaining eclipses are sorted by compu…Read more
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    Sociologie des controverses scientifiques
    Editions matériologiques. 2018.
    Brisant l’image idéale de la science consensuelle, les controverses scientifiques sont aujourd’hui devenues un sujet privilégié de la sociologie et de l’histoire des sciences. Elles sont par ailleurs impliquées au cœur des débats sur les méthodes des sciences sociales. Si l’analyse des controverses scientifiques doit beaucoup aux approches inaugurées par les courants relativistes et constructivistes des années 1970-1980, ce livre montre que les études contemporaines ont tout à gagner à réintrodu…Read more
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    This article studies a fragment on the conic sections that appear in the Codex Atlanticus, fols. 611rb/915ra. Arguments are put forward to assemble these two folios. Their comparison with the Latin texts available before 1500 shows that they derive from the De speculis comburentibus of Alhacen and the De speculis comburentibus of Regiomontanus, joined together in his autograph manuscript. Having identified the sources, and discussed their mathematics, the issue of their transmission is targeted.…Read more
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    This paper wonders why the Franciscan order took part in the diffusion of optics more than other medieval organisation, both religious and secular. First, clues of this social asymmetry are given. Then, an explanation is put forward: 1. An initial asymmetry existed, by the fact that Grosseteste’s optics was known in the Franciscan studium of Oxford; 2. Since that date, optics spread among the order by a network effect; 3. The rivaltry between the mendicant orders and the homophilia that presided…Read more
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    L'émergence d'une sociologie des œuvres: une évaluation critique
    Cahiers Internationaux de Sociologie 106 119-143. 1999.
    Le regain actuel de la sociologie de l'art semble lié à un essai de constitution d'un programme de 'sociologie des œuvres', différencié de la classique sociologie de la production et de la réception artistiques. Ce programme, épigone des théories de la communication, fait l'hypothèse de codes iconiques et plastiques. L'étude des interprétations des rayures de D. Buren et de la pyramide du Grand Louvre de I. M. Pei invalide l'existence de tels codes. La grande variabilité des interprétations est …Read more
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    In the Quattrocento and Cinquecento the rise of linear perspective caused many polemics which opposed the supporters of an artificial geometrisation of sight to those who were praising the qualities of the drawing according to nature, or were invoking some arguments on a physiological basis. These debates can be grouped according to the four alternatives that form their central concerns: restricted vs. broad field of vision; ocular immobility vs. mobility; curvilinear vs. planar picture; monocul…Read more
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    Optics and Perspective prior to Alberti
    In B. Paolozzi Strozzi & M. Bormand (eds.), The Springtime of the Renaissance, Mandragora. pp. 165-171. 2013.
    Considered as an exact science, linear perspective started shortly before 1480, when Piero della Francesca demonstrated for the first time the decrease of apparent magnitudes on the basis of similar triangles. Although medieval and early modern empirical research on perspective is lacking such demonstrative character, we show that it benefited from the influence of optics much earlier than is usually thought, since the first trials of central perspective, two point perspective, or written eviden…Read more
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    Al-Samarqandi. Un précurseur de l'analyse des controverses scientifiques
    Al-Mukhatabat. Epistemological Approaches to the History of Arabic Sciences 7 8-25. 2013.
    Despite the enthusiasm generated by social constructionism in the study of scientific debates, this contribution shows that – down to their praxeological dimension – the study of scientific controversies can benefit from sources ignored in today sociological literature. The contribution discloses these sources from the works of Shams al-Dīn al-Samarqandī (ca. 1250–ca. 1302), who is the first author to have offered etiquettes of investigation and debate (ādāb al-baḥth wa-al-munāẓara). Consequence…Read more
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    This book explores the interrelationships between optics, vision and perspective before the Classical Age, examining binocularity in particular. The author shows how binocular vision was one of the key juncture points between the three concepts and readers will see how important it is to understand the approach that scholars once took. In the Middle Ages and the Renaissance, the concept of Perspectiva – the Latin word for optics – encompassed many areas of enquiry that had been viewed since anti…Read more
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    Why did geometrical optics not lead to perspective in medieval Islam?
    In M. Cherkaoui & P. Hamilton (eds.), Raymond Boudon: A Life in Sociology, Bardwell Press. pp. 243-266. 2009.
    The idea that linear perspective arose only in the West due to the strength of an unusual process of rationalization is denied by the fact that IXth century Islamic scholars had yet a thorough knowledge of the optical and geometrical materials required in perspective. In addition, the process of rationalization was rarely so intense as in that time, because truth uniqueness and scientific communalism were core values of Medieval Islam. The puzzle is not a matter of less or more rationality, but …Read more
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    L'étude de la conception architecturale se trouve au carrefour de trois approches: sciences de la conception, psychologie cognitive et architecturologie. Cette dernière tente de modéliser toute la gamme des changements d'état qui apparaissent durant le processus de conception. L'architecturologie sait décrire, au moyen d'échelles, les opérations de conception par lesquelles l'architecte attribue des mesures à l'édifice. Cette modélisation paraît adéquate lorsque le modèle morphologique n'est pas…Read more
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    Abu al-Wafa’ Latinus? A Study of Method
    Historia Mathematica 39 34-83. 2012.
    This article studies the legacy in the West of Abū al-Wafā’s Book on those Geometric Constructions which are Necessary for Craftsmen. Although two-thirds of the geometric constructions in the text also appear in Renaissance works, a joint analysis of original solutions, diagram lettering and probability leads to a robust finding of independent discovery. The analysis shows that there is little chance that the similarities between the contents of Abū al-Wafā’s Book and the works of Tartaglia, Mar…Read more
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    L'essor de la perspective linéaire a suscité de nombreuses polémiques tout au long du Quattrocento et du Cinquecento, opposant les partisans d'une géométrisation artificialiste de la vision à ceux qui vantaient les qualités du dessin d'après nature ou invoquaient des arguments de nature physiologique. Ces débats peuvent être retracés à partir des quatre alternatives qui en constituent le noyau dur : champ de vision restreint vs. large ; immobilité vs. mobilité oculaire ; tableau plan vs. curvili…Read more
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    Contemporary sociology of scientific knowledge (SSK) is defined by its relativist trend. Its programme often calls for the support of philosophers, such as Duhem, Quine, and Wittgenstein. A critical re-reading of key texts shows that the main principles of relativism are only derivable with difficulty. The thesis of the underdetermination of theory doesn't forbid that Duhem, in many places, validates a correspondence-consistency theory of truth. He never said that social beliefs and interests fi…Read more
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    Why did linear perspective rise in trecento–quattrocento central Italy rather than in any other cultural context? This book provides new insight into the question of the early Italian pioneership in perspective, building on the fact that many references to optics can be found in Renaissance treatises. The fact that most of the medieval optical manuscripts were written by Franciscan masters—the best known among them being Roger Bacon and John Pecham—suggests the need for a closer look at how the …Read more
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    In view of the progress made in recent decades in the fields of stemmatology and the analysis of geometric diagrams, the present article explores the possibility of establishing the stemma codicum of a handwritten tradition from geometric diagrams alone. This exploratory method is tested on Ibn al-Haytham’s Epistle on the Shape of the Eclipse, because this work has not yet been issued in a critical edition. Separate stemmata were constructed on the basis of the diagrams and the text, and a compa…Read more