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    Like most terms in social theory, the term "conservative" is profoundly ambiguous and contested. In the United States today the word is often applied to those who call for an absolute minimum of government interference in capitalist markets. In another meaning it refers to those who insist that social life should center on the preservation of a community’s traditions and cultural values. There is a deep tension between these two viewpoints. Capitalist markets left to themselves radically destabi…Read more
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    In his recent work The Myth of Dialectics John Rosenthal presents a forceful polemic against Hegel and Marxists sympathetic to the Hegelian legacy. The methodology Hegel employed, his metaphysical assertions, his rejection of the principles of formal logic, and the political implications of his standpoint, are all fundamentally incompatible with Marx’s perspective, according to Rosenthal. While Rosenthal grants that Marx did make use of Hegelian motifs in his theory of value, even this is not to…Read more
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    The three volumes of Capital form an immensely complex work, including a variety of quite different sorts of texts. Marx’s systematic ordering of the essential determinations of capital, beginning in Volume I with relatively simple and abstract social forms and then proceeding step by step to ever more complex and concrete determinations provides a unifying thread. Many fundamental structures of the capitalist mode of production remained to be considered at the point where Marx left off in Volum…Read more
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    It is certainly possible to overestimate the practical importance of arguments for the normative legitimacy of global capitalism. But normative arguments continue to circulate in the social world, and it would be foolish to think that they do so without significant social effects. As long as ideological defenses of capitalism continue to be produced, there will be a need for ideology critiques.
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    Many social theorists assert that in leading sectors and regions of the contemporary economy a transition is occurring from 'Fordism' to the 'lean production' system of production and distribution. The present paper considers the contemporary significance of Volume Two of Capital in light of the alleged rise of lean production. The first task is to sketch briefly the nature of the transition in question.
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    No one would dispute that it is impossible to understand the intellectual and political history of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries without taking Karl Marx (1818-83) into account. Most believe, however, that Marx‘s legacy was buried once and for all in the rubble of the Berlin Wall. This consensus is mistaken. It would be foolish to assert that Marx anticipated the correct answer to every significant question facing us today. But it would be no less foolish to deny that Marx‘s work presen…Read more
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    Before getting to the matters at hand I would like to repeat once again how much I agree in general with Rosenthal‟s account of the bizarre ontology of money, the ultimate form of value.1 My own view remains that this agreement is far more important, theoretically and politically, than any disagreements we may have over the interpretation of Hegel.2 I would also like to note that if I were to respond to each of Rosenthal‟s complaints in adequate detail, the present piece would be longer than his…Read more
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    On Rosenthal's "Escape" from Hegel
    Science and Society 64 (4). 2000.
    In a world where exploitation and uneven development condemn billions to suffering, the proper understanding of the intellectual relationship between Hegel and Marx appears a small matter indeed. Marx‟s Capital, however, remains the single most important text for comprehending the system that generates this suffering. The question of the proper reading of this work thus remains important. Sooner or later this brings us to the Hegel/Marx question. In a recent article in Science and Society John R…Read more
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    with Bertell Ollman
    Science and Society 62 (3). 1998.
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    Value Theory and Dialectics
    Science and Society 62 (3). 1998.
    If Capital is read as a work in systematic dialectics, early and later stages of the work do not relate externally as model and concrete reality. Both are instead different conceptualizations of the same totality. On this reading standard objections to the so-called "transformation problem" dissipate. An appreciation of dialectics also enables a deeper comprehension of Marx's key notions of "value" and "abstract labor.".