•  50
    Review of Howard B. Radest, Felix Adler: An Ethical Culture (review)
    Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 34 (4): 1029-1036. 1998.
    This is my review of Howard B. Radest's book on Felix Adler and Ethical Culture. The book involves interesting comparisons of Adler to Emerson and to the pragmatists, and Radest is well qualified to tell the history of Adler's work and its influence.
  •  50
    Witherspoon, Edwards and 'Christian Magnanimity'
    In K. P. Minkema, A. Neele & K. van Andel (eds.), Jonathan Edwards and Scotland, Dunedin Academic Publisher. pp. 117-128. 2011.
    This paper focuses on John Witherspoon (1723-1794) and the religious background of the American conception of religious liberty and church-state separation, as found in the First Amendment. Witherspoon was strongly influenced by debates and conflicts concerning liberty of conscience and the independence of the congregations in his native Scotland; and he brought to his work, as President of the (Presbyterian) College of New Jersey, a moderate Calvinism challenging the conception of “true virtue”…Read more
  •  15
    Review of Campbell, The Community Reconstructs (review)
    Journal of Value Inquiry 29 (2): 279-284. 1995.
    As explained in the Preface, this book connects two sets of goals, one historical and the other social. The historical aim is to "recover a fuller understanding" of the American intellectual past, and the social aims concern the "complexities of building a better future." The chief thesis is that "these two sets of goals should be connected." Among others, gratitude is expressed for the work of John J. McDermott.
  •  601
    W.V. Quine, Immanuel Kant Lectures, translated and introduced by H.G. Callaway (edited book)
    with W. V. Quine
    Frommann-Holzboog. 2003.
    This book is a translation of W.V. Quine's Kant Lectures, given as a series at Stanford University in 1980. It provide a short and useful summary of Quine's philosophy. There are four lectures altogether: I. Prolegomena: Mind and its Place in Nature; II. Endolegomena: From Ostension to Quantification; III. Endolegomena loipa: The forked animal; and IV. Epilegomena: What's It all About? The Kant Lectures have been published to date only in Italian and German translation. The present book is fille…Read more
  • Paul Gochet, "Ascent to Truth: A Critical Examination of Quine's Philosophy" (review)
    Journal of Speculative Philosophy 2 (2): 152. 1988.
  •  107
    Susan Haack presents a striking and appealing figure in contemporary Anglo-American philosophy. In spite of British birth and education, she appears to bridge the gap between analytic philosophy and American pragmatism, with its more diverse influences and sources. Well known for her writings in the philosophy of logic and epistemology, she fuses something of the hard-headed debunking style of a Bertrand Russell with a lively interest in Peirce, James and Dewey.
  •  141
    Reconciliation of semantic holism with interpretation of individual expressions is advanced here by means of a relativization of sentence meaning to object language theories viewed as idealizations of belief-systems. Fodor's view of the autonomy of the special sciences is emphasized and this is combined with detailed replies to his recent criticisms of meaning holism. The argument is that the need for empirical evidence requires a holistic approach to meaning. Thus, semantic realism requires sem…Read more
  •  657
    Review of Schlesinger, War and the American Presidency (review)
    Reason Papers 2008 (No. 30): 121-128. 2008.
    This is a expository and critical review of Arthur Schlesinger, Jr. 's last book, War and the American Presidency. The book collects and focuses recent writings of Arthur Schlesinger on the themes of its title. In its short Foreword and seven concise essays, the book aims to explore, in some contrast with the genre of “instant history,” the relationship between President George W. Bush’s Iraq adventure and the national past. This aim and the present work are deserving of wide attention, both bec…Read more
  •  104
    Education and the Unity of the Person
    Journal of Value Inquiry 30 (June): 43-50. 1996.
    The deeper meaning of education, says Dewey in his Human Nature and Conduct (1922), which distinguishes the justly honored profession from that of mere trainer, is that a future new society of changed purposes and desires may be created by a deliberately humane treatment of the impulses of youth (p. 69). For Dewey, a truly humane education consists in an intelligent direction of native activities in the light of the possibilities and necessities of the social situation (p. 70). Student impulse a…Read more
  •  88
    Beardsley on Metaphor
    Restant 14, Text, Literature and Aesthetics 14 73-88. 1986.
    Monroe C. Beardsley has made seminal contributions to the on-going discussions of metaphor, contributions of continuing relevance and influence. His "Verbal Opposition Theory," like Max Black's "Interaction Theory," is a classic document of the contemporary semantic approach to metaphor, and has placed special emphasis upon the recognition of metaphor --the problem of the metaphorical warrant--which has lead to a deeper understanding of the complexities of this problem.
  •  75
    Review of Evnine, Donald Davidson (review)
    Philosophical Quarterly 43 (October): 555-560. 1993.
    Tracing the background of Davidson’s work in the positivists’ philosophical emigration of the 30’s and in Quine, Evnine’s “Introduction” offers a “map of the terrain to be covered” which stresses the “rationalistic” character of Davidson’s views on holism and rationality. Thus, “his main philosophical concerns ... language, the mental and action...are the ingredients of a philosophical anthropology.” In spite of Quinean roots, the view is that “Davidson has now wholly removed himself, philosophi…Read more
  •  66
    Book Description Edmund Burke (1730-1797) was a friend and advocate of America during the political crisis of the 1760s and the 1770s, and he spoke out eloquently and forcefully in defense of the rights of the colonial subjects of the British empire—in America, Ireland and India alike. However, he is often best remembered for his extremely critical Reflections on the Revolution in France. The present volume is based on classic Burke, including his most famous writings and speeches on the America…Read more
  •  104
    R.W. Emerson, The Conduct of Life: A Philosophical Reading (edited book)
    University Press of America. 2006.
    This new edition emphasizes Emerson's philosophy and thoughts on such issues as freedom and fate; creativity and established culture; faith, experience, and evidence; the individual, God, and the world; unity and dualism; moral law, grace, and compensation; and wealth and success. Emerson's text has been fully annotated to explain difficult words and to clarify his references. The Introduction, Notes, Bibliography, Index, and Chronology of Emerson's life help the reader understand his distinctiv…Read more
  •  119
    American philosopher William James (1842-1910) traveled to Oxford, England and Manchester College in 1908. Between 4 May and 28 May, he deliver the Hibbert Lectures, which were originally published in 1909 as A Pluralistic Universe. This was to be the last major book James published during his lifetime. Manchester College had been founded in the English city of Manchester in 1786 for the education of nonconformists, and moved to Oxford in 1888. Some considerable emphasis on religion in the Hib…Read more
  •  70
    Open Transcendentalism and the Normative Character of Methodology
    Grazer Philosophische Studien 43 1-24. 1993.
    This paper examines normative elements in Henri Lauener’s “open transcendentalism,” with an eye to evaluate distinctive theses. After setting out some of Lauener’s basic positions in this area, in comparison with related views in Quine’s work, I argue that the views surveyed converge on a normative and contextualist cognitivism in Lauener’s methodological and epistemological perspective. Though he resists similar conclusion in the name of anti-naturalism, I argue that his “open transcendentalism…Read more
  •  142
    Sense and Mode of Presentation
    In Howard G. Callaway (ed.), Meaning without analyticity: essays on logic, language and meaning, Cambridge Scholars Press. pp. 49-72. 2008.
    Theories of linguistic meaning have been a major influence in twentieth century philosophy. This is due, in part, to the assumption that meaning is the crucial and interesting thing about language. To know the meaning of an expression is to understand it, and since understanding is central to philosophy in many different ways, it should be no surprise that the notion of meaning has often taken center stage. The aim of this paper is to briefly explore some influential views concerning linguistic …Read more
  •  110
    A chief aim of this paper is to provide common ground for discussion of outstanding issues between defenders of classical logic and contemporary advocates of intuitionistic logic. In this spirit, I draw upon (and reconstruct) here the relationship between dialogue and evidence as emphasized in German constructivist authors. My approach depends upon developments in the methodology of empirical linguistics. As a preliminary to saying how one might decide between these two versions of logic (this i…Read more
  •  110
    Cultural Pluralism and the Virtues of Hypotheses
    la Torre Del Virrey, Revista de Estudios Culturales 33-38. 2008.
    This paper focuses on the preliminary evaluation of expressions of moral sentiment under conditions of cultural pluralism. The advance of science and technology puts ever new power over nature in human hands, and if this new power is to more fully serve human ends, then it must become the means or material of human virtue. This prospect poses the question of the relationship between power and virtue, and equally, the question of how scientific advances may be understood to enter into a pluralism…Read more
  •  37
    Review of Hans Joas, Pragmatismus und Gesellschaftstheorie (review)
    Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society (1): 203-212. 1994.
    This is my critical review of Hans Joas' book on Pragmatism and social theory which concerns, in part the early 20th-century German reception of American philosophy and the relationship of this to contemporary German thought.
  •  137
    Arthur S. Eddington, FRS, (1882–1944) was one of the most prominent British scientists of his time. He made major contributions to astrophysics and to the broader understanding of the revolutionary theories of relativity and quantum mechanics. He is famed for his astronomical observations of 1919, confirming Einstein’s prediction of the curving of the paths of starlight, and he was the first major interpreter of Einstein’s physics to the English-speaking world. His 1928 book, The Nature of the P…Read more
  •  110
    Review of Cassese, Five Masters of International Law (review)
    Law and Politics Book Review 22 (1): 154-161. 2012.
    Focused on five prominent scholars of international law, and casting light on the related institutions which frequently engaged them, the present book provides insight into chief currents of international law during the last decades of the twentieth century. Spanning the gap, in some degree, between Anglo-American and continental approaches to international law, the volume consists of short intellectual portraits, combined with interviews, of selected specialists in international law. The interv…Read more
  •  31
    Review of H. Joas, Die Kreativität des Handelns (review)
    Philasophical Quarterly (Scotland) 45 (179): 247-249. 1995.
  •  574
    No Need to Speak the same Language? Review of Ramberg, Donald Davidson's Philosophy of Language
    Dialectica, Vol. 50, No.1, 1996, Pp. 63-71 50 (1): 63-72. 1996.
    The book is an “introductory” reconstruction of Davidson on interpretation —a claim to be taken with a grain of salt. Writing introductory books has become an idol of the tribe. This is a concise book and reflects much study. It has many virtues along with some flaws. Ramberg assembles themes and puzzles from Davidson into a more or less coherent viewpoint. A special virtue is the innovative treatment of incommensurability and of the relation of Davidson’s work to hermeneutic themes. The weaknes…Read more
  •  33
    Sense, Reference and Purported Reference
    Logique Et Analyse 25 (March): 93-103. 1982.
    This paper argues for the importance of the concept of purported reference in understanding linguistic meaning and reference.
  •  18
    Meaning Holism and Semantic Realism
    Dialectica 46 (1): 41-59. 1992.
    SummaryReconciliation of semantic holism with interpretation of individual expressions is advanced here by means of a relativization of sentence meaning to object language theories viewed as idealizations of belief‐systems. Fodor's view of the autonomy of the special sciences is emphasized and this is combined with detailed replies to his recent criticisms of meaning holism. The argument is that the need for empirical evidence requires a holistic approach to meaning. Thus, semantic realism requi…Read more