• Einleitung
    In Dominik Perler & Markus Wild (eds.), Sehen und Begreifen. Wahrnehmungstheorien in der Frühen Neuzeit, De Gruyter. 2008.
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    In Dominik Perler & Markus Wild (eds.), Sehen und Begreifen. Wahrnehmungstheorien in der Frühen Neuzeit, De Gruyter. pp. 1-70. 2008.
    Dass wir durch Wahrnehmung einen Zugang zur materiellen Welt haben, scheint selbstverständlich zu sein. Und dass die visuelle Wahrnehmung dabei einen prominenten Platz einnimmt, scheint ebenfalls selbstverständlich zu sein. Doch was genau sehen wir: die Gegenstände selbst oder bloß ihre wahrnehmbaren Eigenschaften? Wie gelingt es uns überhaupt, etwas zu sehen? Können wir allein aufgrund von optischen und physiologischen Vorgängen etwas sehen, oder setzt das Sehen bereits Begriffe voraus, mithilf…Read more
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    Why is the Sheep Afraid of
    In Martin Pickavé & Lisa Shapiro (eds.), Emotion and cognitive life in Medieval and early modern philosophy, Oxford University Press. pp. 30. 2012.
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    Ockham on Emotions in the Divided Soul
    In Dominik Perler & Klaus Corcilius (eds.), Ockham on Emotions in the Divided Soul, De Gruyter. pp. 179-198. 2014.
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    In Dominik Perler & Klaus Corcilius (eds.), Ockham on Emotions in the Divided Soul, De Gruyter. pp. 1-14. 2014.
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    How did the reception of Aristotelian logic in the Arabic and Latin Middle Ages shape the development of theology? And how did theological issues influence the debates about logic and theories of argumentation? The contributions in this volume examine these questions on the basis of key texts, thus shedding new light on the problematic relationship between logic and theology.
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    This book explores different accounts of powers and abilities in early modern philosophy. It analyzes powers and abilities as a package, hopefully enabling us to better understand them both and to see similarities as well as dissimilarities. While some prominent early modern accounts of power have been studied in detail, this volume covers lesser-known thinkers and several early modern women philosophers. The volume also investigates early modern accounts of powers and abilities in a more system…Read more
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    4. Das Problem des Nezessitarismus (1p28–36)
    In Robert Schnepf & Michael Hampe (eds.), Baruch de Spinoza: Ethik in Geometrischer Ordnung Dargestellt, Akademie Verlag. pp. 59-80. 2006.
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    Spinoza on Diachronic Identity
    In Yitzhak Y. Melamed (ed.), A Companion to Spinoza, Wiley. 2021.
    This chapter examines how Spinoza deals with the identity problem by looking at his account of material and mental things. To understand how material things can remain the same over time, it looks at the “Physical Digression” where Spinoza explains the constitution of bodies. By using the structural criterion, Spinoza can solve a number of problems concerning identity and change. Spinoza would say that there is no identity between the body before and after the accident because the proportion bet…Read more
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    Complexity and Unity
    Recherches de Theologie Et Philosophie Medievales 89 (2): 335-392. 2023.
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    Is an Analytical Geistesgeschichte Possible? Four Theses
    Deutsche Vierteljahrsschrift für Literaturwissenschaft Und Geistesgeschichte 97 (1): 223-235. 2023.
    How is it possible to investigate philosophical texts analytically, but simultaneously to contextualize them historically and thus to pursue an analytic Geistesgeschichte? The following contribution answers this question in four theses: (1) According to the Nominalism-Thesis, individual texts as opposed to general trends or ideas are to be attended to. (2) The Relationism-Thesis holds that these texts are always to be related to other texts within their historical context. (3) The Multi-Perspect…Read more
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    Complexity and Unity: Peter of John Olivi and Henry of Ghent on the composition of the soul
    Recherches de Theologie Et Philosophie Medievales 89 (2): 335-392. 2022.
    All Aristotelians subscribed to the thesis that the soul as the principle of life has many powers. But how are the powers related to the soul’s essence? It has often been argued that medieval philosophers gave two answers to this ques- tion: some took them to be necessary accidents that are distinct from the soul’s essence, whereas others simply identified them with the essence. This paper intends to show that there were alternatives to these two standard models. Peter of John Olivi argued that …Read more
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    Does the soul have parts? What kind of parts? And how do all the parts make together a whole? Many ancient, medieval and early modern philosophers discussed these questions, thus providing a mereological analysis of the soul. The eleven chapters reconstruct and critically examine radically different theories. They make clear that the question of how a single soul can have an internal complexity was a crucial issue for many classical thinkers.
  • Perception in medieval philosophy
    In Mohan Matthen (ed.), The Oxford Handbook of the Philosophy of Perception, Oxford University Press Uk. 2015.
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    Kritische Studie
    Recherches de Theologie Et Philosophie Medievales 83 (2): 469-477. 2016.
    Review article of Christian Rode, _Zugänge zum Selbst. Innere Erfahrung in Spätmittelalter und früher Neuzeit_, Beiträge zur Geschichte der Philosophie und Theologie des Mittelalters, Neue Folge Band 79, Münster, Aschendorff Verlag, 2015.
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    Tobias Hoffmann: Free Will and the Rebel Angels in Medieval Philosophy (review)
    Journal of the History of Philosophy 60 (2): 340-341. 2022.
    Human beings quite often choose bad actions because of cognitive deficits: they fail to understand what they ought to do. But what about angels? They are, by definition, perfect in their cognition. How can they choose bad actions or even commit sins? At first sight, this problem seems to be of mere theological significance, for it is only in the context of Christian theology that angels are supposed to exist. However, a closer look reveals that the problem runs deeper, as Tobias Hoffmann makes c…Read more
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    This paper examines Elisabeth of Bohemia’s critique of Descartes’ internalist conception of happiness. According to this conception, we can all become happy because we can all make full use of our rational faculties and constantly follow our best judgments. Happiness is nothing but an “internal satisfaction” that arises when we act in accordance with these judgments. Elisabeth challenges this conception by pointing out that it is far too optimistic and that it neglects what is external to our ow…Read more
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    Aristoteles in der frühen Neuzeit
    In Christof Rapp & Klaus Corcilius (eds.), Aristoteles-Handbuch: Leben – Werk – Wirkung, Metzler. pp. 443-449. 2011.
    Die Auseinandersetzung mit Aristoteles und der aristotelischen Tradition war in der frühen Neuzeit geprägt durch eine Spannung zwischen polemischer Ablehnung und impliziter Weiterführung oder gar expliziter Zustimmung. Einerseits setzten sich Bacon, Descartes, Malebranche, Hobbes, Locke und zahlreiche andere ›moderne‹ Philosophen, die von der mechanistischen Physik beeinflusst waren, ganz entschieden von aristotelischen Prinzipien und Erklärungsmodellen ab. Allerdings beschäftigten sie sich kaum…Read more
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    Can We Know Substances? Suárez on a Sceptical Puzzle
    Theoria 88 (1): 244-269. 2022.
    It has often been said that the knowability of substances became a problem in the early modern period, when anti-Aristotelians doubted that we could know anything more than the sensory qualities that are present to us. This article argues that the late scholastic Aristotelian Francisco Suárez was already aware of this sceptical problem. On his view, substances are really (and not just modally) distinct from the perceivable qualities, and therefore cannot be known through sense perception. The ar…Read more
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    Eine kurze Hausbesichtigung: Erwiderung auf die Kommentare
    Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 69 (3): 498-505. 2021.
    Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie A bimonthly journal of international philosophical research As an open forum for discussion, the German Journal of Philosophy promotes dialogue and communication between different philosophical cultures, transcending any one school of thought. The journal primarily publishes studies that are actively engaged in modern international philosophical discourse and that explore new conceptual approaches. In addition to scholarly papers, essays, interviews, and symp…Read more
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    Ockham on Memory and Double Intentionality
    Topoi 41 (1): 133-142. 2020.
    Ockham developed two theories to explain the intentionality of memory: one theory that takes previously perceived things to be the objects of memory, and another that takes one’s own earlier acts of perceiving to be the objects of memory. This paper examines both theories, paying particular attention to the reasons that motivated Ockham to give up the first theory in favor of the second. It argues that the second theory is to be understood as a theory of double intentionality. At the core of thi…Read more
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    Suárez pursues a realist strategy when explaining habits: they are real qualities of the soul, acting as real causes and producing real activities. This chapter analyzes this thesis, examining it within the framework of Suárez’s metaphysics of the soul. It looks at the way he explains the necessity of habits, their generation, their co-operation with faculties, and their gradual changes. It emphasizes that habits are not simply “occult qualities,” as many early modern critics thought, but entiti…Read more
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    Spinoza on Skepticism
    In Michael Della Rocca (ed.), The Oxford Handbook to Spinoza, Oxford University Press. pp. 220-239. 2013.
    Spinoza never discusses the scenario of radical skepticism as it was introduced by Descartes. Why not? This paper argues that he chooses a preventive strategy: instead of taking the skeptical challenge as it is and trying to refute it, he questions the challenge itself and gives a diagnosis of its origin. It is a combination of semantic atomism, dualism and anti-naturalism that gives rise to radical doubts. Spinoza attacks these basic assumptions, opting instead for semantic holism, anti-dualism…Read more