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    Mind 98 (October): 585-9. 1989.
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    Leibniz and the Problem of Other Minds
    Studia Leibnitiana 33 (2). 2001.
    Robert McRae vertritt in seinem Artikel „As Though Only God and It Existed in the World“ die Ansicht, Leibniz habe seine Meinung darüber geändert, ob und wie wir wissen können, dass es ‚andere‛ gibt und dass sie Bewusstsein haben. Ich vertrete dagegen hier in meinem Aufsatz die Auffassung, dass man die relevanten Texte falsch interpretiert und weder der Stärke noch der Komplexität des Leibniz'sehen ‚Indifferenzarguments‛ gerecht wird
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    Colour: Physical or phenomenal?
    Philosophy 73 (284): 301-304. 1998.
    We wish to defend Jonathan Westphal's view that colour is complex against a recent ‘phenomenological’ criticism of Eric Rubenstein. There is often thought to be a conflict between two kinds of determinants of colour, physical and phenomenal. On the one hand there are the complex physical facts about colour, such as the determination of a surface colour by an absorption spectrum. There is also, however, the fact that the apparently simple phenomenological quality of what is seen is a function of …Read more
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    _Philosophical Propositions_ is a fresh, up to date, and reliable introduction to philosophical problems. It takes seriously the need for philosophy to deal with definitive and statable propositions, such as God, certainty, time, personal identity, the mind/body problem, free will and determinism, and the meaning of life
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    How can the logic of colour concepts apply to aferimage colours?
    In Jonathan Cohen & Mohan Matthen (eds.), Color Ontology and Color Science, Bradford. pp. 245. 2010.
    This chapter focuses on the incompatibility of afterimage colors. Several quasilogical, semantic, and metaphysical questions having to do with incompatibility come up in color theory, and the problem is so complicated and fragile that it is argued here that, despite some marvelous work on the topic, the problem remains to be sorted out. Every naive subject who encounters afterimages without prejudice has agreed that they have color; this is mentioned here because it is the initial and also the c…Read more
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    Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 25 (4). 1982.
    In Remarks on Colour Wittgenstein discusses a number of puzzling propositions about brown, e.g. that it cannot be pure and that there cannot be a brown light. He does not actually answer the questions he asks, and the status of his projected ?logic of colour concepts? remains unclear. I offer a real definition of brown from which the puzzle propositions follow logically. It is based on two experiments from Helmholtz. Brown is shown to be logically complex in the sense that the concept of brown c…Read more
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    Sources of Error in the Metaphysics of Time
    Philosophical Investigations 19 (2): 131-139. 1996.
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    Silhouettes are Shadows
    Acta Analytica 26 (2): 187-197. 2011.
    Sorensen’s celebrated problem about the eclipse of Near and Far is given a solution in which what is seen is Far, silhouetted. Near cannot be seen, as it is in the shadow of Far. A silhouette is a shadow. The so–called Yale Puzzle is a linguistic confusion
  • Leibniz and the Problem of Induction
    Studia Leibnitiana 21 (n/a): 174-187. 1989.
    Das „Problem der Induktion", dessen Formulierung man gewöhnlich David Hume zuschreibt, hat Leibniz schon am Anfang des 18. Jahrhunderts formuliert und gelöst. Die Methode von Leibniz war sowohl „Hume-isch" als auch rationalistisch. Sie begreift in sich eine Herabsetzung des Empirischen und auch den Gebrauch der „Geheimkräfte", die Hume ausschalten wollte. Ohne solche „Geheimkräfte" gibt es keine Harmonie im klassischen Sinn von Leibniz . Für Leibniz ist eine Hypothese vorzuziehen, die eine Harmo…Read more
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    Dans la première méditation, Descartes a conclu, en regard des songes, « qu'il n'y a point d'indices concluants, ni de marques assez certaines par où l'on puisse distinguer nettement la veille d'avec la sommeil [...] » . À la fin de la sixième méditation, il a conclu qu'il y a de tels indices, mais qu'on a besoin de la garantie de Dieu pour savoir si ces indices sont réellement des indices de la veille. Cottingham a proposé une objection générale contre tels indices de la veille: On peut rêver c…Read more
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    Review. Colours: their nature and representation. Barry Maund (review)
    British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 48 (1): 143-148. 1997.
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    Certainty (edited book)
    Hackett Pub. Co.. 1995.
    "The selections are well chosen... the Introduction and headnotes are extremely clear and well written... appropriately pegged for a very introductory audience." --Steven Gerrard, Williams College
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    Reality (edited book)
    Hackett Pub. Co.. 1994.
    _Reality_ brings together philosophical and literary works representing the many ways--metaphysical, scientific, analytic, phenomenological, literary--in which philosophers and others have reflected on questions about reality.
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    Time (edited book)
    Hackett Pub. Co.. 1993.
    This book contains more than 20 texts plus suggested further readings.
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    My Body," "My X," and "I
    American Philosophical Quarterly 45 (3). 2008.