•  127
    The phase rule and the notion of substance
    In Henk W. De Regt, Stephan Hartmann & Samir Okasha (eds.), EPSA Philosophy of Science: Amsterdam 2009, Springer. pp. 253-62. 2011.
    In response to difficulties in understanding the notion of chemical substance at issue in Gibbs’ phase rule, there is a long tradition of reformulating the simple statement of the rule. The leading idea is to rewrite the rule with a term for the number of substances actually present and to introduce additional terms making explicit the various kinds of restrictions which in the original formulation are taken to be incorporated into Gibbs’ notion of the number of independent substances. Although …Read more
  •  73
    Reduction and emergence: a critique of Kim
    Philosophical Studies 146 (1): 93-116. 2009.
    In a recent critique of the doctrine of emergentism championed by its classic advocates up to C. D. Broad, Jaegwon Kim (Philosophical Studies 63:31–47, 1999) challenges their view about its applicability to the sciences and proposes a new account of how the opposing notion of reduction should be understood. Kim is critical of the classic conception advanced by Nagel and uses his new account in his criticism of emergentism. I question his claims about the successful reduction achieved in the scie…Read more
  •  119
    The discovery that water is H2O
    International Studies in the Philosophy of Science 16 (3). 2002.
    What are the criteria determining the individuation of chemical kinds? Recent philosophical discussion, which puts too much emphasis on microstructure, seems to presuppose a reductionist conception not motivated by the scientific facts. The present article traces the development of the traditional notion of a substance with the rise of modern chemistry from the end of the 18th century with a view to correcting this speculative distortion.
  •  205
    Process and Change: From a Thermodynamic Perspective
    British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 64 (2): 395-422. 2013.
    The creators of equilibrium and irreversible thermodynamics developed a conception of processes which bears on metaphysical discussions of change, occurrents, and continuants and merits the attention of contemporary analytic metaphysicians. It concerns the macroscopic domain, from which metaphysicians normally take their examples, and is unjustly ignored on the grounds that it is not ‘fundamental science’. Why this often-voiced view should disqualify just thermodynamics, and not the broad range …Read more
  •  65
    Resisting Chemical Atomism: Duhem’s Argument
    Philosophy of Science 75 (5): 921-931. 2008.
    Late nineteenth‐century opponents of atomism questioned whether the evidence required any notion of an atom. In this spirit, Duhem developed an account of the import of chemical formulas that is clearly neutral on the atomic question rather than antiatomistic. The argument is supplemented with specific inadequacies of atomic theories of chemical combination and considerably strengthened by the theory of chemical combination provided by thermodynamics. Despite possible counterevidence available a…Read more
  •  80
    Substance and Time
    British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 61 (3): 485-512. 2010.
    ‘Water is H 2 O’ is naturally construed as an equivalence. What are the things to which the two predicates ‘is water’ and ‘is H 2 O’ apply? The equivalence presupposes that substance properties are distinguished from phase properties. A substance like water (H 2 O) exhibits various phases (solid, liquid, gas) under appropriate conditions, and a given (say liquid) phase may comprise several substances. What general features distinguish substance from phase properties? I tackle these questions on …Read more
  •  133
    Reduction and abduction in chemistry‐a response to Scerri
    International Studies in the Philosophy of Science 13 (2). 1999.
    Eric Scerri has proposed an account of how reduction might be understood in chemistry. He claims to build on a general aspect of Popper's views which survives his otherwise heavy criticism, namely adherence to actual scientific practice. This is contrasted with Nagel's conception, which Scerri takes to be the philosopher's standard notion. I argue that his proposal, interesting though it is, is not so foreign to ideas in the tradition within which Nagel wrote as Scerri would have us believe. Mor…Read more
  •  39
    Australasian Journal of Philosophy 71 (3): 270-290. 1993.
    This Article does not have an abstract
  •  5
    Prima facie, there are two kinds of expression used in English to make reference to time: those involving explicit mention of time and temporal ordering relations, and tenses involving no such explicit reference. Taking as a criterion of adequacy the unification of both these aspects, a systematization is proposed (owing much to Reichenbach) which provides a characterization of tenses. The theory is not based on the notion of a proposition with variable truth value which formed the cornerstone o…Read more
  •  25
    Reduction in chemistry - a second response to Scerri
    International Studies in the Philosophy of Science 14 (3). 2000.
    In this rejoinder to Eric Scerri's response to my first comment on his paper on the reduction of chemistry to physics, the main point concerns laws in chemistry. But other themes touched upon include the assumptions involved in ab initio calculations, the question of what is reduced to what on Scerri's view, and the significance he attaches to the term "naturalism".
  •  43
    Substance and Modality
    Philosophy of Science 73 (5): 829-840. 2006.
    The Aristotelian distinction between actual and potential presence of a substance in a mixture forms part of a conception of mixture which stands in contrast to atomist and Stoic theories as propounded by the ancients. But the central ideas on which these theories are built need not be combined and opposed to one another in precisely the ways envisaged by these ancient theories. This is well illustrated by Duhem, who maintained the Aristotelian idea that the original ingredients are only potenti…Read more
  •  28
    Questioning the Justification of Past Science (Review of "Is Water H2O? Evidence, Realism and Pluralism") (review)
    International Studies in the Philosophy of Science 27 (1). 2013.
    Review article of Hasok Chang, Is Water H2O?: Evidence, Realism and Pluralism, Springer, Dordrecht, 2012
  •  151
    Nagel's analysis of reduction: Comments in defense as well as critique
    Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 41 (2): 163-170. 2010.
    Despite all the criticism showered on Nagel’s classic account of reduction, it meets a fundamental desideratum in an analysis of reduction that is difficult to question, namely of providing for a proper identification of the reducing theory. This is not clearly accommodated in radically different accounts. However, the same feature leads me to question Nagel’s claim that the reducing theory can be separated from the putative bridge laws, and thus to question his notion of heterogeneous reduction…Read more
  • This is an undergraduate text in the philosophy of science dealing with the progression from logical positivism to more modern, history-influenced ideas in the area.
  • Om vatten och reduktion
    Filosofisk Tidskrift 27 24-45. 2006.
  •  49
    Macroscopic Mixtures
    Journal of Philosophy 104 (1): 26-52. 2007.
    This paper takes up issues related to the notion of chemical substances arising from their mereological and modal features. Related notions are elements and compounds, into which substances are sub-divided, and the general notion of mixture, which as a special case might involve several substances, but covers other cases too. These are essentially macroscopic concepts. Some of the chemical arguments for this claim have been presented elsewhere. The present paper is a metaphysical treatment of m…Read more
  •  126
    Microessentialism: What is the Argument?
    Noûs 45 (1): 1-21. 2011.
    According to microessentialism, it is necessary to resort to microstructure in order to adequately characterise chemical substances such as water. But the thesis has never been properly supported by argument. Kripke and Putnam, who originally proposed the thesis, suggest that a so-called stereotypical characterisation is not possible, whereas one in terms of microstructure is. However, the sketchy outlines given of stereotypical descriptions hardly support the impossibility claim. On the other h…Read more
  •  82
    Is water a mixure?: bridging the distinction between physical and chemical properties
    Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 39 (1): 66-77. 2008.
    Two inter-linked theses are defended in this paper. One is the Duhemian theme that a rigid distinction between physical and chemical properties cannot be upheld. Duhem maintained this view not because the latter are reducible to the former, but because if physics is to remain consistent with chemistry it must prove possible to expand it to accommodate new features, and a rigid distinction would be a barrier to this process. The second theme is that naturally occurring isotopic variants of water …Read more
  •  208
    Ontological reduction: A comment on Lombardi and labarca
    Foundations of Chemistry 8 (1): 73-80. 2006.
    In a recent article in this journal (Foundations of Chemistry, 7 (2005), 125–148) Lombardi and Labarca call into question a thesis of ontological reduction to which several writers on reduction subscribe despite rejecting a thesis of epistemological reduction. Lombardi and Labarca advocate instead a pluralistic ontology inspired by Putnam’s internal realism. I suggest that it is not necessary to go so far, and that a more critical view of the ontological reduction espoused by the authors they cr…Read more
  •  31
    Nineteenth-century chemical theory: correction of a misunderstanding
    Foundations of Chemistry 16 (2): 165-167. 2013.
    I reply in this short note to some criticisms that Alan Rocke has recently made in this journal
  •  46
    Robert Deltete and Anastasios Brenner have provided a thorough examination of my translation of Duhem’s Le mixte et la combinaison chimique (1902) and associated essays. I am very grateful for their efforts and gratified that such competent reviewers should be generally positive. They provide an overview of relevant aspects of Duhem’s life and work, which may serve to introduce him to readers of this journal and promote interest in Duhem studies. They also raise and answer some questions abou…Read more
  •  43
    Om reduktion
    SATS 5 (2). 2004.
    A general analysis of reduction is as important to critics who deny reductionist claims as to their advocates. Nagel’s analysis continued to find favour amongst such critics after advocates sought alternatives—often attempted generalisations of perceived specific paradigm cases of reductive identification, such as temperature and mean molecular kinetic energy. The pros and cons of Nagel’s account are discussed, but the difficulties are not satisfactorily overcome by approaches advanced by Caus…Read more
  •  79
    Macroscopic processes
    Philosophy of Science 66 (2): 310-331. 1999.
    Bodies as conceived in macroscopic theories are loosely spoken of as participating in processes. But are there any systematic reasons for regarding processes as part of the ontology of macroscopic theory? The present paper suggests that suitable motivation can be found within a project of describing a phenomenological, macroscopic ontology for equilibrium thermodynamics, and outlines some aspects of the interrelation between continuant bodies and processes.
  •  57
    Natural Kind Thingamajigs
    International Studies in the Philosophy of Science 26 (1). 2012.
    I criticize the treatment of natural kinds as some sort of object, advocated in a recent paper by Alexander Bird. The arguments he gives for regimenting an illustrative statement featuring chemical kinds in his preferred manner are not conclusive, and his criticisms of an alternative strategy involving universally quantified sentences fail. This is important because of the widespread but poorly supported assumption that expressions of natural kinds should be treated as singular referring terms
  •  50
    Mixtures and modality
    Foundations of Chemistry 7 (1): 103-118. 2004.
    Some points are made about substance properties in their role of introducing mass terms. In particular, two conditions of distributivity and cumulativity of mass predicates expressing these properties are not the independent pair they first appear to be. A classification of macroscopic substance concepts is developed. This needs to be complemented in some way by the introduction of a modal qualification reminiscent of Aristotle's distinction between actual and potential presence of substances in…Read more
  •  58
    Determining Sameness of Substance
    British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 68 (4): 953-979. 2017.
    ABSTRACT The idea that the extension of a chemical substance is fixed by determining what stands in the relation of being the same substance to a paradigm sample plays a substantial role in chemistry, and procedures of identification that don’t make direct use of the method can be traced back to ones that do. But paradigm samples are not typically selected by ostension, as in Putnam’s version of this procedure. The relevance of ostension is questioned after a discussion of the establishment of p…Read more
  •  54
    Has Daltonian atomism provided chemistry with any explanations?
    Philosophy of Science 71 (5): 1038-1047. 2004.
    Philosophers frequently cite Dalton's chemical atomism, and its nineteenth century developments, as a prime example of inference to the best explanation. This was a controversial issue in its time. But the critics are dismissed as positivist‐inspired antirealists with no interest in explanation. Is this a reasonable assessment?
  •  14
    Duhem's Moderate Realism
    Metascience 20 (1): 7-12. 2011.
    Contribution to a symposium: New Perspectives on Pierre Duhem’s Aim and structure of physical theory.
  • Duhems quineska realism
    Filosofisk Tidskrift 16 26-40. 1995.