•  9
    A Jaśkowski-style system of computer-assisted reasoning
    In Jan Wolenski (ed.), Philosophical Logic in Poland, Kluwer Academic Publishers. pp. 85--101. 1994.
  •  36
    Rational beliefs as produced by computational processes
    Foundations of Science 2 (1): 87-106. 1997.
    Intelligent problem-solving depends on consciously applied methods of thinking as well as inborn or trained skills. The latter are like resident programs which control processes of the kind called (in Unix) daemons. Such a computational process is a fitting reaction to situations (defined in the program in question) which is executed without any command of a computer user (or without any intention of the conscious subject). The study of intelligence should involve methods of recognizing those be…Read more
  • Mała encyklopedia logiki
    Studia Logica 49 (4): 609-610. 1990.
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    Would Leibniz have shared von Neumann's logical physicalism?
    Logic and Logical Philosophy 3 (n/a): 115-128. 1995.
    This paper represents such an amateur approach; hence any comments backed up by professional erudition will be highly appreciated. Let me start from an attempt to sketch a relationship between professionals’ and amateurs’ contributions. The latter may be compared with the letters to the Editor of a journal, written by perceptive readers, while professionals contribute to the very content of the journal in question. Owing to such letters, the Editor and his professional staff can become more awar…Read more
  • Categorial Grammar
    with Wojciech Buszkowski and Johan van Benthem
    Studia Logica 50 (1): 171-172. 1991.
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    On Accelerations in Science Driven by Daring Ideas: Good Messages from Fallibilistic Rationalism
    Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric 40 (1): 19-41. 2015.
    The first good message is to the effect that people possess reason as a source of intellectual insights, not available to the senses, as e.g. axioms of arithmetic. The awareness of this fact is called rationalism. Another good message is that reason can daringly quest for and gain new plausible insights. Those, if suitably checked and confirmed, can entail a revision of former results, also in mathematics, and - due to the greater efficiency of new ideas - accelerate science’s progress. The awar…Read more
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    CHAPTER ONE On the Rhetorical Point of View. Why rhetoric declined, and what remained of it. Once upon a time rhetoric was a vast and influential branch of ...
  • Roland Posner, theorie Des kommentierens (review)
    Studia Logica 34 (n/a): 288. 1975.
  • Organizacja semantyczna tekstu
    Studia Semiotyczne 6 105-124. 1975.
  • Zwrot \"Mathesis Universalis\" (MU) oznacza projekt unifikacji całości wiedzy za pomocą metody matematycznej. Powstał on pod tą nazwą u progu nowożytności, a częściowo miał antycypacje w starożytności i średniowieczu. Głównymi jego rzecznikami byli Kartezjusz i Leibniz. Podejście Leibniza jest radykalnie formalistyczne, a przez to nadające sie do realizacji maszynowej, podczas gdy Kartezjusza - zdecydowanie antyformalistyczne. Artykuł koncentruje się na projekcie Leibniza jako tym, który ma kont…Read more
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    1. STRUCTURE AND REFERENCES 1.1. The main part of the dictionary consists of alphabetically arranged articles concerned with basic logical theories and some other selected topics. Within each article a set of concepts is defined in their mutual relations. This way of defining concepts in the context of a theory provides better understand ing of ideas than that provided by isolated short defmitions. A disadvantage of this method is that it takes more time to look something up inside an extensive …Read more
  • Sposoby streszczania i odmiany streszczeń
    Studia Semiotyczne 1 151-167. 1970.
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    with Stanisŀaw Jaśkowski and Zygmunt Ziembiński
    Studia Logica 16 (1): 117-122. 1965.
  • Problem reprezentacji arytmetycznej rozumowań zapisywanych w kodzie neuronowym
    Archeus. Studia Z Bioetyki I Antropologii Filozoficznej 1 173-190. 2000.
  • The structure of text and the distribution of key words
    Studia Semiotyczne 8 107-113. 1978.
  • Historyczne role nominalizmu
    Idea Studia nad strukturą i rozwojem pojęć filozoficznych 2 (2). 1988.