•  1175
    The Role of Bodily Perception in Emotion: In Defense of an Impure Somatic Theory
    Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 89 (3): 637-678. 2014.
    In this paper, we develop an impure somatic theory of emotion, according to which emotions are constituted by the integration of bodily perceptions with representations of external objects, events, or states of affairs. We put forward our theory by contrasting it with Prinz's pure somatic theory, according to which emotions are entirely constituted by bodily perceptions. After illustrating Prinz's theory and discussing the evidence in its favor, we show that it is beset by serious problems—i.e.,…Read more
  •  43
    A new look at the attribution of moral responsibility: The underestimated relevance of social roles
    with Pascale Https://Orcidorg Willemsen and Kai Kaspar
    Philosophical Psychology 31 (4): 595-608. 2018.
    What are the main features that influence our attribution of moral responsibility? It is widely accepted that there are various factors which strongly influence our moral judgments, such as the agent’s intentions, the consequences of the action, the causal involvement of the agent, and the agent’s freedom and ability to do otherwise. In this paper, we argue that this picture is incomplete: We argue that social roles are an additional key factor that is radically underestimated in the extant lite…Read more
  •  121
    Thoughts, motor actions, and the self
    Mind and Language 22 (1). 2007.
    The comparator-model, originally developed to explain motor action, has recently been invoked to explain several aspects of the self. However, in the first place it may not be used to explain a basic self-world distinction because it presupposes one. Our alternative account is based on specific systematic covariation between action and perception. Secondly, the comparator model cannot explain the feeling of ownership of thoughts. We argue—contra Frith and Campbell—that thoughts are not motor pro…Read more
  •  33
    Philosophia Naturalis 48 (1): 5-8. 2011.
  •  2558
    I move, therefore I am: A new theoretical framework to investigate agency and ownership
    with Matthis Synofzik and Gottfried Vosgerau
    Consciousness and Cognition 17 (2): 411-424. 2008.
    The neurocognitive structure of the acting self has recently been widely studied, yet is still perplexing and remains an often confounded issue in cognitive neuroscience, psychopathology and philosophy. We provide a new systematic account of two of its main features, the sense of agency and the sense of ownership, demonstrating that although both features appear as phenomenally uniform, they each in fact are complex crossmodal phenomena of largely heterogeneous functional and representational le…Read more
  •  44
    Kant and Cognitive Science Revisited
    History of Philosophy & Logical Analysis 18 (1): 87-113. 2015.
    To which extent is it justified to adopt Kant as a godfather of cognitive science? To prepare the stage for an answer of this question, we need to set aside Kant’s general transcendental approach to the mind which is radically anti-empiricist and instead turn our attention to his specific topics and claims regarding the mind which are often not focus of Kant’s epistemological investigations. If someone is willing to take this stance, it turns out that there are many bridges connecting Kant with …Read more
  •  41
    The ALARM Theory of Consciousness: A Two-Level Theory of Phenomenal Consciousness
    Journal of Consciousness Studies 30 (3): 84-105. 2023.
    The scientific investigation of consciousness generates new findings at a rapid pace. We argue that we need a novel theoretical framework, which we call the ALARM theory of consciousness, in order to account for all central observations. According to this theory, we need to distinguish two levels of consciousness, namely basic arousal and general alertness. Basic arousal functions as a specific alarm system, keeping a biological organism alive under sudden intense threats, and general alertness …Read more
  •  66
    The science of animal consciousness investigates (i) which animal species are conscious (the distribution question) and (ii) how conscious experience differs in detail between species (the quality question). We propose a framework which clearly distinguishes both questions and tackles both of them. This two-tier account distinguishes consciousness along ten dimensions and suggests cognitive capacities which serve as distinct operationalizations for each dimension. The two-tier account achieves t…Read more
  •  18
    Metarepresentation, trust, and “unleashed expression”
    Behavioral and Brain Sciences 46. 2023.
    Heintz & Scott-Phillips's account of human expression leaves a number of central issues unclear – not least, whether the lack of expression in nonhuman species is attributable to their lack of the relevant metarepresentational abilities, an absence of trust, or a consequence of other factors. In place of their view, we propose a gradualistic account of the origins of human expression.
  • The influence of logic on semantics
    with Bernhard Schärder
    In Claudia Maienborn, Klaus von Heusinger & Paul Portner (eds.), Semantics: foundations, history and methods, De Gruyter. 2019.
  •  518
    Selfless Memories
    Erkenntnis (3): 0-22. 2022.
    Many authors claim that being conscious constitutively involves being self-conscious, or conscious of oneself. This claim appears to be threatened by reports of `selfless' episodes, or conscious episodes lacking self-consciousness, recently described in a number of pathological and nonpathological conditions. However, the credibility of these reports has in turn been challenged on the following grounds: remembering and reporting a past conscious episode as an episode that one went through is onl…Read more
  •  41
    In this article, we show how the phenomenon of self-deception when adequately analyzed, can be incorporated into a predictive processing framework. We describe four strategies by which a subject may become self-deceived to account for typical cases of self-deception. We then argue that the four strategies can be modeled within this framework, under the assumption that a satisfying account of motivation is possible within predictive processing. Finally, we outline how we can ground this assumptio…Read more
  •  122
    Comparing knowledge with belief can go wrong in two dimensions: If the authors employ a wider notion of knowledge, then they do not compare like with like because they assume a narrow notion of belief. If they employ only a narrow notion of knowledge, then their claim is not supported by the evidence. Finally, we sketch a superior teleological view.
  •  392
    In this paper, we call for a new approach to the psychology of free will attribution. While past research in experimental philosophy and psychology has mostly been focused on reasoning- based judgment (“the courtroom approach”), we argue that like agency and mindedness, free will can also be experienced perceptually (“the perceptual approach”). We further propose a new model of free will attribution—the agency model—according to which the experience of free will is elicited by the perceptual cue…Read more
  •  5
    Den eigenen Geist kennen (edited book)
    mentis. 2005.
  •  83
    How to ascribe beliefs to animals
    Mind and Language 37 (1): 3-21. 2022.
    In this article, we analyze and reject two versions of the content‐argument against animal beliefs, namely, the ontological argument from Davidson and the epistemological argument from Stich. One of the main defects of the strongest version of the argument is that it over‐intellectualizes belief ascriptions in humans and thus sets the comparative bar for belief ascriptions in animals too high. In the second part of the article, we develop a gradualist notion of belief which captures basic belief…Read more
  •  373
    What would be an adequate theory of social understanding? In the last decade, the philosophical debate has focused on Theory Theory, Simulation Theory and Interaction Theory as the three possible candidates. In the following, we look carefully at each of these and describe its main advantages and disadvantages. Based on this critical analysis, we formulate the need for a new account of social understanding. We propose the Person Model Theory as an independent new account which has greater explan…Read more
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    History of Philosophy & Logical Analysis 5 (1): 11. 2002.
  • Vorwort
    History of Philosophy & Logical Analysis 2 (1): 10. 1999.
  •  4
    History of Philosophy & Logical Analysis 2 (1): 11. 1999.
  • Vorwort
    History of Philosophy & Logical Analysis 7 (1): 9. 2004.
  • Preface
    History of Philosophy & Logical Analysis 7 (1): 10. 2004.
  •  2
    History of Philosophy & Logical Analysis 8 (1): 10. 2005.
  • Preface
    History of Philosophy & Logical Analysis 10 (1): 10. 2007.
  •  4
    History of Philosophy & Logical Analysis 12 (1): 11. 2009.
  •  1
    History of Philosophy & Logical Analysis 14 (1): 9-10. 2011.
  • Preface
    History of Philosophy & Logical Analysis 15 (1): 10. 2012.