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    In this expository article, a presentation is given of A.C. Crombie's life work in the history of science, Styles of Scientific Thinking in the European Tradition. The History of Argument and Explanation in the Mathematical and Biomedical Sciences and Arts (1994). The importance of this work for the philosophy of science and epistemology is comparable to the more renowned work of the 1960's and '70s, but threatens to be paradoxically overlooked because of its gigantic proportions. (No thorough s…Read more
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    The Many problems of realism (edited book)
    Tilburg University Press. 1995.
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    RésuméCette étude essaie de réunir quelques éléments en vue d'une interprétation plus complète du programme épistémologique contenu de façon extrêmement elliptique dans l'ouvrage post‐hume de Jean Cavaillès, publié en 1947 par G. Canguilhem et C. Ehresmann sous le titre Sur la logique et la théorie de la science . Afin d'arriver, plus particulière‐texte, où la «nécessité génératrice» d'une dialectique conceptuelle est évoquée, il faudra rappeler quelques aspects connus ainsi que quelques aspects…Read more
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    Hourya Sinaceur, Jean Cavaillès-Philosophie mathématique
    Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 60 (4): 743-745. 1998.
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    In this commemorative article the significance of Paul Feyerabend's work for philosophy of science in general is reviewed. Its unifying perspective is identified as the fight against any possible constraint on imagination (i.e. on the capacity of generating alternatives). This alternative-maximizing search was already central in Feyerabend's 'pre-anarchistic' studies. In fact, I claim that the really significant theses and arguments, as far as the intrinsic debate within the philosophy of scienc…Read more
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    Wetenschap AlS cultuur
    Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 55 (3). 1993.
    In what sense can the sciences be said to constitute a (set of) specific cultural tradition(s) within broader culture? This is the proper way of posing the problem of the 'two cultures' today. For G. Bachelard the opposition between 'poem' and 'theorem' was fundamental, the elements of poetical imagination being radically different from the symbolical constructions of conceptual invention. In this article a sophisticated version of this point of view is proposed. The nowadays popular attempts to…Read more
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    Omtrent de kloof, rondom de rite
    Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 58 (3). 1996.
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    De actualiteit van Wittgensteins kijk op cultuur
    Wijsgerig Perspectief 47 (1): 40-50. 2007.
    Wittgenstein wordt wel beschouwd als een tegenstander van het ‘cognitivisme’ in de godsdienstfilosofie. Ik probeer hier aan te tonen dat Wittgenstein ook een tegenwicht biedt tegen hedendaagse benaderingen in de cultuurwetenschappen. De hedendaagse culturele antropologie is gestoeld op een combinatie van evolutionaire en cognitieve psychologie. ‘Betekenis’ wordt daarin opgevat als een cognitief proces dat zijn belichaming vindt in ons brein, en daarmee privé is. Wittgenstein wijst echter op het …Read more
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    The structure of mathematical experience according to Jean cavaillèst
    Philosophia Mathematica 4 (1): 18-41. 1996.
    In this expository article one of the contributions of Jean Cavailles to the philosophy of mathematics is presented: the analysis of ‘mathematical experience’. The place of Cavailles on the logico-philosophical scene of the 30s and 40s is sketched. I propose a partial interpretation of Cavailles's epistemological program of so-called ‘conceptual dialectics’: mathematical holism, duality principles, the notion of formal contents, and the specific temporal structure of conceptual dynamics. The str…Read more
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    Whatever the precise analysis of the notion of an `internal point of view', to talk about `religious traditions' is to imply that traditions of a certain kind primarily deploy an internal point of view. But what can be said about the notion of an intellectual tradition that would at the same time also be, or be connected to, a religious tradition? To some, such notions appear to border on contradiction. In accordance with the Cartesian criticism of coutume et exemple, we tend to think of an inte…Read more
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    Jean Cavaillès' aanloop tot de wetenschapstheorie
    Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 52 (n/a): 100-120. 1990.