• Carlo Cantoni e il ‘ritorno di Kant’
    In Ivan Pozzoni (ed.), Voci dall'Ottocento. pp. 193-272. 2010.
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  • L’idealismo di Augusto Guzzo
    In Ivan Pozzoni (ed.), Voci dal Novecento, . pp. 173-228. 2010.
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  • Razionalita e virtù
    Philosophical News 1 (5): 66-80. 2012.
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    G.E.M. Anscombe and Rediscovery of Practical Syllogism
    Acta Philosophica 21 (II): 351-362. 2012.
    The present paper proposes to analyse the role of the practical syllogism in G.E.M. Anscombe’s theory of action. To this end, I have rst of all chosen to examine, even if in broad terms, the conception of practical syllogism as it is present in the Aristotelian doctrine, and to reveal/delineate some critical points found within it. The following section is the central part of the paper, where, starting from § 33 of Intention, a re ection is carried out on the practical syllogism, which is among …Read more
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    Questo studio costituisce la prima monografia italiana su una delle più complesse pensatrici dell’ultimo millennio. Filosofa dal pensiero formidabile, così ne parlò Sarah Boxer sul New York Times, Gertrude Elizabeth Margaret Anscombe, moglie di Peter Geach e madre di sette figli, ha sempre battagliato per la verità. In lei vita, passione e filosofia sono un tutt’uno e in tale unità si cela l’irriducibilità e il fascino del suo pensiero. In compagnia dei classici dell’antichità, dei moderni e di …Read more
  • La rinascita delle virtù. Aristotele e Anscombe
    In M. S. Vaccarezza & S. Langella (eds.), Emozioni e virtù. Percorsi e prospettive di un tema classico, Orthotes. pp. 121-132. 2014.
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  • Analytic Thomism. A Misleading Category?
    In Tradition as the Future of Innovation, Cambridge Publishing House. pp. 65-79. 2015.
    In this paper I present a study about the notion of Analytical Thomism. I therefore propose a brief summary on the history of Thomism. Then I point out the resumption of the thought of Thomas that occurred in England at the end of the twentieth century by many authors, the first among them being Gertrude Elizabeth Margaret Anscombe, Peter Geach and Anthony Kenny. These authors operated within the analytical horizon and began to take an interest in Thomas. In light of this historical path, one ca…Read more
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    Tradition as the Future of Innovation (edited book)
    Cambridge Publishing House. 2015.
    What is the meaning of the word tradition ? Are there live traditions today? Does tradition clash with innovation? Is it possible to love the proper tradition and look to innovation at the same time? This study brings together a number of insightful contributions that focus on the complexity of the relationship between tradition and innovation and on the forces that could emerge from it, if tradition is seen to represent the cornerstone for future. The volume is subdivided into four sections: I.…Read more
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    La politica nell’era di internet. Vantaggi e pericoli
    Quaderni Della Fondazione Professor Paolo Michele Erede 8 (a cura di M. Marsonet): 65-77. 2015.
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    Secularized Society. Conscience and Forgiveness
    Aisthema, International Journal 2 (2). 2015.
    EN_This paper‘s goal is to investigate secularized society by retracing its structure. What is hidden behind the notion of secularization? Our intention here is to analyse the social phenomenon of secularisation through the study of its ontology. The research will be on the identity issue, in the first place the living identity to see its resonance in social, cultural, religious and political areas. We will then arrive at the end of this paper, at the thesis – starting from the consciousness of …Read more
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    Anscombe y el problema de la percecion
    Reflexiones Marginales 28 (5). 2015.
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    Europa, cristianità, istruzione, educazione, società secolare, tempi moderni. Questi e molti altri ancora i temi che Rémi Brague affronta tin questo volume. Il continuo processo di individualizzazione, caratterizzato dal razionalismo, ha comportato un totale indebolimento dei legami societari e ha posto al centro le libertà e i diritti dei singoli. Si assiste così all’evoluzione di una società secolarizzata che giunta al suo capolinea non riesce più a bastare a se stessa. Il pensiero moderno non…Read more
  • Senza fondamento non c’è etica
    In Iolanda Poma (ed.), I fondamenti dell'etica, Morcelliana. pp. 365-372. 2016.
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  • Anscombe e il problema della sostanza
    Per la Filosofia 1 (1): 99-108. 2016.
    IT_Nel panorama analitico emerge la gura di Gertrude Elizabeth Margaret Anscombe. Ella, accanto a suo marito Peter Geach e al losofo Anthony Kenny, è stata indicata da John Haldane, tra i promotori di una nuova corrente denominata “tomismo analitico”. In questo saggio, oltre a sottolineare le debolezze che sono presenti in tale dicitura e allo stesso tempo il carattere innovativo della ri essione di questi loso , si è scelto di ripercorrere in modo critico le pagine che Anscombe dedica ad un …Read more
  • L’umilité, une ontologie de l’identité
    Recherques Philosophiques 2017 (1): 73-90. 2017.
    This contribution aims to designate the role of a “philosophy of humility” in the contemporary horizon of moral philosophy. Starting from a brief historical excursus, always necessary to philosophy, we would like to present a philosophy of humility, far to the Cartesian tabula rasa but open to a real construction of the newness. The contribution contains a criticism of the role of Christian philosophy and the consciousness of the values of the West.
  • Dossier “La philosophie de l’humilité”
    with C. Canullo, M. Micheletti, K. Opalka, R. Pouivet, and M. Salvioli
    ICT. 2017.
    Dossier: L’humilité Présentation du dossier. Coordonné par Elisa Grimi. Essays and contributors: L’intelligence de l’humilité, Carla Canullo; La virtù dell’umiltà e l’eudemonismo, Mario Micheletti; Humility – A work of love?, Katharine Opalka; L’humilité intellectuelle, la foi et l’épistémologie, Roger Pouivet; L’irriducibile ragionevolezza di un paradosso. L’umiltà secondo Tommaso d’Aquino e Gilbert K. Chesterton, Marco Salvioli, O.P.; L’Humilité, une ontologie de l’identité, Elisa Grimi.
  • Esperienza di Dio?
    Hermeneutica 1 (2017): 273-284. 2017.
    The paper proposes a reflection on the meaning of “Christian ex- perience”, “encounter with God”, and the role of the philosophy of religion within humanistic disciplines. The essay starts with an anal- ysis of the notion of “experience” and through the studies of Romano Guardini, Joseph Ratzinger, Hans Urs von Balthasar and Dietrich von Hildebrand proposes a different perspective of a philosophy of religion, taking into account on one hand of the development of the sciences and on the other of …Read more
  • Passare da Wittgenstein per arrivare a san Tommaso non è un percorso a ritroso, filosoficamente parlando. Lo sostengono importanti pensatori britannici della tradizione post-analitica come Peter Geach, Elizabeth Anscombe e Anthony Kenny, i quali propongono una lettura molto originale del Dottor Angelico e dell’autore delle Ricerche filosofiche. Roger Pouivet ricostruisce in Dopo Wittgenstein, san Tommaso i percorsi di una nuova e provocatoria corrente filosofica che ha preso il nome di “tomismo …Read more
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    Augusto Guzzo
    Un Dizionario Bio-Biblio-Sitografico. 2018.
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  • Europa? Una questione di diritto
    In Pierfrancesco Stagi (ed.), Etica e religione, Stamen. pp. 90-102. 2018.
    L’origine della storia dell’Europa merita di essere ripercorsa. Troppo spesso infatti si tralascia il fatto che la cultura europea è secondaria ad Atene e Gerusalemme. Nel presentare lo scenario attuale si ragiona spesso sul collante monetario che tiene uniti gli stati, sulla buona morale che li accomuna aperta alla convivenza con l’estraneo, tuttavia non si considera mai il fatto che l’ethos ha ragioni storiche. Si parla di diritti, si erige l’eguaglianza a principio sovrano, trascurando che la…Read more
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    L’opera più importante per la filosofia dell’azione dopo l’Etica di Aristotele: così Donald Davidson ha definito il libro di Gertrude Elizabeth Margaret Anscombe, Intention, che Elisa Grimi ci presenta oggi attraverso questa preziosa guida alla lettura, il primo testo di questo genere in lingua italiana. dalla Prefazione di Cyrille Michon. Che cosa sia un’intenzione, quale sia il ruolo che essa svolge all'interno di un’azione, se vi si possa trovare traccia della vera intenzione del soggetto gua…Read more
  • A Universal Declaration?
    In Elisa Grimi & Luca Di Donato (eds.), Metaphysics of Human Rights. 1948-2018. On the Occasion of the 70th Anniversary of the UDHR, Vernon Press. pp. 121-134. 2019.
    In this paper I will analyse the conception of human rights, considering, in particular, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948). Human rights, following the common-sense approach, are of course a sacred element for each individual and a necessary premise for an ethics that points to human flourishing. Here, the concept of human rights concerning the subject’s beliefs and the context in which the subject acts will be analysed. At the centre of this paper, there will be an analysis of th…Read more
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    The 1948 Declaration of Human Rights demanded a collaboration among exponents from around the world. Embodying many different cultural perspectives, it was driven by a like-minded belief in the importance of finding common principles that would be essential for the very survival of civilization. Although an arduous and extensive process, the result was a much sought-after and collective endeavor that would be referenced for decades to come. Motivated by the seventieth anniversary of the 1948 Uni…Read more
  • The Big Risk Behind the Explosion of Virtues
    In Elisa Grimi, John Haldane, Maria Margarita Mauri Alvarez, Michael Wladika, Marco Damonte, Michael Slote, Randall Curren, Christian B. Miller, Liezl Zyl, Christopher D. Owens, Scott J. Roniger, Michele Mangini, Nancy Snow & Christopher Toner (eds.), Virtue Ethics: Retrospect and Prospect, Springer. pp. 165-175. 2019.
    We have recently witnessed an explosion in the theme of virtues. It is not by chance that in most parts of the world research centers, projects, associations, and foundations on virtues have been founded. But what is behind this phenomenon? The recovery of virtue ethics was initiated by Elizabeth Anscombe, re-launched by Alasdair MacIntyre, and has now been developed by many authors in a contemporary context. Virtue ethics has now become its own distinct subject matter, according to some it is n…Read more
  • Hermenéutica y Realismo
    Filosofía, Sociedad, Derecho, Arte y Didáctica. Nueve Miradas Desde la Hermenéutica Analógica 1 87-102. 2019.
    RESUMEN. ¿Qué es una interpretación? ¿Cuál es la relación del sujeto con la realidad observada? ¿Cuál es el peso de la interpretación en el proceso del conocimiento? En este estudio voy a esbozar brevemente los puntos principales que caracterizan a la hermenéutica, destacando sus debilidades. Destacaré, por tanto, algunos aspectos de la perspectiva lanzada por D. Von Hildebrand de la fenomenología realista. ABSTRACT. What is an interpretation? What is the relationship of the subject with the obs…Read more
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    The rise of the phenomenon of virtue ethics in recent years has increased at a rapid pace. Such an explosion carries with it a number of great possibilities, as well as risks. This volume has been written to contribute a multi-faceted perspective to the current conversation about virtue. Among many other thought-provoking questions, the collection addresses the following: What are the virtues, and how are they enumerated? What are the internal problems among ethicists, and what are the objection…Read more
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    Reasons for Theism of the Person Side Notes to Roger Pouivet’s Paper: Against Theistic Personalism
    European Journal for Philosophy of Religion 10 (2): 195-208. 2018.
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