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    Democratic Citizens Care!
    Revue Philosophique De Louvain 120 (1): 83-102. 2023.
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    Some reflections on world and individuation in the thinking of Hans Jonas
    Alter: revue de phénoménologie 27 157-171. 2019.
    Introduction In this paper I wish to address the topic of the relationship between spirit (or mind) and the cosmos (or world) from the perspective of Hans Jonas, who devoted some effort to clarifying the constitution of the phenomenal domain as being characterized by an a priori correlation between world and spirit/mind. In particular, I endeavour to show how, according to Jonas, the process of individuation of life and then spirit/mind is dynamically related to a pre-individual cosmic dimens...
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    Il pensiero di Hans Jonas, specie per quel che riguarda la cosiddetta “biologia filosofica”, tratta indirettamente del rapporto tra essere umano e animale. A questo riguardo, Jonas rifiuta sia l’approccio dualistico, sia quello monistico-riduzionistico e propende al contrario per una complessiva reinterpretazione del fenomeno della vita nei termini di quel che egli definisce una “rivoluzione ontologica”. In virtù di ciò, il pensatore rintraccia lo specifico del fenomeno della vita e individua ne…Read more
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    Heurystyka strachu. Czy ambiwalencja lęku może być dla nas pouczająca?
    Filozofia Publiczna I Edukacja Demokratyczna 4 (1): 68-86. 2015.
    The paper assumes that fear presents a certain degree of ambivalence. To say it with Hans Jonas (1903-1993), fear is not only a negative emotion, but may teach us something very important: we recognize what is relevant when we perceive that it is at stake. Under this respect, fear may be assumed as a guide to responsibility, a virtue that is becoming increasingly important, because of the role played by human technology in the current ecological crisis. Secondly, fear and responsibility concern …Read more
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    The article begins with the redefinition of complexity and risk. Indeed, phenomena such as earthquakes, pandemics, ecological emergencies, and issues related to the development of technology highlight the unique and reciprocal relationship between complexity and risk. However, modernity endeavoured to simplify complexity and to erase the connection of the latter with any issue concerning risk. Despite its negative results, whose ineffectiveness and dangerousness have at the present become unmist…Read more
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    In this article I focus on the notion of “reflective thinking” and on its theoretical and practical relevance. What I endeavour to achieve is that those dialogic practices employing “reflective thinking” succeed in showing that rationality and improvisation are mutually and inseparably intertwined. The case study of the “Philosophy for Children” curriculum developed at the beginning of the 1970s by Matthew Lipman and other researchers provides evidence in order to achieve such result.
  • Un'idea di responsabilità
    Dissertation, Torino. 2011.
    An enquiry into the notion of responsibility in XXth Century Continental philosophy. The aim is to provide also a theoretical framework for the practical enhancement of individual and social responsibility.