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    The Science of Time
    Authorspress. 2020.
    This book is written to provide a comprehensive view of time from natural science point of view mainly. The understanding and insight presented here about time is both consolidation and “correction” of present views about time, as envisaged by the author. Critical opinions are expressed on the theories of relativity, time reversal and like cosmic and nuclear phenomenon. The absence of a universal mathematical time is stressed and presented. Time is viewed consequently and not cause of natural sc…Read more
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    The Human Consciousness and Mind will be thoroughly analyzed as expressed in the Upanishads and Brahmajnaana. The six orthodox systems of philosophy – Vaiseshika, Nyaaya, Saamkhya, Yoga, PoorvaMeemamsa, Uttara Meemsa or Vedaanta, TheSabdabrahmaSiddhanta, Gayatri Mantra, Mantrapushpam and related Indian seers’ spiritual expressions also will be used to further the understanding mind and its functions. The cognition, re-cognition, communication and action-reactions of the body through mind and sen…Read more