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    Speaking from the Heart (review)
    Radical Philosophy Review of Books 9 (9): 47-50. 1994.
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    : We criticize a view of maternity that equates the natural with the genetic and biological and show how such a practice overdetermines the maternal body and the maternal experience for women who are mothers through adoption and ART (Assisted Reproductive Technologies). As an alternative, we propose a new framework designed to rethink maternal bodies through the lens of feminist embodiment. Feminist embodied maternity, as we call it, stresses the particularity of experience through subjective em…Read more
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    The unity with others in collective action to achieve a particular goal, known as political solidarity, transforms the individual. I examine the dual nature of that personal transformation — the motivational transformation and the normative transformation — and offer a study of the relation between political solidarity and empathy. While empathy may be part of the normative transformation, I argue that it is not a necessary element of the motivational transformation. I conclude with a discussion…Read more
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    Innocence and Vulnerability
    Social Philosophy Today 28 167-176. 2012.
    In Stephen Nathanson’s important new book, he offers and defends a definition of terrorism that relies on a conception of innocence that blends both moral innocence and status innocence. I argue that this understanding of innocence needs to be modified in two ways. First, status innocence ought to incorporate the notion of opposition. It is not just in becoming a soldier that one sacrifices status innocence; it is in the context of war or opposition. Second, I argue that moral innocence understo…Read more
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    Femininity and Domination (review)
    Radical Philosophy Review of Books 7 (7): 5-8. 1993.
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    Women and Whiskey: Conspiratorial Vices
    Social Philosophy Today 30 147-159. 2014.
    The pairing of “whiskey” and “women” may at times be seen as an instance of what I call conspiratorial vices. Conspiratorial vices, I argue, are phenomena that, when working together, inform each other in a way that sets their content. Taken individually, the elements of the conspiracy are, at best, ambiguous with regard to their moral status. The conjoining of the concepts yields the status as “vice” and points to something deemed a threat to the social fabric. Through the use of two cases, I e…Read more
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    Teaching and Learning Guide for: Seeking Solidarity
    Philosophy Compass 10 (11): 811-814. 2015.
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    Book review (review)
    with Joram Graf Haber
    Journal of Value Inquiry 30 (4): 579-586. 1996.
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    This study provides a representation of the broad spectrum of theoretical work on topics related to business ethics, with a particular focus on corporate citizenship. It considers relations of business and society alongside social responsibility and moves on to examine the historical and systemic foundations of business ethics, focusing on the concepts of social and ethical responsibilities. The contributors explore established theories and concepts and their impact on moral behaviour. Together,…Read more
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    March Madness
    with Eric Riviello
    Teaching Philosophy 31 (2): 141-150. 2008.
    What is at stake when students sell the highly sought-after basketball tickets they receive for free through a university’s lottery system? This article discusses a case in applied ethics taken from the experience of college students and extrapolates from that to the distribution of other scarce resources using lotteries. By examining an event relevant to the actual experience of students, we challenge them to see how normative moral theory may be used and what values are central to moral decisi…Read more
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    Human Rights, Radical Feminism, and Rape in War
    Social Philosophy Today 21 207-224. 2005.
    This paper looks at some prominent discussions of rape in war as a violation of human rights within Radical Feminism. I begin with a brief overview of United Nations declarations and actions on the subject of rape in war. I then look at some radical feminist accounts of rape in war as a violation of human rights with particular emphasis on the discussions of Susan Brownmiller and Catharine MacKinnon. I conclude the paper with a critical analysis of these radical feminist accounts and show how ou…Read more
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    Civil Disobedience in the Social Theory of Thomas Aquinas
    The Thomist 60 (3): 449-462. 1996.
    In this article I define civil disobedience and classify it into four forms based on motive and extent of dissent. I then present Thomas Aquinas's account for justified civil disobedience. After first determining how a law or system of laws is unjust, the duty (virtue) of obedience to just and unjust laws is discussed. Finally, I argue that of the four possible forms of civil disobedience, Aquinas's natural Law Theory only clearly allows the fourth, i.e., altruistic disobedience of an unjust sys…Read more
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    Simone de Beauvoir offers one of the most interesting philosophical accounts of childhood, and, as numerous scholars have argued, it is one of the most important contributions that she made to existentialism. Beauvoir stressed the importance of childhood on one's ability to assume one's freedom. This radically changed how freedom was construed for existentialism. Rather than positing an adult subjectivity that tries to flee freedom through bad faith, Beauvoir's account forces a recognition of a …Read more
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    Symposia on Gender, Race and Philosophy
    In David Papineau (ed.), Philosophy, Oxford University Press. pp. 5--1. 2009.
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    We criticize a view of maternity that equates the natural with the genetic and biological and show how such a practice overdetermines the maternal body and the maternal experience for women who are mothers through adoption and ART . As an alternative, we propose a new framework designed to rethink maternal bodies through the lens of feminist embodiment. Feminist embodied maternity, as we call it, stresses the particularity of experience through subjective embodiment. A feminist embodied maternit…Read more
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    Just War Theory, Crimes of War, and War Rape
    International Journal of Applied Philosophy 20 (1): 143-157. 2006.
    Recent decades have witnessed rape and sexual violence used on such a massive scale and often in a widespread and systematic program that the international community has had to recognize that rape and sexual violence are not just war crimes but might be crimes against humanity or even genocide. I suggest that just war theory, while limited in its applicability to mass rape, might nevertheless offer some framework for making the determination of when sexual violence and rape constitute war crimes…Read more
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    Femininity and Domination (review)
    Radical Philosophy Review of Books 7 (7): 5-8. 1993.
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    Book review (review)
    Journal of Value Inquiry 28 (3): 579-586. 1994.
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    _The essential companion to Simone de Beauvoir's celebrated novel._
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    Simone de Beauvoir on Language
    Philosophy Today 44 (3): 211-223. 2000.
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    Virtuous Bacchanalia
    with Chiji Akoma
    CLR James Journal 15 (1): 206-227. 2009.
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    Political Solidarity
    Pennsylvania State University Press. 2008.
    Experiences of solidarity have figured prominently in the politics of the modern era, from the rallying cry of liberation theology for solidarity with the poor and oppressed, through feminist calls for sisterhood, to such political movements as Solidarity in Poland. Yet very little academic writing has focused on solidarity in conceptual rather than empirical terms. Sally Scholz takes on this critical task here. She lays the groundwork for a theory of political solidarity, asking what solidarity…Read more
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