•  310
    This is the translation and interpretation of the Gorgias' speech from Plato's dialogue Gorgias (456A1-457C3). In the commentary it is argued that the Gorgias' speech in the dialogue is based on the philosophical and rhetorical motives which can be found both in Gorgias' epideictic speeches ("Helen" and "Palamedes") and doxographical accounts.
  •  939
    These are the excerpts from the book "Sztuka a prawda. Problem sztuki w dyskusji między Gorgiaszem a Platonem" concerning Gorgias' theory of apate (deception).
  •  349
    Each of us is a measure. The project of advocates of change in Plato’s Theaetetus as compared with sophistic thought Summary One of the most intriguing motives in Plato’s Theaetetus is its historical-based division of philosophy, which revolves around the concepts of rest (represented by Parmenides and his disciples) and change (represented by Protagoras, Homer, Empedocles, and Epicharmus). This unique approach gives an opportunity to reconstruct the views of marginalized trend of early Greek ph…Read more
  •  422
    Jest to wybór z pracy Gadamera "Idea dobra..." Zawiera Przedmowę, Zakres problemu, Rozdział I (Sokratejska wiedza i niewiedza) oraz Posłowie tłumacza. This is the opening part of the Polish translation of Gadamers' The idea of the good... with the Translator's afterword.
  •  516
    Polish translation, introduction and commentary to Sextus Empiricus, Against the physicists. Against the ethicists.
  •  299
    J. Barnes, Arystoteles (review)
    Ruch Filozoficzny 53 (1): 75-77. 1996.
    This is the review in Polish of the book by J. Barnes "Arystoteles".
  •  243
    This is the introduction and the translation into Polish of the fragment from Sextus Empiricus' Against the Ethicists (AM XI, 42-167).
  •  360
    This is the introduction to the Question 10 (The Eternity of God) of St. Thomas Aquinas' "Summa Theologiae".
  •  339
    Gorgiasz a Platon. Przyczynek do historii empiryzmu
    Ruch Filozoficzny 54 (3): 405-409. 1997.
    The paper is concerned with the epistemological foundation of Plato's criticism of Gorgias' rhetoric in the dialogue "Gorgias".
  •  294
    Wstęp do: B. Woyczyński, O rozwoju poglądu Platona na duszę
    with Józef Pawlak
    In Zbigniew Nerczuk & Józef Pawlak (eds.), B. Woyczyński, O rozwoju poglądu Platona na duszę, Umk. 2000.
    This is the Preface to the doctoral thesis of Benedykt Woyczyński - one of the disciples of Wincenty Lutosławski.
  •  225
    Techne and Truth. The problem of techne in the dispute between Gorgias and Plato -/- The source of the problem matter of the book is the Plato’s dialogue „Gorgias”. One of the main subjects of the discussion carried out in this multi-aspect work is the issue of the art of rhetoric. In the dialogue the contemporary form of the art of rhetoric, represented by Gorgias, Polos and Callicles, is confronted with Plato’s proposal of rhetoric and concept of art (techne). The ingenuous and dramatic…Read more
  •  275
    Platon, Protagoras, przeł. L. Regner (review)
    Ruch Filozoficzny 54 (2): 279-280. 1997.
    This is the review of L. Regner's translation of Protagoras by Plato.
  •  583
    The method of dissoi logoi in Pre-Platonic testimonies The paper analyzes some references to the method of "dissoi logoi" (which is called by Plato "antilogic") in Pre-Platonic testimonies such as Aristophanes’ The Clouds, fragments of Euripides' Antiope and The Phoenicians, and the anonymous work called "Dialexeis" (Dissoi logoi). The analysis of these Pre-platonic sources results in the following conclusions: (1) The method of dissoi logoi was the universal strategy adopted by the sophists to …Read more
  •  267
    This is the introduction to the Question 7 (The infinity of God) of St. Thomas Aquinas "Summa Theologiae".
  •  40
    Rhetorisch-philosophische Parallelen zwischen der Platonischen Apologie des Sokrates und der Verteidigung des Palamedes von Gorgias
    Bochumer Philosophisches Jahrbuch Fur Antike Und Mittelalter 12 (1): 185-193. 2007.
    Rhetorik der Platonischen Verteidigung des Sokrates Die Platonische Verteidigung des Sokrates nimmt einen besonderen Platz im Werk Platons ein. Zweifellos schafft sie viele Fragen, das Datum und Umstände ihrer Entste- hung betreffend, oder hinsichtlich der darin enthaltenen originellen ldeen und ihrer Treue gegenüber der Verteidigungsrede von Sokrates selbst. Die Verteidigungsrede (eigentlich sind es drei Verteidigungsreden) ist jedoch auch aus dem Grund sehr interessant, daß sie (als Verteidigu…Read more
  •  396
    This is the afterword to the Polish translation of the book by P. Hadot, "Plotin ou la simplicite du regard".
  •  376
    S. Swieżawski, Święty Tomasz na nowo odczytany (review)
    Ruch Filozoficzny 53 (1): 73-75. 1996.
    This the review of the book:: S. Swieżawski, "Święty Tomasz na nowo odczytany".
  •  362
    G. Reale, Historia filozofii starożytej, t. II (review) (review)
    Toruński Przegląd Filozoficzny 5 265-271. 2003.
    This is the review (in Polish) of G. Reale, History of ancient Philosophy, vol. II.
  •  434
    "Pochwała Heleny" Gorgiasza z Leontinoi (Gorgias' "Helen")
    Studia Antyczne I Mediewistyczne 10 17-36. 2012.
    This is the introduction and the translation of Gorgias' "Helen". The speech is considered to be one of the most interesting pieces of early Greek rhetoric not only because of its rhetorical, but also because of its philosophical value. There is no doubt that it sets out the outlines of the sophistic conception of logos and (along with another Gorgias' speech Palamedes) represents the starting point for the Plato's critique of Gorgias' rhetoric in the dialogue "Gorgias'.
  •  232
    Św. Tomasz z Akwinu, Summa Teologii - Traktat o Bogu
    with Stefan Swieżawski, Mikołaj Olszewski, and Gabriela Kurylewicz
    Principia 13 15-35. 1995.
    This is the translation of the Quaestio I "De sacra doctrina, qualis sit, et ad quae se extendat"" of Thomas Aquinas' "Summa Theologiae".
  •  294
    G. Reale, Historia filozofii starożytnej t. I (review)
    Przeglad Filozoficzny - Nowa Seria 2 (18): 152-156. 1996.
    This is a review of the G. Reale, Historia filozofii starożytnej, t. I.
  •  297
    W.K.C. Guthrie, Filozofowie greccy od Talesa do Arystotelesa (review)
    Ruch Filozoficzny 55 (1): 96-100. 1998.
    This is the review of the book by W.K.C. Guthrie, Filozofowie greccy od Talesa do Arystotelesa.
  •  322
    Sekstus Empiryk – osoba i dzieła (Life and works of Sextus Empiricus)
    Toruński Przegląd Filozoficzny 7 95-108. 2007.
    This paper aims to present some basic information on life and work of Sextus Empiricus.
  •  337
    Natural basis of the Sophistic conception of man — an outline. Following the tradition of the philosophy of nature, influenced by hippocratic medicine, Sophists claim that human-being is a biological creature, a part of the world of nature, subject to its rules and rights. Convinced that human-being is a composition of physical and spiritual elements and interested in the relation between the two, the Sophists examine the impact of psychological and physical stimuli on human behaviour. They …Read more
  •  255
    This is the interview with Prof. Stefan Swieżawski, an eminent medievist and enthusiast of Thomas Aquinas' philosophy.
  •  294
    This is the introduction to the Question 8 (The Existence of God in Things) of St. Thomas Aquinas' "Summa Theologiae".
  • Der Mensch als Mass aller Dinge (Man as a measure of all things)
    In Ludger Jansen & Christoph Jedan (eds.), Philosophische Anthropologie in der Antike, Ontos. pp. 69-98. 2010.
    The paper is concerned with the anthropology of the Sophists.
  •  286
    The paper examines Gorgias' treatise "On non-being" in the paraphrasis of Sextus Empiricus (Adversus mathematicos, VII, 65-87).