•  339
    The primordial role of stories in human self-creation
    Cosmos and History 3 (1): 93-114. 2007.
    We now have a paradoxical situation where the place and status of stories is in decline within the humanities, while scientists are increasingly recognizing their importance. Here the attitude towards narratives of these scientists is defended. It is argued that stories play a primordial role in human self-creation, underpinning more abstract discourses such as mathematics, logic and science. To uphold the consistency of this claim, this thesis is defended by telling a story of the evolution of …Read more
  •  359
    Nihilism Incorporated: European Civilization and Environmental Destruction (Review) (review)
    Environmental Values 4 (3): 278-280. 1995.
    Review of 'Nihilism Incorporated: European Civilization and Environmental Destruction
  •  201
    Introduction: Overcoming Nihilism
    Cosmos and History 7 (2): 1-5. 2011.
    This is the introduction to the special edition of Cosmos & History on Overcoming Nihilism
  •  423
    Approaches to the Question, ‘What is Life?’: Reconciling Theoretical Biology with Philosophical Biology
    Cosmos and History : The Journal of Natural and Social Philosophy 4 (1-2): 53-77. 2008.
    Philosophical biologists have attempted to define the distinction between life and non-life to more adequately define what it is to be human. They are reacting against idealism, but idealism is their point of departure, and they have embraced the reaction by idealists against the mechanistic notion of humans developed by the scientific materialists. Theoretical biologists also have attempted to develop a more adequate conception of life, but their point of departure has been within science itsel…Read more
  •  82
    In the history of Chinese and European philosophy, metaphysics has played an outstanding role: it is a theoretical framework which provides the basis for a philosophical understanding of the world and the self. A theory of the self is well integrated in a metaphysical understanding of the totality of nature as a dynamic process of continuous changes. According to this view, the purpose of existence can be conceived of as the development and realization of the full potential given to the individu…Read more
  •  644
    Speculative Naturalism: A Manifesto
    Cosmos and History 10 (2): 300-323. 2014.
    The turn to analytic philosophy in Anglophone countries, which is still underway and is spreading elsewhere, has generally involved a retreat from ‘synoptic’ thinking and an almost complete withdrawal from ‘synthetic’ thinking, the creative thinking that in the past has been the source of the greatest contributions of philosophy to science, the humanities and civilization. Analytic philosophy’s ‘naturalistic turn’ led by Willard van Ormond Quine was really a capitulation of philosophy to mainstr…Read more
  •  286
    Narratives and culture: The role of stories in self-creation
    Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 2002 (122): 80-100. 2002.
    The condition of postmodernity has been associated with the depreciation of narratives. Here it is argued that stories play a primordial role in human self-creation, underpinning more abstract discourses such as mathematics, logic and science. This thesis is defended telling a story of the evolution of European culture from Ancient Greece to the present, including an account of the rise of the notion of culture and its relation to the development of history, thereby showing how stories function …Read more
  •  12
    Editorial Introduction
    Cosmos and History : The Journal of Natural and Social Philosophy 3 (1): 1-3. 2007.
    Editorial Introduction to Cosmos and History, Vol.3, No. 1.br /
  •  232
    Tribute to Brian Goodwin 1931-2009
    Cosmos and History 5 (2): 5-8. 2009.
    A tribute to the theoretical biologist Brian Goodwin
  •  6755
    Postmodernism and the Environmental Crisis is the only book to combine cultural theory and environmental philosophy. In it, Arran Gare analyses the conjunction between the environmental crisis, the globalisation of capitalism and the disintegration of the culture of modernity. It explains the paradox of growing concern for the environment and the paltry achievements of environmental movements. Through a critique of the philosophies underlying approaches to the environmental crisis, Arran Gare pu…Read more
  •  686
    The call by Chinese environmentalists for an ecological civilization to supersede industrial civilization, subsequently embraced by the Chinese government and now being promoted throughout the world, makes new demands on legal systems, national and international. If governments are going to prevent ecological destruction then law will be essential to this. The Chinese themselves have recognized grave deficiencies in their legal institutions. They are reassessing these and looking to Western trad…Read more
  •  645
    Barbarity, Civilization and Decadence
    Chromatikon 5 167-189. 2009.
    In 1984 scientists in the former Soviet Union called for an ecological civilization. This idea was taken up in 1987 in China by Ye Qianji. Subsequently the notion of ecological civilization was promoted by the deputy director of China’s State Environmental Protection Administration (SEPA), Pan Yue, incorporated into the Central Commission Report to the Communist Party’s 17th Convention in November, 2007, and embraced as one of the key elements in its political guidelines. Characterized as the su…Read more